Awesome List Updates on Aug 04, 2023
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Android Security Awesome
Tools / Static Analysis Tools
- PSCout - A tool that extracts the permission specification from the Android OS source code using static analysis
Tools / Fuzz Testing
Tools / Market Crawlers
- Google Play crawler (Node) (⭐271) - get app details and download apps from the official Google Play Store.
Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Research Papers
Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs / Malware
2. Awesome Cakephp
Authentication and Authorization
- ApiTokenAuthenticator plugin (⭐3) - A simple token authentication plugin for CakePHP REST APIs.
3. Awesome Keycloak
Community Extensions
4. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- atuin (⭐23k) [atuin] - Atuin replaces your existing shell history with a SQLite database, and records additional context for your commands. Additionally, it provides optional and fully encrypted synchronisation of your history between machines, via an Atuin server.
5. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Equity and Environmental Justice
- USDOT Equitable Transportation Community Explorer - The U.S. DOT Equitable Transportation Community (ETC) Explorer is an interactive web application that uses 2020 Census Tracts and data, to explore the cumulative burden communities experience, as a result of underinvestment in transportation, in the following five components: Transportation Insecurity, Climate and Disaster Risk Burden, Environmental Burden, Health Vulnerability, and Social Vulnerability.
6. Awesome Scientific Writing
- - Open source, online, desktop and container deployable diagramming software named
Spell Checking and Linting
- LanguageCheck (⭐94) - Analyses scientific LaTeX papers, suggesting improvements from a list of common mistakes/ambiguities, tense consistency, a vs. an, spell check, and paragraph topic sentences.
Tutorials / Books
- Scott Selisker - Plain Text Workflow for Academic Writing with Atom.
7. Awesome React Components
- mantine-datatable (⭐855) - demo/docs - Lightweight table component for Mantine UI applications, with lots of features
- mantine-contextmenu (⭐118) - demo/docs - Context-menu hook/component for applications built with Mantine UI.
Form Components / Input Types
- react-multi-email (⭐286) - demo - Format multiple emails as the user types.
8. Awesome Tmux
- tmux-snazzy (⭐16) Elegant tmux theme with bright colors
9. Awesome Db Tools
API / Samples
- VulcanSQL (⭐659) - Write templated SQL to automatically exposing RESTful APIs from your database/data warehouse/data lake.
HA/Failover/Sharding / Zabbix
- ShardingSphere (⭐20k) - Distributed SQL transaction & query engine for data sharding, scaling, encryption, and more - on any database.
- Prev: Aug 05, 2023
- Next: Aug 03, 2023