Awesome List Updates on Feb 17, 2023
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Polars
Official documentation
- Documentation - Official user guide for Python, Rust and R.
- Github: Polars Github Organization - Official Polars Github repository.
- Blog posts from Polars - Official blogs posts from Polars.
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Python
- polars for Python (⭐32k) - Python
package to use polars DataFrame from Python.
- tidypolars
python library built on top of polars library that gives access to methods and functions familiar to R tidyverse users.
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Rust
- polars for Rust (⭐32k) - Rust
crate to use polars DataFrame with Rust.
- GeoPolars
pre-alpha Rust crate that extends the Polars DataFrame library for use with geospatial data (not in active development - see top of readme (⭐675)).
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / R
- rpolars for R (⭐497) - R
package to use polars DataFrame from R.
Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Node.js
- nodejs-polars for Node.js (⭐501) - Node.js
package to use polars DataFrame from Node.js.
Resources / Tutorials & workshops
- Modern Polars - A side by side comparison between Polars and Pandas containing code in both frameworks by @kevinheavey.
Resources / Blog posts
- Using the Polars DataFrame Library - A blog post by Wei-Meng Lee to discover the basics of Polars and how it can be used in place of Pandas.
- Why Polars uses less memory than Pandas - A blog post by Itamar Turner-Trauring detailing some techniques to opptimize Pandas memory usage and see how Polars can provide an answer in some cases.
- Plodding with Polars in Python - A blog post by @amitrathore that introduces some basic features of Polars.
- Polars-lazy - A blog post by @ritchie46 and @jorgecarleitao that introduces Polars' lazy API in Rust.
- Series of posts on Polars - A series of blogpost on Polars usage with a lot of useful tricks and information by @braaannigan. Moreover, Liam also has a Data Analysis with Polars course on Udemy.
- Youtube videos about Polars - A series of short youtube videos about Polars by @braaannigan
Resources / Talks and videos
- Polars: Blazingly Fast DataFrames in Rust and Python ⏳
37 min
- Introduction to Polars by databricks.
- Polars: The Next Big Python Data Science Library... written in Rust? ⏳
14 min
- A short video tutorial to get started coding with Polars by @RobMulla.
- The Last Polars Dataframe vs. Pandas Dataframe Video You Should Ever See ⏳
19 min
- A video that compares Polars and Pandas data frames.
- The Best library for building Data Pipelines... ⏳
12 min
- A video that compares Pandas, Spark and Polars for working with data in Python by @RobMulla.
Follow / Talks and videos
- pola-rs (@pola-rs) - Github organisation for Polars
- Ritchie Vink (@ritchie46) - Author of Polars
- Stijn de Gooijer (@stinodego) - Member of Polars organisation
- Danny van Kooten (@dannyvankooten) - Member of Polars organisation
- Alexander Beedie (@alexander-beedie) - Contributor to Polars projects
2. Awesome Decentralized
- Databag (⭐967): Self-hosted lightweight federated messenger for the decentralized web. Lightweight, public-private key based identity, end-to-end encryption.
3. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- CodeSee ©️ — CodeSee is mapping and automating your app's services, directories, file dependencies, and code changes. It's like Google Map, but for code.t
- StaticReviewer ©️ — Static Reviewer executes code checks according to the most relevant Secure Coding Standards, OWASP, CWE, CVE, CVSS, MISRA, CERT, for 40+ programming languages, using 1000+ built-in validation rules for Security, Deadcode & Best Practices Available a module for Software Composition Analysis (SCA) to find vulnerabilities in open source and third party libraries.
4. Awesome Terraform
Self-Hosted Registries / Miscellaneous
- tapir (⭐214) - Private Terraform Registry.
5. Awesome V
- vgoogle (⭐9) - Make google search on the terminal.
6. Awesome Rust
Libraries / Artificial Intelligence
- 64bit/async-openai (⭐1.3k) [async-openai] - Ergonomic Rust bindings for OpenAI API based on OpenAPI spec.
7. Awesome Deno
Modules / Database
- r2d2 (⭐56) - Fast, lightweight Redis client library for Deno.
8. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Network Analysis
- Sniffnet (⭐23k) - Application to comfortably monitor your network traffic.
9. Awesome Neovim
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- LazyVim/LazyVim (⭐20k) - Full-fledged IDE powered by lazy.nvim to make it easy to customize and extend your config.
10. Awesome Zsh Plugins
- Cascadia Code (⭐27k) - Microsoft's Cascadia Code
- Fira Mono (⭐5.1k) - Mozilla's Fira type family.
- Hack - Another Powerline-compatible font designed for source code and terminal usage.
- Input Mono - A family of fonts designed specifically for code. It offers both monospaced and proportional fonts and includes Powerline glyphs.
- Iosevka - Iosevka is an open source slender monospace sans-serif and slab-serif typeface inspired by Pragmata Pro, M+ and PF DIN Mono, designed to be the ideal font for programming.
- Monoid - Monoid is customizable and optimized for coding with bitmap-like sharpness at 15px line-height even on low res displays.
- Mononoki - Mononoki is a typeface by Matthias Tellen, created to enhance code formatting.
- More Nerd Fonts - Another site to download nerd fonts.
- Nerd fonts (⭐57k) - A collection of over 20 patched fonts (over 1,700 variations) & the fontforge font patcher python script for Powerline, devicons, and vim-devicons: includes Droid Sans, Meslo, AnonymousPro, ProFont, Inconsolta, and many more. These can be installed with
- dobrew tap homebrew/cask-fonts && brew install --cask fontname
- Victor Mono - Victor Mono is a free programming font with semi-connected cursive italics, symbol ligatures (!=, ->>, =>, ===, <=, >=, ++) and Latin, Cyrillic and Greek characters.
- Prev: Feb 19, 2023
- Next: Feb 16, 2023