Awesome List Updates on Jul 18, 2023
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Simulation
- Random Race - Android, iOS - A racing simulation app with cute dinos to help you make decisions when you find yourself indecisive. By Sopivasti
2. Awesome Plotters
Software / Plotter Control
- Inkcut (⭐339) - Application for controlling 2D plotters, cutters, engravers, and CNC machines.
3. Awesome Godot
2D / Godot 3
- Pocket Broomball (⭐37) - The world's first broomball game, available for iOS, Android and html5.
3D / Godot 3
- Ball2Box (⭐47) - Shoot the ball into the box, available for iOS, Android and html5.
4. Awesome Blazor
Source generators / Others
- BlazorInteropGenerator (⭐19) -
Github Octicons Generates Blazor -> Javascript strongly typed interop methods, by parsing the Javascript it self and generating extension methods for IJSRuntime.
- RazorPageRouteGenerator (⭐16) -
Generates methods with parameters for Razor and Blazor pages, so you can navigate without having to guess URLs or parameters.
5. Awesome Rails
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
- docuseal (⭐8.6k) - A platform to fill and sign digital documents (using Rails 7.0). - 🌍
- Prev: Jul 19, 2023
- Next: Jul 17, 2023