Awesome List Updates on Mar 07, 2023
11 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Orgs
- Grafana Labs - Grafana Labs is behind leading open source projects Grafana and Loki and the creator of the first open & composable observability platform.
- Vercel - Develop. Preview. Ship. Creators of Next.js.
- Prisma - Prisma makes working with databases easy.
- Microsoft - Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.
- HashiCorp - Consistent workflows to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application.
- GitHub - How people build software.
- Kong - The cloud connectivity company. Community-driven & enterprise-adopted.
- Kubernetes - Open source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
- Docker - Docker helps developers bring their ideas to life by conquering the complexity of app development.
- Hono - Ultrafast web framework for the Edge.
- Oven - The company behind Bun, the swift JavaScript runtime, bundler, transpiler, and package manager.
- Vue - An approachable, performant and versatile framework for building web user interfaces.
- Nuxt - The Intuitive Vue Framework.
- Nest - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications 🚀.
- TanStack - Open source software for building better UI and UX.
- Deno - A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.
- UnJS - Unified JavaScript tools.
- Poimandres - Open source developer collective.
- - Fast, easy, and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.
- CodeSandbox - An online editor tailored for web applications.
- Fiber - Fiber is an Express-inspired web framework written in Go with 💖.
- EdgeDB - A next-generation graph-relational database.
- Supabase - The open source Firebase alternative.
- SurrealDB - A scalable, distributed, collaborative, document-graph database for the real-time web.
User Interface
- Storybook - Build bulletproof user interfaces.
- Tailwind Labs - Creators of Tailwind CSS and Headless UI, and authors of Refactoring UI.
- PostHog - Open source product analytics platform.
- Charm - We build tools to make the command line glamorous.
- TheAlgorithms - Open source resource for learning data structures & algorithms and their implementation in any programming language.
- Hugging Face - The AI community building the future.
- Nrwl - We are a team of engineers building open-source software: Nx and Nx Cloud.
- Z-Shell - Open source society passionate about Zsh.
- ReadMe - Beautiful, personalized, interactive developer hubs 🦉.
2. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Commonsense / Intuitive Physics
- Intuitive physics learning in a deep-learning model inspired by developmental psychology - Nature Human Behavior, 2022. [All Versions]. A machine-learning dataset designed to evaluate conceptual understanding of intuitive physics, adopting the violation-of-expectation (VoE) paradigm from developmental psychology; a deep-learning system that learns intuitive physics directly from visual data, inspired by studies of visual cognition in children.
3. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Image processing
- marekm4/dominant_color (⭐35) [dominant_color] - Dominant color extractor
4. Awesome Falsehood
Postal Addresses
- What is the Most Minimal UK Address Possible? - The trick is to rely on postcodes, which in the UK are pretty specific and “often identify one or a few specific buildings, unlike countries where a postcode represents an entire neighbourhood”.
- Why doesn't Costa Rica use real addresses? - Costa Rican uses an idiosyncratic system of addresses that relies on landmarks, history and quite a bit of guesswork.
- USPS Postal Addressing Standards - Describes both standardized address formats and content.
5. Awesome Neovim
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- utilyre/sentiment.nvim (⭐152) - Enhanced matchparen.
6. Awesome Privacy
Cloud Storage
- Restic - Restic is also command line program to manage files on various cloud storage providers. Restic uses encryption by default. Few noteworthy features of restic include browsing through storage as git like snapshots at no extra storage cost, deduplication and significant savings through compression.
7. Awesome V
- mpv-v (⭐30) - World's Simplest Video Player.
8. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
- [🔥🔥] Toward General Design Principles for Generative AI Applications: this paper presents a set of seven principles for the design of generative AI applications
AI Tools for Searching / Multi-agents
- whitead/paper-qa: "LLM Chain for answering questions from documents with citations"
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
- Word-As-Image for Semantic Typography: semantically transforming fonts into illustrations
9. Free for Dev
Web Hosting
- Patr Cloud — An easy-to-use cloud platform, among its paid services it offers to host three static sites for free.
10. Awesome Bitcoin
– A no-framework, no-dependencies, customizable, animate-able, SVG-based<qr-code>
web component.
11. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Elixir / Phoenix
- Versioned APIs with Phoenix - Elvio Vicosa (PDF) (🗃️ archived)
- Prev: Mar 08, 2023
- Next: Mar 06, 2023