Awesome List Updates on Jun 21, 2023
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Resources / Talks and videos
- Polars - make the switch to lightning-fast dataframes ⏳
30 min
- A talk that reports an experience switching from Pandas to Polars in a real-world ML project by @datenzauberai. Slides are available here (⭐6).
2. Awesome Javascript
Notifications / Runner
- toastify-js (⭐2.3k) - Pure JavaScript library for better notification messages.
3. Awesome Datascience
4. Awesome Phalcon
Conferences / Communities
- MeWe - Phalcon on MeWe
- Phalcon Russian Community Chat - Russian Community Chat in
- Telegram - Phalcon on Telegram
Books / Communities
- Phalcon Book (in French) - Phalcon : Develop complex and powerful web applications in PHP
5. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Science Logology / Democratization of Science
- Six factors affecting reproducibility in life science research and how to handle them - Nature Advertisement.
6. Awesome Jupyter
Hosted Notebook Solutions
- Pinggy - Create a tunnel to your Jupyter instance even if it is behind a firewall or NAT.
- Sharing Jupyter Notebooks from localhost - Sharing Jupyter Notebooks from localhost.
7. Awesome Magento2
- RabbitMQ Retry Mechanism (⭐57) - Magento 2 extension that brings possibility to retry RabbitMQ failed messages
8. Awesome List
- Game Production (⭐125) - Leading the process of designing, developing, testing and distributing a video game from concept to release.
- STEAM (⭐130) - Supplements for specific science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) courses across all grade levels.
- Security Card Games (⭐123) - Train your skills and discuss various security topics.
- Suricata (⭐155) - Intrusion detection/prevention system and network security monitoring engine.
- ADS-B (⭐137) - Technology broadcasting aircraft's identity, position, and data periodically.
- Flying FPV (⭐366) - Open hardware and software related to drones / UAVs.
Decentralized Systems
- Cosmos SDK (⭐559) - Modular framework for building app-specific blockchains in Go.
9. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Germany
- - A specialized information service for historians that offers access to research tools and services.
10. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- chrisgrieser/nvim-dr-lsp (⭐29) - Status line component showing the number of LSP definition and reference of the token under the cursor.
11. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- chinatown (⭐2) - Powerline-esque theme with decorators for the exit status of the last command run, user@hostname, virtual environments and current directory. Requires a nerdfont font.
12. Awesome Machine Learning
Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Aim (⭐5.4k) -> An easy-to-use & supercharged open-source AI metadata tracker.
13. Awesome Terraform
Self-hosted Terraform Platforms / IDE
- Terrakube - Open Source alternative to Terraform Enterprise with private registry, remote state, custom flows, scheduled workspaces, and visual states.
14. Nginx Resources
- Prev: Jun 22, 2023
- Next: Jun 20, 2023