Awesome List Updates on Jun 11, 2023
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Linux Containers
- footloose (⭐1.6k)
Containers that look like Virtual Machines.
2. Awesome Yew
Crates / Utils
- turf (⭐74) - Macro based compile-time SCSS transpilation, CSS minification, and class name uniquification toolchain inspired by CSS modules.
3. Awesome Rust
Applications / Blockchain
- artemis (⭐2.4k) - A simple, modular, and fast framework for writing MEV bots.
4. Awesome Falsehood
Dates and Time
- “I'm going to a commune in Vermont and will deal with no unit of time shorter than a season.” - Is the note left on his terminal by a quitting engineer in the 70s, after too much effort toiling away on sub-second timing concerns. Source: The Soul of a New Machine.
5. Awesome Typescript
Awesome TypeScript Essential Resources
- 🐙 Codebook (⭐8) read and run small code snippets to progressively learn TypeScript from the basic to advanced concepts.
6. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Engineering to Management Transition
- On being an Engineering Manager - Some of these points needs nuance, but others are a good taste of things to come for first-time managers.
- The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey - The author use a parable in which problems are monkeys. Unexperienced managers let monkeys being transferred to them, accumulates on their back and compounds. From this, the book teach you how to change from taking on responsibilities to delegating them so you don't become a bottleneck.
Roles / Executives
- US Air Force's Strategic Leadership Studies - A reference of leadership's competencies and skills.
Recruitment / Coding Challenge
- How to Freaking Find Great Developers By Having Them Read Code - “Instead of writing code, consider having the candidate read existing code and talk about how it works. 1) Reading code is 95% of what a developer does as part of their job. 2) A candidate can tell you a lot about their programming skill in the first five minutes of reading. 3) Stress is your enemy because it raises adrenaline which lowers IQ by several points, causing you to miss good candidates.”
- The Horrifically Dystopian World of Software Engineering Interviews - The dark side on relying too much on algorithm challenges.
- FizzBuzz 2.0: Pragmatic Programming Questions for Software Engineers - Five multiple-choice questions to easily separate the real software engineers from the rest.
Recruitment / Negotiation
- How to answer the “What's your current salary?” job interview question - This article explain the dynamic of that sneaky question and how to defuse it.
Motivation / Happiness
- First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently - We learn in this book that employee happiness was not correlated to company success. A comment on HN details the questions that were highly correlated to company success.
Cognitive Tools / Behavioral
- Intellectual Humility Cheat Sheet - “is about being open and able to change your mind about important things, and being able to discern when you should.”
Team Dynamics / Behavioral
- Symptoms of Groupthink - Overconfidence, tunnel vision and conformity pressure can led a group astray.
Engineering / Systems Complexity
- Living with Complexity, by Donald A. Norman - In which we learn that, based on Tesler's law of the conservation of complexity, “the total complexity of a system is a constant: as you make the person's interaction simpler, the hidden complexity behind the scenes increases. Make one part of the system simpler, said Tesler, and the rest of the system gets more complex.”
- The Efficiency-Destroying Magic of Tidying Up - “Efficiency tends to look messy, and good looks tend to be inefficient.” A reminder that sometimes we should just accept the messiness of the world (⭐24k).
Engineering / Engineering Practices
- How to Misuse Code Coverage - “If a part of your test suite is weak in a way that coverage can detect, it's likely also weak in a way coverage can't detect.” I.e. the great benefit of a coverage report is that it tells you what you forgot to think about when you wrote the test suite itself (source).
Engineering / Technical Debt
- The Framing of the Developer - Default framing is around the backlog, which leads to an asymmetry in which failure is blamed on lacks of developer performance, and success is celebrated as the full realization of the PM's vision. But “technology is the bank that gave credit”, and technical debt should be called product debt “because product took the credit to get a feature faster and must pay back by investing the time to clean up.” The alternative? “Companies today need a frame of impact. In this world-view success is defined by impact.”
Meetings / Standups
- Your daily standups should be async. Here's why - “Daily, real-time meetings aren't practical for remote teams” might be the best practical reason.
Product Management / Product Strategy
- Reverse Engineering A Successful Lifestyle Business - Targets lifestyle entrepreneur, but still full of fantastic quotes from reference books on customer relation, pricing and marketing a product.
Product Management / User-Centered Design
- Kasparov's Law - Weak human + Machine > Machine > Strong Human.
Project Management / Specifications
- “Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen.” Edward V. Berard - Essays on object-oriented software engineering.
- The art of destroying software - Greg Young described a good way to deal with requirements volatility: optimize from the beginning to be able to delete your code, and structure your code so that any part of it is no bigger than 1 week's worth of coding. So that any part can be re-written in 1 week.
Project Management / Estimations
- Who are you trying to impress with your deadlines? - “There are companies where those deadlines are set in stone, and a missed deadline is next to fire. That's when the problem starts.”
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) / Delivery
- “Numerical goals set for other people, without a road map to reach the goal, have effects opposite to the effects sought.” - W. Edwards Deming
Communication / Reading
- How to Read a Paper - Outlines a practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers.
Communication / Style
- JStylo & Anonymouth (⭐10) - Authorship attribution analysis tool and evasion (anonymization) framework.
Communication / Presentations
- Presentation Rules - A set of 16 rules to avoid boring and ineffective presentations, and have your message reach your audience.
Politics / Equity
- The 48 Laws of Power - By Robert Greene. Can teach you how to cover your ass and be effective in a highly political org.
Health / Burnout
- Burnout Stage Analysis - Better understand where you land on the spectrum of burnout.
7. Awesome Iam
Multi-factor auth / Identifiers
- A Comparative Long-Term Study of Fallback Authentication - Key take-away: “schemes based on email and SMS are more usable. Mechanisms based on designated trustees and personal knowledge questions, on the other hand, fall short, both in terms of convenience and efficiency.”
Authorization / AWS policy tools
- IAMbic (⭐285) - GitOps for IAM. The Terraform of Cloud IAM. IAMbic is a multi-cloud identity and access management (IAM) control plane that centralizes and simplifies cloud access and permissions. It maintains an eventually consistent, human-readable, bi-directional representation of IAM in version control.
Authorization / Macaroons
- Google's Macaroons in Five Minutes or Less - If I'm given a Macaroon that authorizes me to perform some action(s) under certain restrictions, I can non-interactively build a second Macaroon with stricter restrictions that I can then give to you.
OAuth2 & OpenID / Other tools
- PKCE Explained - “PKCE is used to provide one more security layer to the authorization code flow in OAuth and OpenID Connect.”
- OAuth 2.0 and the Road to Hell - The resignation letter from the lead author and editor of the Oauth 2.0 specification.
Privacy / Profanity
- Privacy Enhancing Technologies Decision Tree - A flowchart to select the right tool depending on data type and context.
Privacy / Anonymization
- Diffix: High-Utility Database Anonymization - Diffix try to provide anonymization, avoid pseudonymization and preserve data quality. Written in Elixir at Aircloak, it acts as an SQL proxy between the analyst and an unmodified live database.
8. Awesome Docker
Monitoring Services / Other
- Docker Blog - regular updates about Docker, the community and tools
- Prev: Jun 12, 2023
- Next: Jun 10, 2023