Awesome List Updates on May 30, 2023
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Resources / Tutorials & workshops
- Fast String Processing with Polars — Scam Emails Dataset - A tutorial using Polars to implement a text processing pipeline process by @AntonsRuberts. Code used is available on Github here (⭐62).
Resources / Blog posts
- Polars – Laziness and SQL Context. - A blog post that presents two good reasons to adopt Polars : Lazy and SQL Context by @danielbeach.
2. Awesome Go
Standard CLI
- readline (⭐106) - Shell library with modern and easy to use UI features.
3. Awesome Micropython
Display / Fonts
- framebuf2 (⭐15) - MicroPython FrameBuffer extension: larger and rotated font, triangles and circles.
4. Awesome Python Typing
Static type checkers
- pylyzer (⭐2.6k) - A fast static code analyzer & language server for Python, written in Rust.
5. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Tools
- ebpf-explorer (⭐84) - A web interface to explore system's maps and programs.
6. Awesome Jupyter
- buckaroo (⭐169) - GUI Data Wrangling tool for Jupyter and pandas.
- ipyaggrid (⭐54) - The power of ag-Grid in Jupyter.
- ipydatagrid (⭐524) - Fast datagrid widget for Jupyter.
7. Awesome Developer First
- Vessel - Developer-first, native integration platform for GTM tools.
Payments & Pricing
- Increase - Bare-metal banking APIs.
8. Awesome Zig
Network / HTTP
- zigzap/zap (⭐2.6k) - blazingly fast, robust HTTP server.
C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C
- andrewrk/SDL (⭐92) - Simple Directmedia Layer.
- andrewrk/ffmpeg (⭐198) - library only.
- andrewrk/libgroove (⭐291) - streaming audio processing library.
- andrewrk/libsoundio (⭐2k) - library for real-time audio input and output.
- kassane/libbpf (⭐2) - BPF CO-RE (Compile Once – Run Everywhere).
- kassane/winpthreads (⭐12) - PThread library for MinGW.
C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C++
- andrewrk/libchromaprint (⭐9) - library for generating audio fingerprints used by AcoustID.
- kassane/asio (⭐8) - (non-boost) Networking I/O library (w/ event-loop, C++14/17/20).
- kassane/fmt (⭐0) - Modern formatting library.
- kassane/hana (⭐1) - (boost-hana) Meta-programming library (header-only, C++14/17/20).
- kassane/catch2 (⭐0) - Unit testing library (C++14/17/20).
- kassane/outcome (⭐1) - (non-boost) Error handler (C++14/17/20).
- kassane/json (⭐1) - jsoncpp ported to Zig packaging.
- kassane/libzmq (⭐2) - ZeroMQ core engine in C++ library.
9. Awesome Django
Hosting / PaaS (Platforms-as-a-Service)
Hosting / IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service)
10. Free for Dev
Web Hosting
- — 3 GB of free web hosting with daily backups (7 days). Support: Crontab jobs, SSH access, repositories (GIT, SVN, and Mercurial), support: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Java, Perl, TCL/TK, Lua, Erlang, Rust, Pascal, C, C++, D, R, and many more.
11. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- cmd-time (⭐1) - Collects the execution time of commands and exports the result to a variable that can be used elsewhere. It is similar to the built-in REPORTTIME function, but it is also slightly different. Unlike when you set
, it considers user and sytem time, not just CPU time.
- coffee-time (⭐2) - Adds the
alias, which runscaffeinate -dims
. The extra flags keep everything awake: the system, the drive, and the display.
- gpt (⭐19) - Enable querying ChatGPT from the command line.
- macos-theme (⭐0) - Adds the theme command, which toggles between light and dark mode in macOS. Requires lux (⭐34) plugin.
12. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- broot (⭐9.8k) - A better way to navigate directories
- tere (⭐1.6k) - A faster alternative to cd + ls
- Prev: May 31, 2023
- Next: May 29, 2023