Awesome List Updates on Apr 16, 2023
7 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Langchain
LangChain Framework
- Langchain Blog: The Official Langchain blog
2. Awesome Go
Code Analysis / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- blanket - blanket is a tool that helps you catch functions which don't have direct unit tests in your Go packages.
3. Awesome Irc
Frameworks / Bridges
- dibridge (⭐15) - Discord ↔ IRC (with puppets)
- Biboumi - IRC gateway for XMPP clients
- Heisenbridge (⭐237) - Bouncer-style Matrix IRC bridge
- Appservice-IRC (⭐460) - Gateway and bridge Matrix ↔ IRC
4. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Self-hosting Solutions
- Tipi - Homeserver manager. One command setup, one click installs for your favorites self-hosted apps. (Source Code (⭐8.3k))
5. Awesome Neovim
Marks / Diagnostics
- tomasky/bookmarks.nvim (⭐167) - Bookmarks with global file storage, written in Lua.
Utility / Diagnostics
- sQVe/bufignore.nvim (⭐16) - Unlist hidden buffers matching specified ignore sources.
Resource / Diagnostics
- Dotfyle - Dotfyle is a site for sharing and discovering Neovim configs and plugins.
6. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- calma (⭐3) - Minimalist theme that works well on dark backgrounds. Includes decorators for truncated current directory,
information, time, and for the exit status of last command.
- gorchak (⭐0) - Inspired by robbyrussell (⭐177k) and af-magic (⭐177k). Includes decorators for
information and Node.js version.
7. Awesome Bitcoin
Wallets API
- Prev: Apr 17, 2023
- Next: Apr 15, 2023