Awesome List Updates on Aug 31, 2023
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Miscellaneous
- Watcharr (⭐699) - A free and open source content watch list. Add and track all the shows and movies you are watching. Comes with user authentication, modern and clean UI and a very simple setup. (Demo)
Software / Software Development - Project Management
- Review Board - Extensible and friendly code review tool for projects and companies of all sizes. (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.6k))
2. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- - IP Geolocation API - Forever free plan that spans 150 monthly requests.
Security and PKI
- - Automated Product Security Engineer as a free GitHub bot that submits PRs to your Java code base to automatically resolve vulnerabilities. Other languages coming soon!
3. Awesome Yew
Crates / Javascript Library Ports
- popper-rs (⭐5) - Popper JS bindings for Rust.
Crates / Utils
- browser-panic-hook (⭐7) - A panic handler for browser environments, allowing to fail in an end-user friendly way.
4. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- vite-react-ssr-boost-template (⭐30) - Template for creating
React 18
SSR/SPA apps withTypeScript
,React Router
,Head Manager
, Suspense, Streaming. Also included CI/CD,ESLint
,Semantic Release
Libraries / Community
- vite-ssr-boost (⭐96) - Server side rendering library for create awesome app based on
5. Awesome Polars
Official documentation
- Keynote on Polars at EuroSciPy 2023 ⏳
57 min
- Talk by @ritchie46 that dives into Polars and sees what makes it so efficient. It will touch on technologies like Arrow, Rust, parallelism, data structures, query optimization and more.
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Rust
- Polars CLI (⭐174)
Polars CLI
is a command line interface for running SQL queries with Polars as backend.
Resources / Tutorials & workshops
- Python Polars: A Lightning-Fast DataFrame Library - A tutorial that shows how to use Polars with Python ecosystem by @hfhoffman1144. Code used is available on Github here (⭐4.9k).
Resources / Talks and videos
- Using the Rust Polars DataFrame library in a CLI ⏳
4 min
- A video that shows how to integrate Polars in a commande line interface by @paiml.
- The Ultimate Guide to Data Wrangling with Python | Rust Polars Data Frame ⏳
10 videos
- A playlist of 10 videos (WIP) that equips you with all the necessary knowledge required to utilize Python Polars Data Frame by @AmitXShukla.
6. Awesome Connectivity Info
Other sources
- - Country Pages - Summary of country-level IP data covering top ASNs, important routers, city-level information, carrier IPs, and other IP data.
- Cloudflare Radar's Internet Quality Index - Estimated country-level internet download speeds and performance.
7. Awesome Plotters
Software / Vector Creation
- LineDream - A generative art library for Python that can export SVGs.
8. Awesome Terraform
Self-Hosted Registries / Miscellaneous
- nrkno/terraform-registry (⭐98) - A private Terraform registry with modular store backends.
- petra (⭐43) - Private Terraform Registry Manager
- philips-labs/terraform-registry (⭐92) - Terraform registry to serve arbitrary Terraform provider releases hosted on Github
Providers / Community providers
- terraform-provider-docker (⭐665) - Terraform Docker provider.
- terraform-provider-value (⭐16) - Value Provider for Terraform.
Tools / Community providers
- balcony - CLI tool for easy AWS API reads. Also generates Terraform import-blocks, and actual Terraform Resource code.
- burrito - Burrito is a TACoS (Terraform Automation Collaboration Software) Kubernetes Operator.
- cfnctl (⭐134) - Cfnctl brings the Terraform cli experience to AWS Cloudformation.
- coretech/terrafile (⭐140) - Systematically manage external modules from Github for use in Terraform (written in Go). 💀
- dxw/terrafile (⭐2) - Systematically manage external modules from Github for use in Terraform (written in Ruby).
- pytest-terraform (⭐57) - pytest terraform plugin with fixtures and offline replay support.
- renovate-config (⭐48) - Sharable Config Presets for Renovatebot, especially useful for DevOps folks.
- stacks (⭐178) - Stacks, the Terraform code pre-processor
- terracove - Recursively test a directory tree for Terraform diffs and coverage.
- terraeasy (⭐34) - Easy Terraform wrapper
- terraform-cleaner (⭐177) - Tiny utility which detects unused variables in your terraform modules.
- terramagic (⭐46) - Wizard tool for create folders and terraform files automated, written in Python !
- terrap-cli (⭐67) - Terrap - a powerful CLI tool that scans your infrastructure and identifies any required changes.
- terrars (⭐103) - Terrars is a tool for building Terraform stacks in Rust. This is an alternative to the CDK.
- terrascope (⭐29) - Build orchestrator for terraform monorepos.
- terrashine - Terrashine is a terraform provider mirror1 implementation that works by automatically caching dependencies as providers are requested.
- tfgen (⭐84) - Terraform code generator for consistent codebase and DRY.
- tfrepl (⭐30) - A Terraform REPL, giving you a full shell experience. Readline based. No dependencies. Save config changes. History.
- tfsort (⭐184) - CLI utility to sort Terraform variables and outputs.
- travelgrunt (⭐69) - cd inside [mono]repos without fatigue!
Tools / CI
- setup-terraform (⭐1.4k) - Sets up Terraform CLI in your GitHub Actions workflow.
- terraform-plan (⭐63) - GitHub Action to run Terraform plan and add a comment with the changes.
Tools / IDE
- vscode-terraform-live-graph (⭐240) - Terraform Live Graph Extension for Visual Studio Code is a plugin that allows you to generate a live Terraform graph as you code.
- Prev: Sep 01, 2023
- Next: Aug 30, 2023