Awesome List Updates on Jul 08, 2023
19 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Langchain
Tools / Agents
- BlockAGI (⭐302): BlockAGI conducts iterative, domain-specific research, and outputs detailed narrative reports to showcase its findings
2. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Data visualization
- blitzarx1/egui_graphs (⭐484) [egui_graphs] - Interactive graph visualization widget powered by egui and petgraph.
Libraries / Scripting
- kcl (⭐1.9k) - A constraint-based record & functional language mainly used in configuration and policy scenarios.
3. Awesome Python Typing
Static type checkers
- basedmypy (⭐160) - Based static typing with baseline functionality.
4. Awesome Mac
Design and Product / Prototyping and Mind-Mapping Tools
- QuikFlow - Create flowcharts with a mind-mapping workflow.
5. Awesome Haxe Gamedev
Game engines
- Armory (Kha) (⭐2.9k) - An open-source 3D game engine with full Blender integration (
- Away3D (⭐187) - An open source, real-time 3D engine for OpenFL (
- ceramic (⭐211) - Cross-platform 2D framework (
- HaxeFlixel (OpenFL) (⭐1.8k) - Free, cross-platform 2D game engine powered by OpenFL (
- Haxegon (OpenFL) (⭐192) - A programming library for beginners. Powered by OpenFL and Starling (
- Heaps (⭐3k) - High Performance Game Framework (
- hxdefold (⭐177) - Haxe/Lua externs for Defold game engine (
- OpenFL (⭐1.8k) - Interactive game and app development library (
- Starling (⭐230) - The "Cross-Platform Game Engine", a popular Stage3D framework (
- Stencyl (OpenFL) (⭐181) - Create Flash, HTML5, iOS, Android, and desktop games with no code (
- unreal.hx (⭐412) - Haxe Integration for Unreal (
- HxGodot (Godot 4.0) (⭐185) - A Haxe GDExtension for Godot 4 (
Low-level Engine
- Kha (⭐1.4k) - Ultra-portable, high performance, open source multimedia framework (
- Lime (⭐722) - A flexible, lightweight layer for Haxe cross-platform developers (
- linc_glfw (⭐16) - Desktop - GLFW binding (multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan) (Desktop).
- NME (⭐470) - A cross-platform native backend (
- 3DSHaxe (⭐27) - Make 3ds homebrew! (
- echo (⭐138) - Simple Physics Library.
- haxebullet (⭐93) - Bullet 3D Physics.
- nape-haxe4 (⭐43) - Physics Engine (the original Haxe3 version of nape can be found here (⭐542)).
- awe6 (⭐81) -
- The inverted game framework, is a development tool focused on Future Proofing.
- ecx (⭐51) -
- An Entity Component System framework.
- hexMachina (⭐7) -
- A powerful multi-modular MVC framework.
- OSIS (⭐42) -
- Entity Component System architecture with networking support.
- Anette (⭐37) - Simple network library (no UDP).
- colyseus-hx (⭐69) - Multiplayer Game Client.
- haxe-simple-peer (js) (⭐4) - Haxe externs for simple-peer.
- hxWebSockets (⭐77) - Websockets for all platforms.
- Built-in - Heaps, OpenFL (HaxeFlixel & co), Kha (Armory).
Serialization and storage
- Bits (⭐22) - Binary bit flags with unlimited amount of bits.
- CastleDB (⭐517) - A structured static database easing collaboration.
- hxbit (⭐144) - A binary serialization and network synchronization library.
- PODStream (⭐21) - Plain Old Data serializer.
- Darksburg - Heaps -
- Dead Cells - Heaps -
- Defender's Quest - HaxeFlixel (OpenFL) -
- Defender's Quest 2 - HaxeFlixel (OpenFL) -
- Dicey Dungeons - Haxegon (OpenFL) -
- Evoland - Heaps -
- Northgard - Heaps -
- Papers, Please - OpenFL -
- Pocket Kingdom - HaxePunk (OpenFL)-
- rymdkapsel - OpenFL -
- Spellbreak - unreal.hx -
- The Westport Independent - Luxe -
Miscellaneous / 3rd party API
- SteamWrap (⭐96) - Native extension for the SteamAPI.
- newgrounds - Newgrounds API.
- hxgamejolt-api (⭐11) - Haxe bindings for GameJolt API.
Miscellaneous / Animation
- spine-hx (⭐54) - Spine runtime automatically converted from the official Java/libgdx runtime.
- HaxeFlixel - Spine parser.
- Heaps-Spine (⭐17) - Spine player for heaps.
- heaps-aseprite (⭐25) - Load and render sprites and animations in Aseprite format.
- openfl-aseprite (⭐15) - Load and render sprites and animations in Aseprite format.
- openfl-spine (⭐16) - Render Spine animation in the OpenFL engine, rendering processing can be achieved throughSprite and Tilemap.
- ase (⭐15) - File format reader/writer for .ase/.aseprite without external dependencies.
- flxgif (⭐10) - Yagp's Gif Player for HaxeFlixel.
Miscellaneous / Audio
- sfxr-hx (⭐5) - Pure haxe implementation of Sfxr.
Miscellaneous / Color manipulation
- nxColor (⭐38) - Color manipulation library.
Miscellaneous / Collision
- differ (⭐158) - A separation axis theorem collision library.
Miscellaneous / Computer Vision
- Vision (⭐34) - Cross platform computer vision library.
Miscellaneous / Data structures
- polygonal-ds (⭐341) - Data structures for games.
Miscellaneous / Editor
- flixel-studio (⭐98) - In-game editor for HaxeFlixel.
Miscellaneous / Helpers
- deepnightLibs (⭐215) - General gamedev purpose libs.
