Awesome List Updates on Jul 31, 2023
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Langchain
Open Source Projects / Knowledge Management
- Chaindesk (⭐2.9k): The no-code platform for semantic search and documents retrieval
Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots
- Code Interpreter API (⭐3.8k): About Open source implementation of the ChatGPT Code Interpreter
Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists
- Autochain (⭐1.8k): Build lightweight, extensible, and testable LLM Agents with AutoChain.
- TypeChat (⭐8.3k): TypeChat is a library that makes it easy to build natural language interfaces using types.
- Marvin (⭐5.5k): ✨ Build AI interfaces that spark joy
- LMQL (⭐3.8k): A programming language for large language models.
2. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / OpenStreetMap
- Overture Maps - A joint mapping consortium looking to power current and next-generation map products by creating reliable, easy-to-use, and interoperable open map data. Builds on OpenStreetMap and other datasets to expand access to open data.
3. Free for Dev
Authentication, Authorization, and User Management
- Logto - Develop, secure, and manage user identities of your product - for both authentication and authorization. Free for up to 5,000 MAUs with open-source self-hosted option available.
4. Awesome Vite
Templates / Svelte
- template-vite-svelte-ts-tailwind (⭐10) - Svelte + TypeScript + Tailwind CSS + Prettier.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-dc (⭐3) - Integration with @dvgis/dc-sdk library.
- vite-plugin-cloudflare-functions (⭐58) - Cloudflare pages function integration.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers
- vite-plugin-turbo-console (⭐594) - Enhance the readability of
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-cli-copy (⭐3) - Start the project and automatically copy the terminal's network URL.
Vue / Ecosystem
vite-plugin-i18n-autoimport (⭐3) - Auto import i18n config file for components.
Frameworks / Community
- @fastify/fastify-dx (⭐899) - Allowing you to serve static or live (SSR).
ASP.NET Core / Community
- Vite.AspNetCore (⭐298) - Integration with ASP.NET Core projects.
Apps/Websites / Community
- vite-run (⭐65) - Multiple configuration execution support for vite, freely combining configurations like stacked blocks.
5. Awesome Neovim
Note Taking / Diagnostics
- ada0l/obsidian/ (⭐41) - Base Obsidian functionality.
6. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Productivity
- Openreads (⭐1k) - A privacy oriented books tracker that allows you to keep track of your readings by mateusz-bak.
7. Awesome Tailwindcss
UI Libraries, Components & Templates
- 🧩 Windstatic - Set of 161 elements & layouts made with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js.
- Prev: Aug 01, 2023
- Next: Jul 30, 2023