Awesome List Updates on Jun 12, 2023
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- Querying Polars DataFrames using SQL - A blog post that shows how to use the SQLContext object in Python to query a Polars DataFrame directly using SQL by @weimenglee.
2. Awesome Langchain
Tools / Services
- Langchain Decorators (⭐231): a layer on the top of LangChain that provides syntactic sugar 🍭 for writing custom langchain prompts and chains
Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots
- Dialoqbase (⭐1.7k): web application that allows you to create custom chatbots with your own knowledge base
- CSV-AI 🧠: CSV-AI is the ultimate app powered by LangChain that allows you to unlock hidden insights in your CSV files.
3. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Productivity
- Rize - A.I. powered time tracker that automatically improves your focus and helps you build better work habits.
4. Awesome Kotlin
Projects / Desktop
- krud-dev/ostara (⭐326) - A desktop application that provides various features to monitor and interact with Spring Boot Applications via Actuator.
5. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- july (⭐0) - Minimalist prompt. Includes decorators for user, host and current directory.
- nablaman (⭐0) - Similar to powerlevel10k (⭐48k). Includes decorators for the last command's exit status, user@hostname,
status and the current directory. Works best with a dark terminal theme.
6. Awesome Billing
Competitive Analysis / Tools
- “You need a slightly more sophisticated developer team to cobble together a billing platform” (source) - Google's Product Director take on building billing systems: you need a certain kind of engineers to tackle that domain. It is not for everyone.
7. Awesome V
- vibe (⭐34) - Request library that wraps libcurl to enable fast and reliable requests while providing a higher-level API.
8. Awesome Rust
Applications / Routing protocols
- RustyBGP (⭐508) - BGP
9. Awesome Ros2
Packages / Application layer
- wayp_plan_tools (⭐43) - Waypoint and planner tools for ROS 2 with minimal dependencies and an optional Gazebo Fortress simulation.
Books / Build system (ROS2)
10. ALL About RSS
Web Feed Specifications / Specification Comparison Tool
Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
Self Hosted Readers / Outline Processor Markup Language
Other Apps / Outline Processor Markup Language
- Android Launcher
- Posidon launcher (⭐288) 806 : a minimal, one page homescreen with a vertical scrolling feed
- Stario Launcher 1297
- Posidon launcher (⭐288) 806 : a minimal, one page homescreen with a vertical scrolling feed
- Mastofeeder 1327: Using Mastodon as a RSS Reader
RSSHub / Outline Processor Markup Language
🔍 Feed Search Engines / 酷Q Plugin
RSS Feed Hosting / 酷Q Plugin
universally from / multiple sources
universally from / webpage/html
specifically from (a certain platform) / Telegram
RSS2MAIL / Docsify
RSS2SPEECH / Docsify
RSS2Webhook / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Toolbox / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Obtain translated RSS feed / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
RSS Feed Finding/Detection / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
🧩 API / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264
Aggregators of Indieblogs / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
🔨 Blog Generator that Support RSS / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Telegram Groups / Channels / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Official Mastodon Accounts of RSS relevant Apps/Tools/Services/Developers 1301 / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
- Feedbin: @[email protected]
- Unread: @[email protected]
- Reeder Developer: @[email protected]
- FieryFeeds: @[email protected]
- Feedly Developer:@[email protected]
- NetNewsWire: @[email protected]
- Inoreader: @[email protected]
- Dave Winer:@[email protected]
📔 Books / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
📄 Academic literature / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
Turn Webpage into Podcast / Crypto or Blockchain relevant
11. Awesome Graphql
Type / React
- fast-graphql (⭐5) - Graphql Tools to Structure, Combine Resolvers and Merge Schema Definitions for Node.js, Next.Js and Graphql Apollo server
TypeScript Examples / React
- Next.js Advanced Graphql Crud MongoDB Starter (⭐32) - Starter Generic CRUD with Advanced Apollo Graphql server with Next.js and Mongodb (TypeScript)
12. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / URL Shorteners
- Just Short It! (⭐40) - A KISS, single-user URL shortener that runs in just one container.
External Links / Wikis
- theme.park - A collection of themes/skins for 50 selfhosted apps! (Source Code (⭐2.5k))
13. Awesome Algorand
- A-Wallet - AWallet is an open source, HTML only, corporate friendly, and secure Algorand wallet.
DeFi Platforms / Wallets
- - Stable and secure digital assets for various purposes such as purchases, remittances and as a store of value.
- - A decentralized ecosystem of tools primary used as a tool to track and trend Algorand Standard Assets and Liquidity Pools across the ecosystem. The platform also provides a decentralized swap and a launchpad platform.
Decentralized voting / Wallets
- nft_voting_tool (⭐6) - Official voting tool by Algorand Foundation. The repository contains a voting tool that allows for creation and facilitation of immutable, tamperproof voting using the Algorand blockchain.
- vote-coin-demo (⭐4) - Decentralized message standard for on-chain voting on Algorand developed by @scholtz.
- Prev: Jun 13, 2023
- Next: Jun 11, 2023