Awesome List Updates on Jul 28, 2023
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers
- Expose - Expose local sites via secure tunnels. The free plan includes an EU Server, Random subdomains, and Single users.
2. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-popper-lite (⭐4) - A popover component based on popper.js tree shaking for Vue 3 written by TypeScript.
3. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- malbertzard/inline-fold.nvim (⭐84) - Hide certain elements inline like long CSS classes or
4. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- tfmake (⭐24) - Automating Terraform with the power of make.
5. Awesome Java
Websites / Socials
6. Awesome Generative Deep Art
AI-Powered Code Generation
- ZZZ Code AI: AI-powered free website to get any programming question answered or code generated.
Autonomous LLM Agents / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image
- GPT Researcher: AI agents for insights and research
7. Awesome Cli Apps
Files and Directories / File Sync/Sharing
- shbin (⭐56) - Turn a Github repo into a pastebin.
8. Awesome Algorand
Nodes & Consensus Participation / Wallets
- AlloCTRL (⭐15) - A simple, open source, dashboard to help managing your node and participation keys safely, from your local machine.
- Prev: Jul 29, 2023
- Next: Jul 27, 2023