Awesome List Updates on Jul 26, 2023
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Follow / Talks and videos
- Marco Edward Gorelli (@MarcoGorelli) - Contributor to Polars projects
- Eitsupi (@eitsupi) - Contributor to R Polars project
- Etienne Bacher (@etiennebacher) - Contributor to R Polars project
2. Awesome Mac
Browsers / Audio Record and Process
- Station - An open-source browser providing a single place for all of your web applications.
3. Awesome Neovim
Note Taking / Diagnostics
- serenevoid/kiwi.nvim (⭐199) - A stripped down VimWiki with necessary features.
Utility / Diagnostics
- gaborvecsei/usage-tracker.nvim (⭐111) - Track your Neovim usage and visualize statistics easily.
4. Awesome Job Boards
- eComPortal - Job board for the eCommerce Industry. Lots of front-end & full-stack developer job opportunities. Remote & Salary available.
5. Awesome Micropython
Sensors / Accelerometer Digital
- msa301-micropython-driver (⭐3) - Homebrew MicroPython driver for MSA301 3-axis accelerometer. Tested on Raspberry Pico.
Shells / On Host
- mpr (⭐15) - Wrapper for MicroPython mpremote tool.
6. Awesome Naming
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
- Gradient descent - Minimizing a cost function by iteratively computing the gradient and moving in the direction of steepest descent.
- Hallucination - A confident response by an AI that does not seem to be justified by its training data.
7. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Large Language Models (LLMs)
LLMOps / Multi-agents
- Eden AI: provides a unique API connected to the AI engines
Image Segmentation / Deforum
- Ssemble: collaborative video editor with a collection of AI plugins
8. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / EHR
- ERPNext (⭐17k) - Modules that help manage patients, appointments, consultations, lab tests, and billing.
- HOSxP - Thai Hospital Information System that aims to ease the healthcare workflow of health centers and central hospitals.
Contents / Laboratory
- OpenELIS - Laboratory Information System for Global Health.
Contents / Frameworks
- CyclOps (⭐66) - Framework for healthcare ML implementation.
Contents / Applications
- Simple - For clinicians to track patients with high blood pressure.
Contents / Books
- Inspired EHRs (⭐114) - Ideas, designs, and techniques for designing an Electronic Health Record (EHR).
Contents / Data
- EDS_NLP (⭐97) - provides a set of spaCy components to extract information from clinical notes written in French
- eds-scikit (⭐31) - a tool to assist data scientists working on the AP-HP's Clinical Data Warehouse. It is specifically targeted for OMOP-standardized data.
Contents / Design
- Determinants of Health (⭐70) - Determinants of Health Visualization.
- Health Icons (⭐615) - A collection of open source icons for public health projects.
Contents / Machine learning
- MedicalGPT (⭐2.7k) - Training Your Own Medical GPT Model with ChatGPT Training Pipeline.
9. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- laconic (⭐0) - Simple theme with
status and current directory decorators.
- Prev: Jul 27, 2023
- Next: Jul 25, 2023