Awesome List Updates on Feb 25, 2023
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Neovim
Marks / Diagnostics
- LeonHeidelbach/trailblazer.nvim (⭐268) - TrailBlazer introduces a stack based mark system that enables a completely new dynamic and super fast workflow using project wide marks.
2. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- zshrpg (⭐1) - A wrapper that fully integrates rpg-cli (⭐1.6k) with ZSH!
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- unicorn (⭐1) - Includes decorators for root status, virtualenv, nvm, rvm, current directory, the time, current directory and emoji
information. Inspired by wild cherry (⭐478).
3. Awesome Polars
Resources / Cheat Sheets
- Polars Cheat Sheet - A Polars Cheat Sheet by @FranzDiebold.
Resources / Talks and videos
- Expressive & fast dataframes in Python with polars ⏳
28 min
- A video that reviews some alternatives to Pandas for Python and then demonstrates some Polars features by Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez.
4. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Datalore - Python notebooks by Jetbrains. Includes 10 GB of storage and 120 hours of runtime each month.
Messaging and Streaming
- HiveMQ - Connect your MQTT devices to the Cloud Native IoT Messaging Broker. Free to connect up to 100 devices (no credit card required) forever.
5. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- Dodgy (⭐124) — Dodgy is a very basic tool to run against your codebase to search for "dodgy" looking values. It is a series of simple regular expressions designed to detect things such as accidental SCM diff checkins, or passwords or secret keys hard coded into files.
- pyupgrade — A tool (and pre-commit hook) to automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of the language.
Multiple languages / Other
- OpenStaticAnalyzer (⭐44) — OpenStaticAnalyzer is a source code analyzer tool, which can perform deep static analysis of the source code of complex systems.
- SafeQL — Validate and auto-generate TypeScript types from raw SQL queries in PostgreSQL. SafeQL is an ESLint plugin for writing SQL queries in a type-safe way.
- Prev: Feb 26, 2023
- Next: Feb 24, 2023