Awesome List Updates on Sep 11, 2023
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Kustomize
Plugins / Generators
- Merger (⭐29) - Generating manifests seamlessly by extending Kustomize merge strategies using schemaless StrategicMerge (Containerized KRM, Exec KRM).
2. Awesome Coq
Resources / Course Material
- Program Logics (⭐40) - Companion Coq sources for a course on program logics at Collège de France.
3. Awesome Raspberry Pi
- RaspiBolt - Beginner’s Guide to ️⚡Lightning️⚡ on a Raspberry Pi.
4. Colorful
Tools / Web App
- Colorca - Design an accessible color palette for digital products in HSLuv color space
5. Awesome Vite
Get Started
- bati (⭐388) - Scaffolding a Vike project.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- vite-plugin-node-polyfills (⭐337) - Polyfill Node's Core Modules for browser environments.
6. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- judaew/ronny.nvim (⭐17) - A dark colorscheme, which mostly was inspired by the Monokai originally created by Wimem Hazenberg.
7. Awesome Firebase
Other / iOS
- 🔧 Dynaboard - Generate low-code web apps from Firebase using AI.
8. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Menu Bar Tools
- PowerMeister - Conserve energy and improve Battery-Life on your MacBook.
9. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- CodeSonar from GrammaTech ©️ — Advanced, whole program, deep path, static analysis of C, C++, Java and C# with easy-to-understand explanations and code and path visualization.
10. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- purejaxrl (⭐809) - Vectorisable, end-to-end RL algorithms in JAX.
- Lorax (⭐135) - Automatically apply LoRA to JAX models (Flax, Haiku, etc.)
- SCICO (⭐115) - Scientific computational imaging in JAX.
- Brain Dynamics Programming Ecosystem
- BrainPy (⭐563) - Brain Dynamics Programming in Python.
- brainunit (⭐11) - Physical units and unit-aware mathematical system in JAX.
- dendritex (⭐6) - Dendritic Modeling in JAX.
- brainstate (⭐12) - State-based Transformation System for Program Compilation and Augmentation.
- braintaichi (⭐0) - Leveraging Taichi Lang to customize brain dynamics operators.
- BrainPy (⭐563) - Brain Dynamics Programming in Python.
- OTT-JAX (⭐566) - Optimal transport tools in JAX.
Tutorials and Blog Posts / NumPyro
- Achieving 4000x Speedups with PureJaxRL - A blog post on how JAX can massively speedup RL training through vectorisation.
- Prev: Sep 12, 2023
- Next: Sep 10, 2023