Awesome List Updates on Jul 12, 2023
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- Pyspark or Polars — What should you use? - A blog post that explores and breaks down some of the similarities between PySpark and Polars. It provides insights on when to choose one over the other by Vivek Kovvuru.
2. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Problem Solving / Reinforcement Learning
- An overview of multi-agent reinforcement learning from game theoretical perspective - 2020. [All Versions]. Yaodong Yang's review on multi-agent reinforcement learning from the perspective of game theory.
3. Awesome Blazor
Articles / Others
- ASP.NET Core updates in .NET 8 Preview 6 - July 11, 2023 - .NET 8 Preview 6 is now available and includes many great new improvements to ASP.NET Core. Here’s a summary of what’s new in this preview release: Form model binding & validation with server-side rendering, Enhanced page navigation & form handling, Preserve existing DOM elements with streaming rendering, Interactive rendering with Blazor WebAssembly and more.
4. Awesome Developer First
- Novu - Open-source notification (Email, SMS, Direct, and Push) management.
5. Awesome V
- polygon-editor (⭐7) - A tool to create and edit 2D polygons with sprite lookup, created in V.
6. Awesome Micropython
Display / Fonts
- packed-font (⭐22) - Memory efficient MicroPython fonts for the Pico Pi and SSD1306 OLED Display.
Motion / Servo
- MicroPython_PCA9685 (⭐6) - MicroPython Driver for the PCA9685 PWM control IC, commonly used to control servos, LEDs and motors.
- uPIDE (⭐24) - µPIDE is a simple IDE for MicroPython.
7. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / IDEs
- Zed - A high-performance, multiplayer code editor from the creators of Atom and Tree-sitter.
Utilities / Window Management
- Tiles - Easily reorganize windows by either dragging them to the edges of the screen, using keyboard shortcuts, or the menu bar.
8. Awesome Nextjs
- Taxonomy (⭐19k) - An example app built using Next.js 13 server components.
- shadcn/ui (⭐83k) - Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps.
9. Awesome Decentralized
- Fred (⭐1k): Freenet REference Daemon. Also:
- Keet: Peer to peer video & chat. Private & encrypted. Share huge files instantly.
- Netsukuku (⭐150): Netsukuku is an alternative to the internet; it will have all of the features of the internet, such as websites, instant messaging, file transfers, DNS, etc. It functions as a mesh network or a p2p net system that generates and sustains itself autonomously. It is designed to handle an unlimited number of nodes with minimal CPU and memory resources.
- NNTPChan (⭐70): NNTP based decentralized imageboard.
- SecuShare: A research project. Consider that it basically consists of a new Internet stack combined with a full-fledged distributed scalability alternative to cloud technology. Source code:
- Hyphanet: Hyphanet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant and privacy-respecting publishing and communication. The original Freenet.
- GNUnet: GNUnet is a network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications. The Internet of tomorrow needs GNUnet today.
- Gun (⭐18k): A cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data; GUN is an ecosystem of tools that let you build community run and encrypted applications - like an Open Source Firebase or a Decentralized Dropbox.
10. Awesome Fiber
📁 Recipes / 🌱 Third Party
- alpody/golang-fiber-realworld-example-app (⭐132) - Example real world backend API built with Fiber, Gorm, Swagger.
11. Awesome Fastapi
- FastAPI Amis Admin (⭐1.1k) - A high-performance, efficient and easily extensible FastAPI admin framework.
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- FastAPI with Observability (⭐718) - Observe FastAPI app with three pillars of observability: Traces (Tempo), Metrics (Prometheus), Logs (Loki) on Grafana through OpenTelemetry and OpenMetrics.
- Markdown-Videos (⭐82) - API for generating thumbnails to embed into your markdown content.
- Prev: Jul 13, 2023
- Next: Jul 11, 2023