Awesome List Updates on Jun 02, 2023
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Esolangs
- Malbolge - Named after the 8th level of hell, is designed to be as difficult as possible to program.
2. Free for Dev
Web Hosting
- Easily create web page using Quill
Other Free Resources
- ElevateAI - Get up to 200 hours of audio transcription for free every month.
3. Awesome Neovim
Bars and Lines / Diagnostics
- Bekaboo/dropbar.nvim (⭐1.2k) - IDE-like breadcrumbs, out of the box.
4. Go Recipes
Style Guide / Run Turtle Graphics online with
5. Awesome Langchain
Tools / Agents
- Local GPT (⭐20k): Inspired on Private GPT with the GPT4ALL model replaced with the Vicuna-7B model and using the InstructorEmbeddings instead of LlamaEmbeddings
6. Awesome Micropython
- umidiparser (⭐35) - MIDI file parser for MicroPython, CircuitPython and Python.
7. Awesome Nix
Resources / Learning
- Building a Rust service with Nix - An in-depth blog series about creating a Rust application with Nix.
- Nix from First Principles: Flake Edition - A modern crash-course to using Nix features, Flakes, and developing with Nix.
- Nix Shorts (⭐19) - A collection of short notes about how to use Nix, updated for Nix Flakes.
- Zero to Nix - A flake-centric guide to Nix and its concepts created by Determinate Systems to quickly onboard beginners.
8. Awesome Ios
Tab Bar
- AnimatedTabBar (⭐413) - A tabbar with number of preset animations. Written with SwiftUI.
9. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Utilities
- Go Get Crawl (⭐150) - Extract web archive data using Wayback Machine and Common Crawl. (Stable)
10. Awesome Board Games
A game of absurd arguments
Superfight is a game where you argue with your friends over ridiculous fights. The game is very simple. Players use the cards to create ridiculous fighters, and argue about which character would win in a fight. Then everyone around the table votes on the winner. As you can imagine, the fights are epic and hilarious. It’s fun for all ages and works for all kinds of players.
Players | Min. Age | Time |
2 - 8 | 8 | 15m |
11. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming
- vod2pod-rss (⭐267)
- Convert YouTube and Twitch channels to podcasts, no storage required. Transcodes VoDs to MP3 192k on the fly, generates an RSS feed to use in podcast clients.MIT
12. Awesome Newsletters
JavaScript / React
- Nextjs Weekly. A newsletter of the best Next.js articles, tools and projects.
- Prev: Jun 03, 2023
- Next: Jun 01, 2023