Awesome List Updates on Jul 27, 2023
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Java
Code Analysis / Text-Based User Interfaces
- RefactorFirst (⭐468) - Identifies and prioritizes God Classes and Highly Coupled classes.
Distribution / Text-Based User Interfaces
- (⭐45) - Builds optimized runtimes over HTTP.
Miscellaneous / Text-Based User Interfaces
- jOOX (⭐498) - Simple wrapper for the org.w3c.dom package, to allow for fluent XML document creation and manipulation with an API inspired by jQuery.
Security / Other
- Topaz - Fine-grained authorization for applications with support for RBAC, ABAC, and ReBAC.
2. Free for Dev
Cloud management solutions
- Cloud 66 - Free for personal projects (includes one deployment server, one static site), Cloud 66 gives you everything you need to build, deploy, and grow your applications on any cloud without the headache of the “server stuff.”.
Authentication, Authorization, and User Management
- Cloud-IAM — Keycloak Identity and Access Management as a Service. Free up to 100 users and one realm.
3. Awesome Fantasy
Epic Fantasy / Art of the Adept (2019) by Michael G. Manning [4.4]
Epic Fantasy / Tortall (1983) by Tamora Pierce [4.3]
4. Awesome Silverstripe Cms
Virtualisation / Docker
- ddev setup - Howto setup ddev for use with Silverstripe CMS.
5. Awesome Mac
Utilities / System Related Tools
- GrandPerspective - A small utility that visualizes disk usage by way of tree maps. It lets you quickly spot which files and folders take up the most space.
6. Awesome Creative Coding
Frameworks • Libraries • Ecosystems
- PixelKit (⭐886) [iOS, Mac] - Open source, live graphics, Swift framework, powered by Metal.
- AsyncGraphics (⭐341) [iOS, macOS] - Open source, live graphics, async / await, Swift package, powered by Metal.
Visual Programming Languages
- Circles [iPhone, iPad, Mac] - Live graphics node editor, powered by AsyncGraphics.
7. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Document Management - E-books
- Atsumeru - Free and open source self-hosted manga/comic/light novel media server with clients for Windows, Linux, macOS and Android. (Source Code (⭐110), Clients)
Software / Search Engines
- SearXNG
- Internet metasearch engine which aggregates results from various search services and databases (Fork of Searx). (Source Code (⭐17k))AGPL-3.0
8. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / Machine learning
- PyHealth (⭐897) - A Deep Learning Python Toolkit for Healthcare Application.
Contents / Logistics
- OpenBoxes (⭐600) - an Open Source Inventory and Supply Chain Management System.
9. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Elementsworn - Readapt Ironsworn to the the Avatar: The Last Airbender setting
10. Awesome Cryptography
Algorithms / Hash functions
- SHA3 - Cryptographic hash function that produces a fixed-size output, typically 224, 256, 384, or 512 bits, from variable-size input data. It is part of the SHA-3 family of cryptographic algorithms designed to resist attacks from quantum computers and offers security properties such as pre-image resistance, second pre-image resistance, and collision resistance.
- Prev: Jul 28, 2023
- Next: Jul 26, 2023