Awesome List Updates on Mar 02, 2023
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Clipboard Tools
- ClipTools - ClipTools is a status menu application that gives you access to a variety of simple clipboard utilities.
2. Awesome Tmux
Tools and session management
- t (â341) The smart tmux session manager
3. Awesome Jmeter
Performance Testing / Mobile Apps
Trainings & Courses / Utilities
- BlazeMeter University - By BlazeMeter.
Community / Blogs
- TestAutomationGuru Blog - Technical blog on test automation.
Community / Q&A
Related / Awesome Lists
- Awesome Software Quality (â2.3k) - A list of free software testing and verification resources.
4. Awesome Incident Response
IR Tools Collection / All-In-One Tools
- Dissect (â841) - Dissect is a digital forensics & incident response framework and toolset that allows you to quickly access and analyse forensic artefacts from various disk and file formats, developed by Fox-IT (part of NCC Group).
IR Tools Collection / Evidence Collection
- Acquire (â71) - Acquire is a tool to quickly gather forensic artifacts from disk images or a live system into a lightweight container. This makes Acquire an excellent tool to, among others, speedup the process of digital forensic triage. It uses Dissect (â841) to gather that information from the raw disk, if possible.
5. Awesome Zig
- rafaelbreno/zig-os (â39) - A simple OS following Philipp Oppermann's posts "Writing an OS in Rust".
6. Awesome Elixir
- mahaul (â22) - Supercharge your environment variables in Elixir. Parse and validate with compile time access guarantees, defaults, fallbacks and app pre-boot validations.
ORM and Datamapping
- walex (â299) - PostgreSQL Change Data Capture (CDC) events listener in Elixir.
7. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Caching
- 06chaynes/http-cache (â76) [http-cache] - A caching middleware that follows HTTP caching rules
8. Awesome Transit
National government datasets / Rust
- (France) - Data platform for the French transport ecosystem.
9. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- SickChill - SickChill is an automatic video library manager for TV shows. It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows, and when they are posted it does its magic. (Source Code (â2.4k))
Software / Communication - Email - Mail Transfer Agents
- EmailRelay - A small and easy to configure SMTP and POP3 server for Windows and Linux. (Source Code)
Software / Software Development - Low Code
- PocketBase - Open Source backend for your next SaaS and Mobile app in 1 file. (Source Code (â44k))
10. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Libraries / Rust
- Rust: Game Framework
- đ Ambient (â3.8k) - Multiplayer game engine.
- đ Amethyst (â8k) - Data-driven 2D/3D game engine aiming to be fast and configurable.
- đ Bevy (â33k) đĨ - Refreshingly simple data-driven 2D/3D game engine. [Website]
- đ Macroquad (â3k) - Easy to use game library, heavily inspired by RayLib.
11. Awesome Sysadmin
Software / Network Configuration Management
- OpenWISP - Open Source Network Management System for OpenWRT based routers and access points. (Demo, Source Code)
12. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- confer (â5) - Tries to find program configuration files automatically so you can do things like
conf vim
to edit yourvim
configuration files.
- setpath (â0) - Adds some local paths to your
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- ho-my-zsh (â1) - Includes decorators for current directory and
- parrot (â13) - Based on Parrot OS bash theme. Includes decorators for user@host,
information, exit status of last command, time and current directory.
13. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- Codepeer Šī¸ â Detects run-time and logic errors.
- clang-tidy â Clang-based C++ linter tool with the (limited) ability to fix issues, too.
- cppcheck â Static analysis of C/C++ code.
- Frama-C â A sound and extensible static analyzer for C code.
- SVF â A static tool that enables scalable and precise interprocedural dependence analysis for C and C++ programs.
- code-cracker â An analyzer library for C# and VB that uses Roslyn to produce refactorings, code analysis, and other niceties.
- FSharpLint â Lint tool for F#.
- test â Show location of test failures from the stdlib testing module.
- Haxe Checkstyle â A static analysis tool to help developers write Haxe code that adheres to a coding standard.
- Spoon â Spoon is a metaprogramming library to analyze and transform Java source code (incl Java 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14). It parses source files to build a well-designed AST with powerful analysis and transformation API. Can be integrated in Maven and Gradle.
- JSPrime â ī¸ â Static security analysis tool.
- retire.js â Scanner detecting the use of JavaScript libraries with known vulnerabilities.
- Mondrian â ī¸ â A set of static analysis and refactoring tools which use graph theory.
- PHP Refactoring Browser â Refactoring helper.
- electrolysis â ī¸ â A tool for formally verifying Rust programs by transpiling them into definitions in the Lean theorem prover.
Multiple languages / Other
- codeburner â Provides a unified interface to sort and act on the issues it finds.
- Veracode Šī¸ â Find flaws in binaries and bytecode without requiring source. Support all major programming languages: Java, .NET, JavaScript, Swift, Objective-C, C, C++ and more.
14. Vertx Awesome
- Retrofit adapter for Vert.x (â31) - A highly scalable adapter for Retrofit with Vert.x.
- openapi4j adapter for Vert.x (â103) - OpenAPI 3 request validator and router factory alternative.
- Vert.x Effect HTTP client (â2) - Pure functional and reactive HTTP client using Vert.x Effect (â2) with OAuth support and retry, fallback and recovery operations.
- Failsafe - Failsafe is a lightweight, zero-dependency library for handling failures in Java 8+. Concise API. Integration with libraries that use their own schedulers for async executions, such as Akka or Vert.x. Vert.x example (â4.2k)
- Prev: Mar 03, 2023
- Next: Mar 01, 2023