Awesome List Updates on Feb 12, 2023
5 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Go
Interfaces to Multiple Backends
- go-transaction-manager (⭐266) - Transaction manager with multiple adapters (sql, sqlx, gorm, mongo, ...) controls transaction boundaries.
2. Awesome Blazor
Articles / Others
- Improve Blazor startup process UX - January 21, 2023 - You can do a lot of things with Blazor: PWA, SSR, SPA, Hybrid app... the process of how the user sees the first page is different for each of these modes.
3. Awesome Crystal
- observable (⭐9) - Implementation of the observer pattern
Editor Plugins
- Lite-XL
- lite-plugin-crystal (⭐6) - Crystal support for the Lite-XL editor
4. Awesome List
Computer Science
- Generative AI (⭐7.7k) - Automatically generates a wide range of unique content in text, image, and audio format.
Decentralized Systems
- ZeroNet (⭐83) - A decentralized web-like network of peer-to-peer users.
5. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 🌱 Third Party
- mikhail-bigun/fiberlogrus (⭐10) - A logger middleware that uses logrus and its structured logging features.
- Prev: Feb 13, 2023
- Next: Feb 11, 2023