Awesome List Updates on Apr 21, 2023
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Resources / Blog posts
- The fastest way to read a CSV file in Python - A blog post that compares different ways (including Polars, pyarrow and C) to read a CSV file with Python by Finn Andersen.
2. Awesome Embedded Rust
Tools / Paid and commercially available materials
- espflash (⭐524) Serial flasher utility for Espressif SoCs and modules. -
- espup (⭐252) Tool for installing and maintaining Espressif Rust ecosystem. -
Peripheral Access Crates / Espressif
3. Awesome V
Tutorials / Vim
- VOSCA Blog Tutorials - Tutorial category on VOSCA blog.
4. Awesome Ruby
Machine Learning
- ruby-openai (⭐3k) - OpenAI API + Ruby!
5. Awesome Integration
Resources / Certifications
- Associate Administrator Certification - Validates an individual's foundational knowledge and skills in managing and administering the Boomi platform, focusing on platform monitoring, troubleshooting, and security.
6. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2023
- Confidential-PROFITT: Confidential PROof of FaIr Training of Trees - (ICLR) Proposes fair decision tree learning algorithms along with zero-knowledge proof protocols to obtain a proof of fairness on the audited server.
7. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Image Segmentation / Deforum
- Align your Latents: high-resolution video synthesis with latent diffusion models [arxiv]
8. Free for Dev
Authentication, Authorization, and User Management
- Clerk — User management, authentication, 2FA/MFA, prebuilt UI components for sign-in, sign-up, user profiles, and more. Free up to 10,000 monthly active users.
9. Awesome React Components
- echarts for react (⭐4.4k) - Wrapper around beautiful Apache Echarts
10. Awesome React
React Frameworks
- next (⭐128k) - The React Framework
- gatsby (⭐55k) - Build modern websites with React
- refine (⭐29k) - Build your React-based CRUD applications, without constraints
React Awesome Components
- kbar (⭐4.9k) - Fast, portable, and extensible cmd+k interface for your site
- tagify (⭐3.6k) - Lightweight, efficient Tags input component
React Native General Resources
- Prev: Apr 22, 2023
- Next: Apr 20, 2023