Awesome List Updates on Jun 06, 2023
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Jmeter
Tools / Extending JMeter
- Hello JMeter plugin (⭐21) - A brief, clear & fast guide to create your first JMeter plugin.
2. Awesome D
- Let's learn D programming Game Dev! - A video series on learning game development with D from Ki Rill. His channel also posts other videos related to D programming.
3. Awesome Go
Web Frameworks
- Pnutmux - Pnutmux is a powerful Go web framework that uses regex for matching and handling HTTP requests. It offers features such as CORS handling, structured logging, URL parameters extraction, middlewares, and concurrency limiting.
4. Awesome Prometheus
Exporters / Databases
- Consul exporter (⭐438) - The exporter for Consul metrics.
5. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Pastebins
- Pastefy - Beautiful, simple and easy to deploy Pastebin with optional Client-Encryption, Multitab-Pastes, an API, a highlighted Editor and more. (Source Code (⭐270), Clients)
Software / Photo Galleries
- Nextcloud Memories - Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Runs as a Nextcloud app. (Demo, Source Code (⭐3.4k))
6. Awesome Decentralized
- Ferment ☠️ ☠️: P2P audio publishing and streaming application. Like SoundCloud but decentralized. Built using SSB + Webtorrent.
7. Awesome Blockchain Ai
Blockchains for AI algorithms / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning
- Alethea AI - A research and development studio building at the intersection of Generative AI and Blockchain.
Blockchains for computation / Blockchain projects for AI algorithms
- Phala Network - A decentralized off-chain compute infrastructure for Web3 development.
8. Machine Learning with Ruby
Machine Learning Libraries / Clustering
- kmeans-clusterer (⭐96) - k-means clustering in Ruby.
- k_means (⭐115) - Attempting to build a fast, memory efficient K-Means program.
- knn (⭐37) - Simple K Nearest Neighbour Algorithm.
Machine Learning Libraries / Vector search
- flann (⭐2.3k) - Ruby bindings for the FLANN (⭐2.3k) (Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors). [flann]
- annoy-rb (⭐34) - Ruby bindings for the Annoy (⭐13k) (Approximate Nearest Neighbors Oh Yeah).
- hnswlib.rb (⭐15) - Ruby bindings for the Hnswlib (⭐4.5k) that implements approximate nearest neighbor search with Hierarchical Navigable Small World graphs.
- ngt-ruby (⭐52) - Ruby bindings for the NGT (⭐1.3k) (Neighborhood Graph and Tree for Indexing High-dimensional data).
9. Awesome Zig
C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C
- kassane/wolfssl (⭐5) - wolfssl library.
C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C++
- kassane/intrusive (⭐0) - (boost-intrusive) intrusive containers (header-only, C++03/11/14).
- kassane/range-v3 (⭐0) - modern range library (C++14/17/20).
10. Awesome Ios
- ExyteChat (⭐1k) - SwiftUI Chat UI framework with fully customizable message cells, input view, and a built-in media picker.
11. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- Vaults & Vows - Classic fantasy roleplaying supplement
12. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue3-form-wizard (⭐34) - Vue3-form-wizard is a vue based component with no external depenendcies which simplifies tab wizard management.
13. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Application
- Zilla (⭐574) [Java] - Cross-platform, API gateway built for event-driven architectures and streaming that supports standard protocols such as HTTP, SSE, gRPC, MQTT and the native Kafka protocol.
- Prev: Jun 07, 2023
- Next: Jun 05, 2023