Awesome List Updates on Apr 27, 2023
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Personal Dashboards
- LinkStack - Link all your social media platforms easily accessible on one page, customizable through an intuitive, easy to use user/admin interface (alternative to Linktree and Manylink). (Demo, Source Code (â2.7k))
2. Awesome Neovim
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- yaocccc/nvim-hl-mdcodeblock.lua (â36) - Highlight markdown codeblock using Tree-sitter.
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- nyngwang/nvimgelion (â125) - Neon Genesis Evangelion but for Vimmers.
3. Awesome Gnome
System and Customization
- GDM Settings - A settings app for GDM (GNOME's Login Screen a.k.a GNOME Display Manager).
4. Awesome Mac
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- YouTube Music - YouTube Music Desktop App bundled with custom plugins (and built-in ad blocker / downloader).
5. Awesome Network Analysis
Books / Dissemination
- Linked: The New Science of Networks, by Albert-LĂĄszlĂł BarabĂĄsi (2002).
Books / General Overviews
- L'analyse de réseau en sciences sociales. Petit guide pratique, by Laurent Beauguitte, in French (2023). Readable online.
- A First Course in Network Science, by Filippo Menczer, Santo Fortunato, and Clayton A. Davis - Tutorials, datasets and other resouces on GitHub (â383) (2020).
- Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World, by David Easley and Jon Kleinberg - Full pre-publication draft (review; 2010).
- The SAGE Handbook of Social Network Analysis, edited by John Scott and Peter J. Carrington (2011).
- Social and Economic Networks, by Matthew O. Jackson (2008).
- Social Network Analysis with Applications, by Ian McCulloh, Helen Armstrong and Anthony Johnson (2013).
Books / Method-specific
- Inferential Network Analysis, by Skyler J. Cranmer, Bruce A. Desmarais and Jason Morgan (2020).
- Multimodal Political Networks, by David Knoke, Mario Diani, James Hollway and Dimitri Christopulos (2021).
- Understanding Large Temporal Networks and Spatial Networks, by Vladimir Batagelj et al. (2014).
Courses / Topic-specific
- Complex Networks, by RĂ©my Cazabet (University Lyon 1 and ENS Lyon, 2022).
- Graphs and Networks, by Dan Spielman (Yale University, 2013).
- Network Analysis and Modeling (Computer Science), by Aaron Clauset - Full lecture slides and readings (University of Colorado, 2022).
Datasets / Topic-specific
- Hetionet: an integrative network of disease (â272) - A complex biological network, available in multiple formats, including JSON and Neo4j.
- State Networks - US state-to-state relational variables, including borders, travel, trade and more.
- UC Berkeley Social Networks Study (UCNets) - Ego-centric data (personal networks) from a five-year panel study.
Journals / Topic-specific
Professional Groups / Topic-specific
- AFS RT 26 âRĂ©seaux sociauxâ - Thematic Network of the French Sociological Association (AFS), in French (old website).
- GDR ARSHS - GDR Analyse de réseaux en sciences humaines et sociales, in French - Research group based in Paris.
- Groupe FMR - Flux, Matrices, RĂ©seaux, in French. Twitter: @BaugLaurent.
- Mathematical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Twitter: @Math_Sociology.
- Society of Young Network Scientists (SYNS). Supports early-career network scientists. Twitter: @official_SYNS.
Professional Groups / Research Groups (Other)
- NetLab - Research network at the University of Toronto, led by Barry Wellman.
Review Articles / Archeological and Historical Networks
- Analyse de rĂ©seaux et histoire, in French (Revue dâhistoire moderne et contemporaine, 2005).
- Analyser les rĂ©seaux du passĂ© en archĂ©ologie et en histoire, in French (Les Nouvelles de lâArchĂ©ologie, 2014).
- Introduction Ă la visualisation de donnĂ©es : lâanalyse de rĂ©seau en histoire, in French (Geschichte und Informatik, 2015).
- Introduction : oĂč en est lâanalyse de rĂ©seaux en histoire ? [IntroducciĂłn: Âżen quĂ© punto se encuentra el anĂĄlisis de redes en Historia?], in French and Spanish (REDES, 2011).
- Networks and History (Complexity, 2002).
- Networks of Power in Archaeology (Annual Review of Anthropology, 2014).
