Awesome List Updates on Jun 26, 2023

14 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Langchain

Ports to other languages

Tools / Agents

Tools / Templates

Open Source Projects / Knowledge Management

Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots

Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists

2. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Concepts / Human Concept Representation

3. Awesome Hacking Locations

Germany 🇩🇪 / Berlin

Café Citoyen

Community-owned (see their website for details of their organisation organisation) and encouraging of event hosting and other activities. Café with great food and many speciality beers.


Wifi Power Climatization Address Open Hours
? 7 Pl. du Vieux Marché aux Chevaux, 59000 Lille Mon-Tues 11:02 AM-10:01 PM, Wed-Fri 11:00 AM-11:58PM, Sat 14:00 PM-11:58 PM

Spain 🇪🇸 / Barcelona

Morrow Coffee

Coffee shop with a multicultural vibe. Good music and great people.


Wifi Power Address Open Hours
Av. Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes 403 Barcelona, Spain, 08015 Barcelonaa

ÖSS Kaffe Barcelona

Friendly place to work and drink Coffee in El Raval. The staff is great.


Wifi Power Address Open Hours
C/ de Joaquín Costa, 26, 08001 Barcelona, Espanha

4. Awesome Embedded Rust

no-std crates / WIP

5. Awesome Cpp


6. Awesome Micropython

Sensors / Barometer - Air and Water Pressure

7. Awesome Swift Playgrounds

Audio / SpriteKit

8. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / Others

9. Awesome Ios


10. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions

11. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Platforms and Software Resources / Public Engagement Tools and Platforms

12. Free for Dev


Storage and Media Processing

Data Visualization on Maps

Game Development

13. Awesome Ironsworn

Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn

14. Awesome Neovim

Utility / Diagnostics

Editing Support / Diagnostics