Awesome List Updates on Mar 17, 2023
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Lecture Videos Playlists / Monograph
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Zhou. A Theorist's Toolkit. Illinois - It covers a large number of the math/CS topics that you need to know for reading and doing research in Computer Science Theory.
- O'Donnell. A Theorist's Toolkit. CMU - It covers a large number of the math/CS topics that you need to know for reading and doing research in Computer Science Theory.
- Arora. Thinking Like a Theorist. Princeton - It covers a large number of the math/CS topics that you need to know for reading and doing research in Computer Science Theory.
- Arora. A Theorist's Toolkit. Princeton - Aimed primarily at first and second year graduate students who plan to do research in theoretical computer science. We will introduce probabilistic, algebraic, combinatorial, and algorithmic methods useful in proofs.
- Kelner. Topics in Theoretical Computer Science: An Algorithmist's Toolkit. MIT - It covers a collection of geometric techniques that apply broadly in modern algorithm design.
2. Awesome Orgs
- Poppinss - Small, focused modules for Node.js.
3. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2018
- Counterfactual Explanations without Opening the Black Box: Automated Decisions and the GDPR - (Harvard Journal of Law & Technology) To explain a decision on x, find a conterfactual: the closest point to x that changes the decision.
Papers / 2016
- Algorithmic Transparency via Quantitative Input Influence: Theory and Experiments with Learning Systems - (IEEE S&P) Evaluate the individual, joint and marginal influence of features on a model using shapley values.
- Auditing Black-Box Models for Indirect Influence - (ICDM) Evaluate the influence of a variable on a black-box model by "cleverly" removing it from the dataset and looking at the accuracy gap
- Iterative Orthogonal Feature Projection for Diagnosing Bias in Black-Box Models - (FATML Workshop) Performs feature ranking to analyse black-box models
Papers / 2015
- Certifying and Removing Disparate Impact - (SIGKDD) Proposes SVM-based methods to certify absence of bias and methods to remove biases from a dataset.
Papers / 2014
- A peek into the black box: exploring classifiers by randomization - (Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal) (code (⭐2)) Finds groups of features that can be permuted without changing the output label of predicted samples
4. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Host-based tools / Tarpits
- Shufflecake - Plausible deniability for multiple hidden filesystems on Linux.
5. Awesome Crystal
CLI Builders
- Cling (⭐26) - A modular, non-macro-based command line interface library
6. Awesome Cpp
- DirectXMath (⭐1.6k) - An all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps.
- TSMP (⭐97) - An intrusion and macro-free C++20 library for static reflection. It uses libclang to extract reflection data from your source code and makes it usable via template specialization. [MIT]
- Build Bench - Compare C++ Builds.
- Quick Bench - Quick C++ Benchmarks.
7. Awesome Ruby
API Builder and Discovery
- Alba (⭐953) - A JSON serializer for Ruby, JRuby and TruffleRuby.
- Sitepress - Manage content files in Rails with the same features you'd expect from static site generators like Jekyll, Middleman, and Bridgetown.
Third-party APIs
- Notion Ruby Client (⭐123) - A Ruby wrapper for the Notion API.
8. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- croner (⭐2k) - Cron library with advanced scheduling features, well-documented API, and zero dependencies.
9. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Photo Galleries
- SPIS (⭐141) - A simple, lightweight and fast media server with decent mobile support.
10. Free for Dev
- - Create & share code or binaries. Available to share as a beautiful image e.g. for Twitter / Facebook post or as a link e.g. for chats or forums.
11. Awesome Emails
Learning / Check Also
- Web Configs (⭐16) - Monorepo for all common configurations for building web apps.
- My Neovim Config (⭐66) - Small Neovim configuration written in Lua that is specifically designed for web development.
12. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- userandnode (⭐0) - A clean theme with decorators for username, node version, current directory, and
13. Awesome Blockchain Ai
Blockchains for AI algorithms / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning
- Bittensor - Bittensor is an open-source protocol that powers a decentralized, blockchain-based machine learning network. Related resources.
14. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- PC-lint ©️ — Static analysis for C/C++. Runs natively under Windows/Linux/MacOS. Analyzes code for virtually any platform, supporting C11/C18 and C++17.
- Prev: Mar 18, 2023
- Next: Mar 16, 2023