Awesome List Updates on Mar 22, 2023
9 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Privacy
File Management and Sharing
- Destiny - Send files directly to the receiver in real-time. Developed for and with HROs as a free Privacy Enhancing Technology alternative.
- Localsend - Share files to nearby devices. Free, open source, cross-platform.
- Paperless (⭐7.9k) - [Now archived] Scan, index, and archive all of your paper documents.
- Paperless-ng (⭐5.4k) - [inactive] A supercharged version of paperless: scan, index and archive all your physical documents.
- PairDrop (⭐5.7k) - An improved version of Snapdrop that also allows you to pair devices and share files outside your network.
- Portal (⭐1.6k) - A command-line file transfer utility for sending encrypted files from any computer to another.
- Winden - A convenient version of Magic Wormhole you can use from within your browser. No need to install an app.
2. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Database
- komapper/komapper (⭐302) - Komapper is an ORM library for server-side Kotlin with JDBC and R2DBC support.
Libraries/Frameworks / API Clients
- MoviebaseApp/trakt-api (⭐47) - Modern powerful Trakt API to track, discover and share your movies & TV shows.
- MoviebaseApp/tmdb-api (⭐217) - Modern powerful TMDB API to fetch movies and TV shows for Kotlin Multiplatform.
3. Free for Dev
- Magny - SaaS service that helps implement command palettes (e.g. in-app search), which significantly decreases the time users find anything in an app, leveraging the user experience and efficiency.
4. Awesome Typescript
Tools / Playground
- dep-tree (⭐1.6k) - Render your project's file dependency tree and/or validate it against your own rules.
5. Awesome Terraform
Tutorials and Blog Posts / Beginner Guides
- Terraform Security Guide - Blog post describing security best practices when working with Terraform
6. Awesome Polars
Resources / Tutorials & workshops
- A Practical Comparison of Polars and Pandas - A tutorial that showcases several common operations in Pandas and Polars side by side to demonstrate how much easier Polars is by @FlorianWilhelm. There is also an accompanying Jupyter notebook (⭐43) available.
7. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI
- GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models: OpenAI's paper that discusses the possible implications of GPTs on the U.S. labor market
8. Awesome Readme
- ivanperez-keera/Yampa (⭐451) - Clear description. Feature list. TOC for easy navigation. Simple install instructions. Usage code samples. Project samples with GIFs and links to app stores. Documentation and publications. Clear development / contribution rules.
- Slackadays/Clipboard (⭐5k) - Project logo. Build and test/coverage badges. Transition from plain description to people-oriented description. Animated GIF showing usage. Custom banners for clearly laid out sections. Custom text assets for headers. Immediate call to action with Quick Start section. Consistent and easy to read command names and signatures. Three immediate options for getting help provided. Easter eggs provided for the detail-oriented.
9. Awesome Libgdx
Resources / Visual Effects
- HackLights (⭐24) - Lightweight framebuffer based lighting engine for libGDX.
- Prev: Mar 23, 2023
- Next: Mar 21, 2023