Awesome List Updates on Sep 10, 2023
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Zig
- mitchellh/libxev (⭐2.4k) - Cross-platform event-loop.
- kprotty/zefi (⭐39) - Fiber library.
- rsepassi/zigcoro (⭐186) - coroutine-friendly, based on libxev.
- iacore/minicoro-zig - Bindings for minicoro - Stackful Stack-Switching Coroutine.
Misc libraries
- kassane/lean4-zig (⭐8) - Bindings for Lean 4 (theorem prover).
Zig development tools / Package managers
- mattnite/ezpkg (⭐24) - Zig Package Manager Expansion Pack.
- nix-community/zon2nix (⭐78) - Convert the dependencies in
to a Nix expression.
Parser / Package managers
- InKryption/comath (⭐59) - Calculate math expressions in comptime.
Learning resources / Package managers
- zighelp/zighelp (⭐40) - Get up to speed with Zig quickly (ziglearn fork).
C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C
- andrewrk/libz (⭐14) - Zlib data compression.
- kassane/openssl-zig (⭐19) - crypto, providers & ssl libraries only.
- raysan5/raylib (⭐24k) - A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming.
- jmcnamara/libxlsxwriter (⭐1.6k) - Creating Excel XLSX files.
C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C++
- kassane/fiber (⭐2) - (boost-fiber) userland threads (C++14/17/20).
- kassane/beast (⭐1) - (boost-beast) HTTP and WebSocket (C++14/17/20).
- kassane/unordered (⭐0) - (boost-unordered) hashmap and set concurrency containers (C++03/11/14).
- kassane/Standalone-Server (⭐3) - Asio standalone C++ HTTP/S Server.
- kassane/libsigcplusplus (⭐0) - Typesafe callback system for standard C++.
- ggerganov/llama.cpp (⭐71k) - Port of Facebook's LLaMA model in C/C++.
2. Awesome Webxr
Companies and Cooperatives / Reddit
- MetaVRse - Enterprise-focused metaverse creation company. Parent company of MetaVRse Engine, MetaVRse Studio, and MetaVRse Properties such as TheMall.
Development / Engines
- MetaVRse Engine - Web-based tool designed to make XR and 3D content creation. No-code/low-code template system, automatic embedding for business and education.
3. Awesome Web Monetization
About Web Monetization
Resources / Packages
- ngx-monetization (archived) (⭐8) - Web Monetization API for Angular.
Resources / Tutorials
- Getting started - Official documents from
- Exclusive content - Put exclusive content on your website.
Resources / Tools
Probabilistic Revshare Generator - Web Monetization - Probabilistic revenue sharing (revshare) is one way to share a portion of a web monetized pages earnings between multiple payment pointers.
Use this tool to define a list of payment pointers and their weights. Then, add the generated monetization link element to your site. The link will contain a unique URL hosted on If you'd prefer to not use a hosted URL, you can set up revshare by adding a script to your site.
Paytrackr (⭐0) - (Forked from wobsoriano/paytrackr) - Track and manage your micropayments into one place.
PayTrackr is the easiest and safest way to track and manage your micropayments to web monetized websites, having a web monetization provider membership.
Open Monetization Wallet (⭐11) - Tools for managing your vanity Web Monetization wallet.
Open Monetization Wallet (OMW) makes it easier to accept payments with the Web Monetization API at scale. Some features:
- Custom wallet URLs: own your own "Payment Pointer", e.g. $, instead of $
- Change between wallets/providers with no downtime
- Logs of incoming payment requests
- Revenue sharing between multiple wallets, e.g. for multiple team members
- Infinitely scalable with serverless technology
- Free and open-source
4. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 📚 STDF - Mobile web component library based on Svelte and Tailwind CSS.
5. Awesome Webaudio
Packages / Apps
- Topos - A Web based live coding environment inspired by the Monome Teletype. Uses Web Audio and MIDI.
6. Awesome Css Frameworks
- Simple.css - Lightweight, classless CSS framework.
Demo, Docs (⭐4.4k), Repo (⭐4.4k) | #CSS
7. Awesome Neovim
Plugin Manager
- roobert/activate.nvim (⭐132) - A plugin installation system designed to complement
- Prev: Sep 11, 2023
- Next: Sep 09, 2023