Awesome List Updates on May 08, 2023
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Games of Coding
Language Independent
- Coder One - Annual AI programming tournament featuring a multiplayer 'Bomberman'-like game, cash prizes, and a casted finale livestream. Create an AI player that can navigate a 2D grid world collecting power-ups and placing explosives with the goal of taking your opponent down. Submit your AI in the form of a Docker image using one of our Python or TypeScript starter kits (community-contributed starter kits are also available in Go, C++, and Rust).
2. Awesome Open Source Games
Native / Rhythm
- osu! (⭐16k) - Rhythm is just a click away!
Frameworks/Engines/Libraries / IOS
- osu-framework (⭐1.7k) - A game framework written with osu! in mind.
3. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- echasnovski/mini.nvim#colorschemes (⭐6.8k) - Color schemes included in
plugin. All of them prioritize high contrast ratio for reading text and computing palettes in perceptually uniform color spaces.
Colorscheme Creation / Diagnostics
- echasnovski/mini.nvim#mini.hues (⭐6.8k) - Module of
to generate configurable color scheme. Takes only background and foreground colors as required arguments. Can adjust number of hues for non-base colors, saturation, accent color, plugin integration.
4. Awesome Langchain
Tools / Agents
- Private GPT (⭐55k): Interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
- RasaGPT (⭐2.4k): RasaGPT is the first headless LLM chatbot platform built on top of Rasa and Langchain.
Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots
- Langchain Chat (⭐992): another Next.js frontend for LangChain Chat.
- Langchain Chat Websocket (⭐93): About LangChain LLM chat with streaming response over websockets
- langchain_yt_tools (⭐63): Langchain tools to search/extract/transcribe text transcripts of Youtube videos
5. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Online Tools and Applications
- automate your workflows with AI
AI-Powered Code Generation
- gventuri/pandas-ai (⭐17k): Pandas AI is a Python library that integrates LLMs capabilities into Pandas, making dataframes conversational
6. Free for Dev
- kandi — Jumpstart Application Development: build custom functions, and use cases, and complete applications faster through code snippets and open-source library reuse.
7. Awesome Ironsworn
Game jams / Ironsworn
8. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- alias-maker (⭐8) - Allows you to easily create and manage aliases from the command line.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- sailormoon (⭐0) - A collection of Sailor Moon themed themes.
9. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Mary Wootters. Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis. Stanford - Key tools of probabilistic analysis, and application of these tools to understand the behaviors of random processes and algorithms. Emphasis is on theoretical foundations, though applications will be discussed in machine learning and data analysis, networking, and systems. Topics include tail bounds, the probabilistic method, Markov chains, and martingales, with applications to analyzing random graphs, metric embeddings, and random walks.
- Koutsoupias. Probability and Computing. Oxford - Introduction to probabilistic methods in computer science.
- Harvey. First and Second Course in Randomized Algorithms. Columbia. - Respectively, undergrad and grad courses for probabilistic methods in algorithms.
- Lee. Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis. Washington. - Topics include Discrete probability, High-dimensional geometry and statistics, Information and entropy, and Markov chains and convergence to equilibrium.
10. Awesome Machine Learning
Tools / Misc
- Aqueduct (⭐519) - Aqueduct enables you to easily define, run, and manage AI & ML tasks on any cloud infrastructure.
- Prev: May 09, 2023
- Next: May 07, 2023