Awesome List Updates on Sep 03, 2023
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Langchain
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- Embedbase (⭐504): The native Software 3.0 stack for building AI-powered applications.
2. Awesome Security
Network / Scanning / Pentesting
- Cognito Scanner (⭐51) - CLI tool to pentest Cognito AWS instance. It implements three attacks: unwanted account creation, account oracle and identity pool escalation
Network / Monitoring / Logging
- Substation (⭐280) - Substation is a cloud native data pipeline and transformation toolkit written in Go.
Network / IDS / IPS / Host IDS / Host IPS
- - A blog on cyber security and network security monitoring.
EBooks / Online resources
- Node.js Secure Coding: Defending Against Command Injection Vulnerabilities - Learn secure coding conventions in Node.js by executing command injection attacks on real-world npm packages and analyzing vulnerable code.
3. Awesome Go
- go-dbw (⭐16) - A simple package that encapsulates database operations.
4. Awesome Nlg
Neural Natural Language Generation
- lightnlg (⭐3) - A minimalistic codebase for finetuning and interacting with NLG models using PyTorch Lightning.
5. Mind Expanding Books
Autobiographies and Biographies
Name: A Sense of the World
Author: Jason Roberts
Goodreads Rating: 4.10
Year Published: 2005
6. Awesome Game Remakes
- wipEout Rewrite (⭐2.6k) - This is a re-implementation of the 1995 PSX game wipEout. 🎴
- KeeperFX (⭐765) - Open source remake and Fan Expansion of Dungeon Keeper.
- Ozymandias (⭐0) - An open source re-implementation of Pharaoh in the Julius/Augustus engine.
7. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- AppImage distribution (release link),
- Action complete – press Alt-Shift-A and Alt-Shift-C to complete plugin names and ice modifiers,
- Themes – set $ZITHEME to one of default, blue and gold to set a color set to use for Zinit 4 messages,
- New ice
which is equivalent of three other ices:null
andmake install
and simply builds the project from sources, with support for autotools/CMake/Meson/Scons.
Generic ZSH
- A Guide to ZSH Completion With Examples - Explains ZSH autocompletion configuration with examples.
8. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Engineering / Technology
- “Software development is more akin to the product design and development phase of industrial production than to the manufacturing.” (source) - This quote is from a review of Superdistribution - Objects as Property on the Electronic Frontier, in which the creator of Objective-C was advocating in the 90's for a new economic framework that rewards creation of components in proportion to their use. But software production is not like manufacturing of widgets in a factory. A (software) object is not an (hardware) widget.
- Prev: Sep 04, 2023
- Next: Sep 02, 2023