- Netzwerkanalyse in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Historische Netzwerkanalyse als Methode fĂŒr die Erforschung von historischen Prozessen, in German (Prozesse. Formen, Dynamiken, ErklĂ€rungen, 2015).
- Thinking Through Networks: A Review of Formal Network Methods in Archaeology (Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2013).
Review Articles / Bibliographic, Citation and Semantic Networks
- Assessing Impact and Quality from Local Dynamics of Citation Networks (Journal of Informetrics, 2012).
- Atypical Combinations and Scientific Impact (Science, 2013).
- On Bibliographic Networks (Scientometrics, 2013).
- Extracting Citation Networks from Publications in Classics (Digital Humanities Quarterly, 2016).
- Self-Citations, Co-Authorships and Keywords: A New Approach to Scientistsâ Field Mobility? (Scientometrics, 2007).
- Socio-Semantic Frameworks (preprint; Advances in Complex Systems, 2013).
- Socio-Semantic Modeling of Epistemic Communities (APSA, 2014).
- Tradition and Innovation in Scientistsâ Research Strategies (Annual Review of Sociology, 2015).
Review Articles / Biological, Ecological and Disease Networks
- Interactome Networks and Human Disease (Cell, 2011).
- Network Analysis: An Integrative Approach to the Structure of Psychopathology (Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 2013).
- Network Biology: Understanding the Cellâs Functional Organization - Accessible introduction to (cellular) network analysis (Nature Reviews Genetics, 2004).
- Network Medicine: A Network-based Approach to Human Disease (Nature Review Genetics, 2011).
- Social Networks and the Spread of Infectious Diseases: the AIDS Example (Social Networks, 1985).
- Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Networks: A Novel Paradigm of Drug Discovery. A Comprehensive Review - Also includes an impressive list of network analysis software (Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2013).
Review Articles / Complex and Multilayer Networks
- The Architecture of Complexity - From network theory to complexity theory (IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 2007).
- Complex Systems and Networks (special issue of Science, 2009).
- Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks (Reviews of Modern Physics, 2002).
- The Structure and Function of Complex Networks (SIAM Review, 2003).
Review Articles / Ethics of Network Analysis
- A Cautionary Note on Data Inputs and Visual Outputs in Social Network Analysis (SNA) (preprint; British Journal of Management, 2014).
- Ethical Dilemmas in Social Network Research (special issue of Social Networks, 2005).
Review Articles / Network Modeling
- Introduction to Stochastic Actor-Based Models for Network Dynamics (preprint; Social Networks, 2010).
- Navigating the Range of Statistical Tools for Inferential Network Analysis (American Journal of Political Science, 2017).
- Social Network Evolution and Actor Oriented Models (Mathematics & Social Sciences, 1997).
- Statistical Models for Social Networks (Annual Review of Sociology, 2011).
- A Unified View of Generative Models for Networks: Models, Methods, Opportunities, and Challenges (video presentation; NIPS 2014 workshop on âNetworks: From Graphs to Rich Dataâ).
Review Articles / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- A propos de la notion de rĂŽle dans lâanalyse des relations sociales (MathĂ©matiques et sciences humaines, 2011).
- Brokerage (Annual Review of Sociology, 2012).
- Birds of a Feather: Homophily in Social Networks (Annual Review of Sociology, 2001).
- Network Analysis and Political Science (Annual Review of Political Science, 2011).
Selected Papers / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- Coauthorship and Citation Patterns in the Physical Review, by Travis Martin et al. - Highly typical study of scientific publishing productivity and collaboration through temporal network analysis (preprint; Physical Review E, 2013).
- La notion de réseau complexe : du réseau comme abstraction et outil à la masse de données des réseaux sociaux en ligne, by Alain Barrat, in French - Accessible introduction to the study of complex networks (Communication & Organisation, 2013).
- Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency, by Mustafa Emirbayer and Jeff Goodwin (American Journal of Sociology, 1994), and Manifesto for a Relational Sociology, by Mustafa Emirbayer (American Journal of Sociology, 1997) - Sociological foundations for a science of social ties.
- Node Centrality in Weighted Networks: Generalizing Degree and Shortest Paths, by Tore Opsahl, Filip Agneessens and John Skvoretz - Explores the generalization of network centrality and distance measures to (positively) valued graphs (Social Networks, 2010; companion website).
