Awesome List Updates on Feb 06, 2023
8 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Chatgpt
Using ChatGPT in other apps
2. Awesome Cl
- CLOCC's elisp.lisp - Emacs Lisp in Common Lisp.
- implementation of the Emacs Lisp language as a Common Lisp package. [1999]
- does not attempt to reimplement the library of functions provided in Emacs to manipulate buffers and other related objects, so it focuses on the "pure" Emacs Lisp language; but it was able to run the non-UI parts of the Emacs Calendar. (S. Monnier, M. Sperber)
System administration / Third-party APIs
- cl-unix-cybernetics (⭐180) (previously Adams) - UNIX system administration in Common Lisp. Not unlike Ansible, Chef or Puppet. ISC.
- You describe your systems (hosts) using resources having properties. The properties are then probed and synchronized using only /bin/sh on the remote host, and /usr/bin/ssh on the control host.
3. Awesome Cpp
Image Processing
- BitmapPlusPLus (⭐39) - Simple and Fast header only Bitmap C++ library. [MIT]
4. Awesome Go
Distributed Systems
- Dragonfly (⭐2.4k) - Provide efficient, stable and secure file distribution and image acceleration based on p2p technology to be the best practice and standard solution in cloud native architectures.
5. Awesome Rust
Applications / Security tools
- cargo-crev - A cryptographically verifiable code review system for the cargo package manager.
Libraries / Parsing
- hmeyer/stl_io - A parser for STL (STereoLithography) files
6. Awesome Appimage
AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Windows applications
- GameImage - GameImage is a way to package up games with either Wine or an Emulator into a portable AppImage that could be useful for the Steam Deck.
AppImage developer tools / Tools to convert from other package formats
- Elements (⭐5) - Tool to generate single-file, runc-based AppImages using a minimal (~3 MB compressed) Alpine Linux rootfs.
Resources / Miscellaneous
- appdwarf (⭐26) - A tool to convert an AppDir or an existing AppImage file, either as a local file or from a URL, into a highly compressed portable image using dwarfs.
7. Awesome Minecraft
Softwares / Servers
- Minestom - Lightweight from-scratch server implementation.
8. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- svrana/neosolarized.nvim (⭐159) - Dark solarized colorscheme using colorbuddy for easy customization.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- altermo/ultimate-autopair.nvim (⭐533) - Autopair with extensions.
- Prev: Feb 07, 2023
- Next: Feb 05, 2023