Miscellaneous / Localization
- firetongue (⭐142) - A translation/localization framework.
Miscellaneous / Map parser
- PyxelEdit Map Importer (⭐33) - Parser for maps generated by the editor PyxelEdit.
- Heaps - Built-in parser for Tiled.
- HaxeFlixel - Parser for Tiled & Ogmo.
- LEd (⭐83) - 2D level editor with a typed compile time loader.
- TiledHX (⭐8) - A comprehensive modern Tiled parser.
Miscellaneous / Math helpers
- hxmath (⭐88) - A game-oriented math library.
- haxe-glm (⭐44) - A toolset for using 2, 3, and 4 dimensional vectors and matrices, as well as quaternions.
- hx-vector2d (⭐12) - Worlds most complete Vector2d / Point class. With operator overloading.
Miscellaneous / Modding
- polymod (⭐147) - An atomic modding framework for games/apps.
Miscellaneous / Particles
- Sparkler (⭐15) - Modular Particle System.
Miscellaneous / Monetization
- extension-iap (⭐8) - Provides an access to in-app purchases (iOS) and in-app billing (Android) for OpenFL projects using a common API. Fork of this (⭐71).
Miscellaneous / Pathfinding
- pathfinder (⭐28) - Easy A* pathfinding algorithm.
- astar - Versatile framework-agnostic A-star solver Library.
Miscellaneous / Shaders
- HGSL (⭐131) - Haxe to GL Shading Language.
- parasol (⭐14) - HaxeFlixel library of shaders.
Miscellaneous / Sprite
- haxe-aseprite (⭐20) - Parser for .ase and .aseprite files.
Miscellaneous / Texture Packer
- hxpk (⭐46) - Port of the libGDX Texture Packer.
Miscellaneous / Tweening
- actuate (⭐150) - A flexible, fast "tween" library.
- YATL (⭐16) - Yet Another (Haxe) Tweening Library.
- TweenX/TweenXCore (⭐89) - Tween library.
Miscellaneous / UI
- domkit (⭐77) - CSS Components based strictly typed UI framework.
- flixel-ui (⭐158) - GUI library for HaxeFlixel.
- HaxeUI - UI library with multiple framework backends (HTML5, Kha, OpenFL, PixiJS, WxWidgets, and a number of others as works in progress).
- Feathers UI - Cross-platform graphical user interface components for creative frontend projects.
Miscellaneous / Video
- hxCodec (⭐104) - Adds native video playback on HaxeFlixel and OpenFL.
6. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- 2nthony/vitesse.nvim (⭐59) - Vitesse theme Lua port.
7. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- tfgpt (⭐71) - A CLI tool that integrates Terraform with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo to provide explanations for Terraform commands and concepts.
- tfvar (⭐216) - tfvar scans your Terraform configurations or modules and extracts the variables into formats of your choice (tfvar, environment variables, etc.) for editing.
8. Awesome Polars
Resources / Talks and videos
- How to update mass data using Polars DataFrame ⏳
9 min
- A video that presents the process of writing code to update mass columns across CSV or data files by @AmitXShukla. Notebook used for the video in this github repo (⭐79).
9. Awesome Zig
Algorithms and data structures
- karlseguin/cache.zig (⭐50) - Thread-safe, expiration-aware, LRU cache.
- karlseguin/zuckdb.zig (⭐109) - DuckDB wrapper.
Misc libraries
- karlseguin/singleflight.zig (⭐3) - Duplicate function call suppression.
10. Awesome V
- vest (⭐5) - A REST client in V.
11. Awesome Network Analysis
Software / R
- edgebundle (⭐127) - Edge bundling algorithms, useful to e.g. draw networks of transport maps.
12. Awesome Bitcoin Payment Processors
Self-Hosted Bitcoin Payment Processors
Processor: SatSale (⭐242)
Fees: No fees
Lightning: Yes
Directly to Your Wallet: Yes
Conversion to Fiat: Weakhands: swap to USDT on Liquid (⭐242), no-KYC
Requirements: Python. Bitcoin node, Lightning node & WooCommerce optional.
Processor: Keagate (⭐171)
Fees: No fees
Lightning: No
Directly to Your Wallet: Yes
Conversion to Fiat: No
Requirements: 1 GB RAM, Unix
13. ALL About RSS
RSS services powered by utilizing Obsidian / Outline Processor Markup Language
RSS2Podcast / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Tumblr RSS fix / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
14. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI Tools Directories
- Technologies in LabLab: list of AI tools suggested by for their hackathons
15. Free for Dev
Managed Data Services
- Aiven - Aiven offers free PostgreSQL, MySQL and Redis plans on its open-source data platform. Single node, 1 CPU, 1GB RAM, and for PostgreSQL and MySQL, 5GB storage. Easy migration to more extensive plans or across clouds.
16. Awesome Vite
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-auto-mpa-html (⭐9) - A file directory-based automated multi-page build plugin that supports HTML templates using EJS.
Vue / Helpers
vite-plugin-vue-devtools (⭐1.6k) - Designed to enhance the Vue developer experience.
17. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- bira (⭐2) - Fork of Oh-My-ZSH bira (⭐177k) theme. Includes decorators for working directory, username@host,
status information, Python venv and a status code when the last command had an error.
- nostalgia (⭐0) - Minimalist theme inspired by Windows CMD prompt. Includes decorators for user@hostname,
status, current directory and python virtualenv.
18. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
JavaScript / Node.js
- Node.js Best Practices (⭐102k) - Yoni Goldberg, et al.
19. Awesome Rails
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
- podiscover (⭐20) - An open source social media platform to discover new podcasts. (using Rails 7.0) - 🌍
- Prev: Jul 09, 2023
- Next: Jul 07, 2023