- Scale-Free Networks, by Albert-LĂĄszlĂł BarabĂĄsi and Eric Bonabeau - Early, accessible formulation of the ânetworks are everywhereâ argument (Scientific American, 2003).
- The Performativity of Networks, by Kieran Healy - Network analysis meets science studies: social networks, like financial markets, are highly subject to performativity, i.e. the possibility that reality might be altered by its theoretical inquiry (European Journal of Sociology, 2015).
- Topics in Social Network Analysis and Network Science, by A. James OâMalley and Jukka-Pekka Onnela - 50-page introduction to network analysis, with just the right amount of detail on all aspects of it (The Handbook of Health Services Research, forthcoming 2017).
Software / Social, Economic and Political Networks
- EgoWeb - Server-side software for social network data collection and processing.
- Graphia - Cross-platform tool to visualize large and complex networks (announcement).
- Palladio - Web-based spatial network visualization tool by the Humanities + Design research lab at Stanford University.
- PARTNER - Program to Analyze, Record, and Track Networks to Enhance Relationships - Excel-based tool for building networks from surveys.
- PIGALE - Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm Library and Editor - Windows program and C++ library to analyze planar graphs.
- qgis-edge-bundling (â64) - Implementation of force-directed edge bundling for the QGIS Processing toolbox.
- Radatools - Set of tools intended for the analysis of complex networks, built on top of Radalib, a library written in Ada.
- Retina - Web application to share GEXF and GraphML network visualizations.
- SageMath - Free open-source mathematics software with extensive graph capabilities.
- Segrada - Cross-platform tool to build and visualize semantic graph databases.
- Siena - Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis. Formerly a Windows program, now developed as the RSiena R package.
- SocNetV - Social Network Visualizer - Cross-platform program that includes a simple Web crawler to construct hyperlink networks.
- Visone - Cross-platform Java network analysis and visualization program, free for noncommercial use.
- Visone Tutorials - Including one using an archaeological case study (2017).
- VOSviewer - Cross-platform Java tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks.
Software / Algorithms
- CONGA and CONGO - Algorithms to detect overlapping communities in networks, written in Java.
- MixNet - Erdös-Rényi Mixture Model for Networks - Community detection method, available in C++ and R.
- vbmod: Variational Bayesian Inference for Network Modularity - MATLAB and Python implementations of a Bayesian community detection algorithm.
Software / C / C++
- BGL - Boost Graph Library - C++ library that provides a generic interface to access graph structures.
- igraph - C library of network analysis tools; also exists as packages for Python and R.
- MapEquation - C++ code for the Infomap method of multilevel community detection.
- networks.tb - C program designed for analyzing socio-semantic networks. Runs on Linux and Mac OSÂ X.
- OGDF - Open Graph Drawing Framework - Self-contained C++ class library for diagram, network and tree layouts.
Software / Java
- GraphStream - Java library for the modeling and analysis of dynamic graphs.
Software / JavaScript
- Cytoscape.js - Network analysis and visualization library.
- GoJS - Visualization library to draw diagrams and several types of network layouts.
- Popoto.js (â518) - Library based on d3.js that provides a graph based search interface.
- Sigma - JavaScript library dedicated to graph drawing.
- vis.js - JavaScript library with network visualization capabilities.
Software / MATLAB
- MatlabBGL - Graph library based on the C++ Boost Graph Library.
Software / Python
- bokeh - Python library for interactive data visualization in the browser, with support for networks.
- cdlib (â383) - Python community detection library, with 60+ methods and evaluation/visualization features.
- networkx - Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
- Implementing an ERGM from Scratch in Python, using networkx and numpy (2014).
- nxviz (â461) - Visualization package for NetworkX.
- nngt - Library-agnostic graph generation and analysis that wraps around
). Includes normalized graph measures, advanced visualizations, (geo)spatial tools, and interfaces for neuroscience simulators.
- python-louvain - A solid implementation of Louvain community detection algorithm.
- scipy.sparse.csgraph - Fast graph algorithms based on sparse matrix representations.
- tnetwork (â15) - Python library for temporal networks, and dynamic community detection in particular.
Software / R
- brainGraph - Tools for performing graph theory analysis of brain MRI data.
- dodgr - Computes distances on dual-weighted directed graphs, such as street networks, using priority-queue shortest paths.
- egor - Tools for importing, analyzing and visualizing ego-centered network data, in various formats.
