Awesome List Updates on Mar 09, 2023
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Orgs
User Interface
- Exyte - Developers with 5+ years of experience in iOS, Android, and the art of clear communication.
2. Awesome Keycloak
Example Projects
3. Awesome Go
- jsonhandlers (⭐2) - JSON library to expose simple handlers that lets you easily read and write json from various sources.
4. Awesome Love2d
- vudu (⭐44) - Broad in-game debugging gui with a console, variable browser/editor, speed controls, and more.
5. Awesome Ada
Open source / GPL (with linking exception)
- fsf-gnat - Free Software Foundation compiler for the Ada programming language which forms part of the GNU Compiler Collection. It supports all versions of the language, i.e. Ada 2012, Ada 2005, Ada 95 and Ada 83.
Commercial / Closed source / Apache License
- xgc - XGC provide GCC-based bare-metal toolchains with Ada95 support for aerospace-specific targets such as MIL1750, ERC32 and LEON. As well as a legacy M68000 toolchain.
Text Modes / Apache License
- gnu-emacs-ada-mode - Gnu Emacs major-mode for editing Ada sources.
Graphical User Interface / Apache License
- adawebui (⭐1) - GUI based on adawebpack (⭐56).
Terminal User Interface / Apache License
- ncurses-ada95 - Ada95 bindings for ncurses.
Web / Apache License
- matreshka (⭐7) - Matreshka is an Ada framework to develop information systems consisting of five major components: League, XML processor, Web framework, SQL access, and the Modeling framework.
- ironsides - Authoritative DNS server verified by SPARK/Ada.
Verification / Apache License
- adacontrol - Ada constructs lint tool.
UML / Apache License
- umbrello - Unified Modelling Language (UML) diagram program based on KDE Technology. Outputs Ada.
Parsers, Scanners, Linters, Analysers, Interpreters and Prettyprinters / Apache License
- wisitoken - WisiToken is an LALR, LR1, and Packrat parser generator and run-time.
Networking and Communication Middleware / Apache License
- pcsc-ada - PCSC/Ada provides a thick Ada binding to PC/SC-middleware. The library allows programs written in Ada to communicate with smart cards using the SCard API.
Sound / Apache License
- scala - Scala is a powerful software tool for experimentation with musical tunings, such as just intonation scales, equal and historical temperaments, microtonal and macrotonal scales, and non-Western scales.
Shells, Interpreters and Emulators / Apache License
- sparforte - SPARforte programming language is an Ada-like scripting language, previously known as business user shell (bush). Can be used as interactive UNIX shell replacement.
6. Awesome Cl
Utils / Third-party APIs
- Blackbird - a Promise implementation for Common Lisp MIT.
- see also promise (⭐11) - a basic promise datastructure, with timeouts. ZLIB.
7. Awesome D
Getting Help
- D on Discord - Another very active community for D conversations and question.
- Andrei Alexandrescu, PhD - C++ guru. Author of The D Programming Language and Modern C++ Design. With Walter Bright, Andrei co-designed many important features of D and authored a large part of D's standard library. Andrei works as a trainer in advanced C++ programming and algorithms and is now actively evangelizing D in the organization.
- Functional image processing in D - A very interesting tutorial about writing an image processing lib in D. Shows the power of D's templates/CTFE/Ranges/UFCS for functional style programming.
Web Frameworks / Bare metal / kernel development
- Handy-Httpd (⭐33) - A simple, lightweight, and well-documented HTTP server that lets you bootstrap ideas and have something up and running in minutes.
Data serialization / JSON
- fast.json (⭐112) - A library for D that aims to provide the fastest possible implementation of some every day routines.
Game Frameworks / XML
- rengfx (⭐82) - lightweight, expressive, extensible 2D/3D game engine.
Games / XML
- Electronvolt (formerly Atrium) (⭐112) - FPS game with physics based puzzles using OpenGL.
8. Awesome Cpp
- Ruckig (⭐792) - Real-time motion generation for robots and machines. [MIT] website
9. Awesome Rust
Applications / Utilities
- Epic Asset Manager (⭐430) - An unofficial client to install Unreal Engine, download and manage purchased assets, projects, plugins and games from the Epic Games Store.
10. Awesome Playcanvas
Automotive / YouTube Playables
- Kia Niro Hybrid - Kia configurator (Korean).
11. Awesome Newsletters
Python / Svelte
- Python Morsels Newsletter. One Python tip every week, sent on Wednesdays.
12. Awesome Terraform
Self-hosted Terraform Platforms / IDE
- Digger - Open Source Alternative to Terraform Cloud - Run Terraform plan & apply jobs in your CI.
- Prev: Mar 10, 2023
- Next: Mar 08, 2023