Awesome List Updates on May 03, 2023
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Love2d
- LoveDebug (⭐34) - Inline console-like debugger utility.
2. Awesome Software Architecture
Tools / Scalability and Resilience
- ERD Lab - Free cloud based entity relationship diagram (ERD) tool made for developers.
Bonus / DevOps
- Software Architect Roadmap - A complete and structured guide to become a Software Architect.
3. Awesome Video
DASH / Talks Presentations Podcasts
- dash-mpd-rs (⭐67) - Rust library for parsing, serializing and downloading media content from a DASH MPD file.
4. Free for Dev
- Hygraph - Offers free tier for small projects. GraphQL first API. Move away from legacy solutions to the GraphQL native Headless CMS - and deliver omnichannel content API first.
- - Prevent users to sign up with temporary email addresses, 120 requests/hour (~86,400 per month)
Managed Data Services
- Neon — Managed PostgreSQL, 0.5 GB of storage (total), 1 Project ,10 branches, Unlimited Databases, always-available primary branch ( Auto suspend after 5 minutes), 20 hours of Active time per month (total) for non-primary branch compute.
5. Awesome Playcanvas
IO Games
- Wheat Farming - Multiplayer farming game.
6. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🌍🔧 Tailwind Grid Generator - Drag and drop Tailwind CSS grid generator.
7. Awesome React Components
- TanStack Table (⭐24k) - demo - Headless UI for building powerful tables & datagrids
Boilerplate / Mouse Events
- elegant (⭐157) - docs - demo - A simple React framework for rapidly building beautiful and expressive web applications with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Markdown loading.
8. Tips
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- Prev: May 04, 2023
- Next: May 02, 2023