Awesome List Updates on Feb 19, 2023
22 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Chatgpt
2. Awesome Testing
Software / Web3 & Blockchain Testing
- - Command-line tools and smart contract libraries for Ethereum.
- Ganache - Personal Ethereum blockchain for running tests.
- Foundry (â8.6k) - Fast, modular toolkit for Ethereum development.
- Hardhat - Ethereum development and testing environment.
- Truffle Suite - Comprehensive smart contract development suite.
- Robot Framework Solidity Testing Toolkit (â11) - Robot Framework integration for Solidity testing.
Software / Test Automation Frameworks
- Robot Framework - Generic open-source automation framework for testing and RPA.
3. Awesome Malware Persistence
Techniques / macOS
- PoisonApple (â221) - Learn about various macOS persistence techniques by looking at the source code of PoisonApple.
4. Awesome Vehicle Security
Libraries and Tools / Python
- Python-CAN (â1.3k) - Python interface to various CAN implementations, including SocketCAN. Allows you to use Python 2.7.x or 3.3.x+ to communicate over CAN networks.
5. Awesome Ada
Entry Point
- ada-lang-io - A community site for Ada.
6. Awesome Cl
Data validation / Third-party APIs
- cl-semver (â14) - Implementation of the Semantic Versioning Specification. MIT
7. Awesome Cpp
Online Compiler
- Programiz - An online compiler for learners and developers.
8. Awesome Elixir
Algorithms and Data structures
- qcomplex (â5) - Elixir library implementing complex numbers and math operations for them.
- qrational (â8) - Elixir library implementing rational numbers and math operations for them.
- utils (â7) - Website with handy day-to-day utils: to do list, URL shortener, code bin and pie chart. Written in Elixir using Phoenix Framework.
- Thinking Elixir - The Thinking Elixir podcast.
9. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Email
- stalwartlabs/mail-auth (â93) [mail-auth] - DKIM, ARC, SPF and DMARC message authentication library
10. Awesome Dotnet
Code Analysis and Metrics
- PVS-Studio - PVS-Studio is a static analyzer on guard of code quality, security (SAST), and code safety. [Free for OSS] [$]
11. Awesome Lowcode
- Gravity-AI - The fastest & most secure way to solve business problems with A.I.
12. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Critical Views about Generative AI
AI-Powered Code Generation
13. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Automation
- Matchering (â2k) - A containerized web app for automated music mastering (alternative to LANDR, eMastered, and MajorDecibel).
14. Free for Dev
- Pika Code Screenshots â Create beautiful, customizable screenshots from code snippets and VSCode using the extension.
Game Development
- â Discover, collect, and share free game assets from game artists everywhere.
15. Awesome Iot
Software / Libraries and Tools
- ThingsOn MQTT Bench (â14) - ThingsOn MQTT Bench is a simple Cross-platform .NET Core benchmark tool for MQTT brokers. It measures the maximum number of messages that can be sent to the broker in a specified amount of time.
Software / Miscellaneous
- MQTT File Uploader (â3) - MQTT File Uploader is a simple Cross-platform .NET Core application that watches local directories for changes and uploads new or modified files to an MQTT broker.
16. Awesome Game Remakes
- Zelda3 (â4.3k) - This is a reverse engineered clone of Zelda 3 - A Link to the Past.
17. Progressive Enhancement Resources
Support Tables
- iOS PWA Compatibility - Support table for PWA features including service worker, manifest, background sync and push notifications (Unofficial, maintained by Maximiliano Firtman).
18. Awesome Neovim
Remote Development / Diagnostics
- miversen33/netman.nvim (â348) - Lua powered Network Resource Manager.
19. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Papers / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Harry Lewis. Ideas That Created the Future: Classic Papers of Computer Science - Classic papers by thinkers ranging from Aristotle and Leibniz to Norbert Wiener and Gordon Moore that chart the evolution of computer science.
20. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- Qwiet AI Šī¸ â Identify vulnerabilities that are unique to your code base before they reach production. Leverages the Code Property Graph (CPG) to run its analyses concurrently in a single graph of graphs. Automatically finds business logic flaws in dev like hardcoded secrets and logic bombs
21. Awesome Fiber
đ Articles / đą Third Party
22. Awesome Docker
Base Tools / Other
- dockerize (â187) - Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers by @jwilder, @powerman
- Prev: Feb 20, 2023
- Next: Feb 17, 2023