Awesome List Updates on May 24, 2023
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Free for Dev
Web Hosting
- HelioHost — Non-profit free web hosting with Plesk control panel, PHP, Node.js, Python, Django, Flask, .NET, Perl, CGI, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, IMAP/POP3/SMTP email, unlimited bandwidth, free subdomains, 1000 MB storage for free with the option to upgrade.
2. Awesome Blazor
- Moldinium (⭐3) -
MobX-style dependency tracking in Blazor (proof-of-concept level maturity)
Component bundles
- CodeBeam.MudExtensions (⭐478) -
Useful third party extension components for MudBlazor, from the contributors. +20 components includes Stepper, SpeedDial, Wheel, Splitter, Animate, Popup, Material 3 Switch, Gallery, CodeInput and more. Documentation.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Charts
- ChartJs for Blazor (⭐128) -
This is a NuGet package for Blazor to use ChartJs, constantly updated with new features.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- BlazorInputTags (⭐12) -
A simple to use blazor component for both Blazor Server and WebAssembly which adds a basic tag editor to your app. Demo.
Videos / Others
- How to Create a PDF Document in Blazor Using the .NET PDF Library -
May 23, 2023 - .NET Build session: How to Create a PDF Document in Blazor Using the .NET PDF Library. PDFs are an ideal format for sharing and archiving documents, but creating a viewer from scratch requires a deep understanding of PDF specifications and programming languages. What benefit does a PDF viewer provide for your business? It makes it easy to send a report to stakeholders, send an invoice to a customer, or generate a receipt in a retail shop. In this demo, we’ll show how you can easily add a PDF viewer to your app with text, images, and a table in the PDF document.
- Blazor + .NET MAUI – the perfect “hybrid” -
May 23, 2023 - Microsoft Build session: Blazor + .NET MAUI – the perfect “hybrid”. In this session, we demonstrate how to leverage DevExpress Blazor/.NET MAUI UI components to deliver intuitive mobile solutions that amaze. We show you how Blazor Hybrid apps reduce time to market and how our adaptive Blazor Data Grid can be used alongside our rich collection of FREE .NET MAUI UI components to address a variety of usage scenarios.
- This Will Skyrocket Your Blazor Development Productivity -
May 23, 2023 - Developing Blazor is fun. However, there are a lot of different things that take quite some time when added together. For instance creating isolated CSS files, creating isolated JS files, creating code behind files and others. However, Jimmy Engstrom has created a Visual Extension that solves exactly this problems. Using this extension, your productivity will get a substantial boost. In this video, I'll show you everything you need to know to use this extension in your day to day Blazor development.
- Build a Connect Four game in your browser with .NET -
May 1, 2023 - Learn C#, F#, and .NET with free self-guided learning from Microsoft Learn. Connect4 lesson on Microsoft Learn.
Articles / Others
- Good (Blazor) Components are... ? - May 23, 2023 - Components, done “right” carry tremendous potential to speed up your web development, and make ongoing maintenance (and development) of your apps much easier. But, like any tool, it all depends how you use it.
- Big Changes Coming for Blazor in .NET 8 - May 16, 2023 - .NET 8 is shaping up to be a significant release for Blazor, and there’s one big reason why.
- BurnRate is fueling revenue success with Blazor - May, 2023 - Customer success case with BurnRate.
3. Awesome Vite
Vue / Transformers
vite-plugin-vue-css-modules (⭐20) - Implicit usage of CSS Modules for template and script SFC tags with static replacement.
4. Awesome Wardley Maps
- An Exploration into Wardley Mapping Language Code - Create your own Wardley Mapping code editor in two easy steps.
5. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- tf-profile (⭐156) - Profiler for Terraform runs. Generate global stats, resource-level stats or visualizations.
6. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In Dutch
- Nerdland Maandoverzicht - Een maandelijkse podcast met een overzicht en bespreking van het wetenschaps- en technologienieuws van de afgelopen maand met als host Lieven Scheire.
7. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- lockbud (⭐511) — Statically detects Rust deadlocks bugs. It currently detects two common kinds of deadlock bugs: doublelock and locks in conflicting order. It will print bugs in JSON format together with the source code location and an explanation of each bug.
8. Awesome Datascience
Bloggers / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- Santiago Basulto - Data Science with Python
- Prev: May 25, 2023
- Next: May 23, 2023