- EpiModel - Tools for simulating mathematical models of infectious disease dynamics (presentation paper).
- ergMargins - Process analysis for ERGMs.
- ergmito - ERGMs for small networks.
- fergm - Frailty ERGMs.
- goldfish (â61) - Dynamic Network Actor-Oriented Model (DyNAM) for the statistical analysis of coordination networks through time.
- graphlayouts - Layout algorithms based on the concept of stress majorization.
- multinet - Tools for multilayer social networks.
- Related book and data, and presentation article. See
for the Python version.
- Related book and data, and presentation article. See
- migraph - A set of tools that extend common social network analysis packages for analysing multimodal and multilevel networks.
- networkD3 - Create d3.js network graphs from R.
- netrankr - Up-to-date collection of network centrality indices, with lots of documentation.
- Network Centrality in R: An Introduction - Includes a review of relevant R packages.
- Network Centrality in R: Neighborhood Inclusion.
- Network Centrality in R: New Ways of Measuring Centrality (2018).
- spNetwork - Methods for spatial network analysis, including e.g. kernel density estimation, distances and point pattern analysis.
- statnet - The project behind many R network analysis packages (mailing-list, tutorials/workshops).
Software / Syntaxes
- JGraphT - Java graph library for graph data structures and algorithms (example algorithms (â9)).
- JUNG - Java Universal Network/Graph Framework - Extensible library to represent network objects.
Varia / Tutorials
- (Psychological) Network Analysis Workshops - 3-day workshop on psychological network analysis using R (2019).
- Visualizing Historical Networks - Historical network research projects at Harvard University.
Varia / Blog Series
- Blog Posts About Networks by François Briatte, in French.
- Daniel Littleâs blog posts on the philosophy of social science:
- Martin Grandjeanâs blog posts about (mostly) network visualization, in English and French:
- Networks Demystified, a series of blog posts by Scott B. Weingart.
- Netze und Netzwerke, in English and German - Blog on the history of network analysis, by Sebastian GieĂmann (old blog).
- R / Notes: Networks - Blog posts focused on manipulating networks in R, by François Briatte.
- Yannick Rochatâs blog posts about digital humanities, in English and French:
Varia / Fictional Networks
- Character Co-Occurrences in Victor Hugoâs Les MisĂ©rables, plotted as an adjacency matrix, written in Python (+ Javascript).
Varia / Network Science
- The Invasion of the Physicists - How ânetwork scienceâ came up.
- Isolated Social Networkers, Networks and Netwars and The Inter-Disciplinary Politics of Interdisciplinary Research or, âHey, That Was My Idea First.â - Series of blog posts that predate the advent of ânetwork scienceâ as a buzzword, but that touch upon the same issues as those now being discussed under that heading.
- Predicting Highly Cited Papers - Prediction of the next highly cited papers in network science.
Varia / Two-Mode Networks
- Lâanalyse des graphes bipartis, in French (2013).
- Basic Notions for the Analysis of Large Two-mode Networks (preprint, related code; Social Networks, 2008).
6. Awesome Web Archiving
Tools & Software / Acquisition
- Scoop (â145) - High-fidelity, browser-based, single-page web archiving library and CLI for witnessing the web. (Stable)
7. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Related Awesome Lists / Deforum
- kyrolabs/awesome-langchain (â8k): đ Awesome list of tools and project with the awesome LangChain framework
Embeddings and Semantic Search / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image
- neuml/txtai (â10k): semantic search and workflows powered by language models
8. Awesome React
React General Resources
React State Management and Data Fetching
- rxdb (â22k) - A fast, offline-first, reactive database for JavaScript Applications
React Maps
- react-map-gl (â7.9k) - React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS
- react-leaflet (â5.2k) - React components for Leaflet maps
React Charts
- visx (â20k) - Visualization components
React Renderers
- remotion (â21k) - Make videos programmatically with React
React Native General Resources
React Native Navigation
- react-navigation (â24k) - Routing and navigation for your React Native apps
React Native Libraries
- react-native-device-info (â6.5k) - Device Information for React Native iOS and Android
9. Awesome Decentralized
- m-ld: A software library enabling distributed applications to read and write shared information consistently with zero latency, using Semantic Web technology and CRDTs (Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types).
- Prev: Apr 28, 2023
- Next: Apr 26, 2023