Awesome List Updates on Jun 14, 2023
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Playwright
- playwright-bdd (⭐389) - BDD testing with Playwright runner and CucumberJS.
2. Awesome Micropython
Display / LED Segment
- micropython-tm1638spi - MicroPython Library for a popular board with 8 7-segment digits, 8 separate LEDs and 8 push buttons controlled by a TM1638.
Motion / Stepper
- micropython-drv8825 - Driver and example in MicroPython to control a stepper motor via a DRV8825 controller board.
Sensors / Colour
- micropython-as7341 - MicroPython library for AS7341.
Code Generation / SRAM
- micropython-stubs (⭐187) - Stubs of most MicroPython ports, boards and versions to make writing code that much simpler.
Shells / Jupyter
- micropython-magic (⭐24) - MicroPython integrated into Jupyter notebooks.
3. Awesome Falsehood
- Top 5 most insane kanji place names in Japan - “There's one special group of kanji that's hard even for Japanese people to read: place names.”
4. Free for Dev
- Resend - Transactional emails API for developers. 3,000 emails/month, 100 emails/day free, one custom domain.
5. Awesome Billing
Accounting / Software design and implementation
- Triple‐entry accounting with blockchain: How far have we come? - “Triple‐entry accounting is a new and a more efficient way to address fundamental trust and transparency issues that plague current accounting systems. Triple‐entry accounting with blockchain, when properly implemented, can fundamentally improve accounting.”
Contracts / Currencies
- Quantity discounts on a virtual good: The results of a massive pricing experiment - “Implementing price reductions ranging from 9–70% for large purchases, we found remarkably little impact on revenue, either positively or negatively.” If discounts are a placebo and are still widely used in the industry, maybe they are a marketing hack to lure big customers?
Payments / Receipt
- The humble receipt gets a brilliant redesign - When a Netflix data engineer revisit receipts.
6. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Recruitment / Interview
- The Technical Interview is an Ego Trip - Starts with anecdote of developers using a job interview as a vehicle to demonstrate their superiority. Then the author details a reasonable interview process that is trying to not waste anyone's time.
Culture / Procrastination
- Adaptation vs adaptability - There is a spectrum between perfect efficiency and being completely flexible. This article explores ecosystems and the flows of material and energy between different organisms within the ecosystem. (hinted by HN comment)
Facilities / Standups
- The impact of the 'open' workspace on human collaboration - Open-plan offices decrease face-to-face collaboration.
Communication / Writing
- Algorithm for writing a scientific manuscript - A process to guide the preparation and refinement of manuscripts.
Politics / Equity
- HiPPO FAQ - HiPPO stands for “Highest Paid Person's Opinion”, a trait of dysfunctional culture, in which power politics trumps data.
Setbacks and Failures / Burnout
- Steve Jobs explains - Why companies fail? - On how sales and marketing takes over product focused companies.
7. Awesome Iam
SAML / Other tools
- SAML vs. OAuth - “OAuth is a protocol for authorization: it ensures Bob goes to the right parking lot. In contrast, SAML is a protocol for authentication, or allowing Bob to get past the guardhouse.”
Trust & Safety / Fraud
- After Car2Go eased its background checks, 75 of its vehicles were stolen in one day. - Why background check are sometimes necessary.
Trust & Safety / Captcha
- You (probably) don't need ReCAPTCHA - Starts with a rant on how the service is a privacy nightmare and is tedious UI-wise, then list alternatives.
8. Awesome Cpp
- Doxide (⭐79) - Modern documentation for modern C++, configure with YAML, output Markdown. [Apache 2.0] website
9. Awesome Elixir
- Elixir Code Smells (⭐1.5k) - A catalog of Elixir-specific code smells that can harm the quality of software developed using this language.
10. Awesome React Components
Photo / Image
- @frameright/react-image-display-control (⭐21) - Define zoom regions for smart responsive images.
11. Awesome Typescript
- 📚 The Concise TypeScript Book (Free and Open Source) (⭐8.5k) by Simone Poggiali
12. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- bashplus (⭐0) - Colorized replica of the default
prompt with decorators forvirtualenv
- bouni (⭐0) - Includes decorators for user@host, current directory, active python virtualenv, and
- hex (⭐0) - Heavily based on bira (⭐177k), and gruvbox (⭐118), which in turn is based on agnoster. Includes decorators for current directory,
status information, active python virtualenv, exit status of the last command run. Requires a Powerline-compatible font.
- hoffish (⭐0) - If the agnoster (⭐4.1k) theme and fish shell had a ZSH theme for a child. Includes decorators for
status, trimmed path to current directory, root status, exit status of the last command run and the active python virtualenv. Requires a Powerline font and the zsh-autosuggestions (⭐32k) and shrink-path (⭐177k) plugins.
- skgeek (⭐0) - Includes decorators for hostname, directory and
- thygod (⭐0) - Based off gnzh (⭐177k) and bira (⭐177k). Includes a
status decorator and changes prompt to a red cross when a command fails.
- Prev: Jun 15, 2023
- Next: Jun 13, 2023