Awesome List Updates on Aug 29, 2023

13 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Ai Tools

Text / Developer tools

2. Awesome V



User Interface toolkits

Online IDEs with V / Vim

3. Awesome Magento2


4. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Video Conferencing

Software / Feed Readers

5. Free for Dev


6. Awesome Vite

Templates / Vanilla

7. Awesome Fantasy

Epic Fantasy / Temeraire (2006) by Naomi Novik [4.06]

8. Awesome Neovim

Note Taking / Diagnostics

9. Awesome Blockchain Ai

Blockchains for AI algorithms / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning

10. Awesome Developer First


11. Mind Expanding Books

Startups and Business

Philosophy And Psychology

Autobiographies and Biographies


Logic and Problem Solving


Fiction / Fantasy

Fiction / Mystery

Fiction / Science Fiction

Fiction / Horror

Health / Miscellaneous

Design / Miscellaneous

12. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Critical Views about Generative AI

Speech-to-text (STT) and spoken content analysis / Deforum

13. Awesome Construct

Construct 2