Awesome List Updates on Jan 31, 2023
20 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Nodejs
Packages / Data validation
- yup (⭐23k) - Object schema validation.
2. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- Svix - Webhooks as a Service. Send up to 50,000 messages/month for free.
Payment and Billing Integration
- CoinMarketCap — Provides cryptocurrency market data including the latest crypto and fiat currency exchange rates. The free tier offers 10K call credits/month.
- CoinGecko — Provides cryptocurrency market data including the latest crypto exchange rates and historical data. The demo api comes with a stable rate limit of 30 calls/min and a monthly cap of 10,000 calls.
3. Awesome Digital History
Archives and primary sources / Global
- Got Papers? - Resources on the history of games, cracking, and the demoscene.
4. Awesome Blazor
- BitPlatform Templates (⭐1.1k) -
- Solution templates using .Net MAUI and Blazor with out-of-the-box best practices enabling fast and high-quality cross-platform development for web, android, iOS, and Windows with native beautiful Blazor components. The projects created by these templates contain everything required for developing real-world applications, including (but not limited to) CI/CD pipelines, Infra as Code for Azure, localization, multi-mode development (Blazor Server/WASM/Hybrid), builtin bullet proof exception handling, etc. Read more.
2D/3D Rendering engines / Others
- SignaturePad (⭐87) -
A simple to use blazor component to draw custom signatures. Demo.
Tools & Utilities / Others
- Blazor Hotkeys2 (⭐111) -
A library to provide configuration-centric keyboard shortcuts for Blazor.
- CodeBeam.GoogleApis.Blazor (⭐9) -
An open-source utility package for GoogleApis in Blazor. Written from scratch and aims easiest of use.
Articles / Others
- Playing Dynamic Audio In Server Side Blazor - January 28, 2023 - You can play dynamic audio in a Blazor Server application and have full control over the user interface. YouTube video about this article.
- .NET MAUI Blazor - Best practices for mobile UI - January 27, 2023 - Both Blazor and .NET MAUI are great and Powerful frameworks. Using .NET MAUI, you can build fully native cross-platform apps and build web apps completely in C# with Blazor. But when you combine them with the MAUI Blazor template, you need to know that it should feel like a mobile app, not a web page. This articles explains some tips and tricks.
5. Awesome Emails
Tools / Misc
- DevMail - An email sandbox for software developers. Capture emails from your dev, staging, QA, or CI environment.
- Disposable Email Check API - A free API for checking if an email address is disposable. No sign up required.
Services / Misc
- Kickbox - Email verification service (check an email exists).
Testing / Misc
- Email Spam Tester - Free tool to check to see if your email will end up in the spam folder.
6. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- linrongbin16/lsp-progress.nvim (⭐220) - A performant LSP progress status.
Media / Diagnostics
- niuiic/cp-image.nvim (⭐9) - Paste image from clipboard and insert the reference code.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- niuiic/part-edit.nvim (⭐14) - Edit a part of a file individually.
- niuiic/divider.nvim (⭐26) - Custom code divider line.
Session / Diagnostics
- niuiic/multiple-session.nvim (⭐10) - Provides multi-session management capabilities.
7. Awesome Decentralized
- Meshenger (⭐742): Voice/Video Android phone App that works on the local LAN and does not need Internet access/servers/accounts.
- Qaul: Internet independent wireless mesh communication App. Uses interlinked P2P mesh via BLE, Wifi & Internet-overlay.
8. Awesome Productivity
- 12+ Tips and Tricks to Work Faster in Microsoft Outlook - Tame your Outlook with these tips in order to get a little bit closer to the awesome Inbox Zero.
- Advanced GTD with Remember The Milk - A tutorial on how to implement GTD with Remember the Milk.
- Inbox Zero - Rigorous approach to email management aimed at keeping the inbox (almost) empty at all times.
- Lifehacker - The go-to blog for tips, tricks, and downloads for getting things done.
- Rid Your Desktop of Clutter with This Simple Trio of Icons - A little trick that has been keeping my desktop clean for years now.
- The Bullet Journal - A pen and paper method that turns a simple notebook into a highly efficient productivity tool.
- The 5 Choices - An all around productivity methodology dealing with prioritization, scheduling, technology and energy management.
Tools and Apps / Note Management
- Google Keep - A nice and simple note management system tightly integrated with Google products.
Tools and Apps / Task Management
- - Simple interface, packed with features, currently the favorite to-do list manager at Lifehacker.
- Taskwarrior - An open source command line task manager. Flexible, fast, efficient, and unobtrusive.
Tools and Apps / Habit Trackers
- HabitBull - Premium habit tracker.
Tools and Apps / Task Automation
- Tasker - Android application that can perform context sensitive custom tasks (e.g. automatically turn on wifi when you arrive home).
9. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Inductive Logic & Program Synthesis / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Program Synthesis Guided Reinforcement Learning - NeurIPS'21, 2021. [All Versions].
10. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2022
- Scaling up search engine audits: Practical insights for algorithm auditing - (Journal of Information Science) (Code) (⭐33) Audits multiple search engines using simulated browsing behavior with virtual agents.
11. Awesome Rust
Applications / Database
- CozoDB (⭐3.6k) - A transactional, relational database that uses Datalog and focuses on graph data and algorithms. Time-travel-capable, and fast!
Applications / System tools
- j0ru/kickoff (⭐420) - Fast and snappy wayland program launcher
12. Awesome Mac
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- Deeplink Buddy - Deeplink managers, made by developer for developers.
13. Awesome Creative Coding
Online Books
- Creative Coding Notebooks - An authorial set of fundamental Python recipes on Creative Coding and Computer Art, by Diego Inácio.
14. Awesome Microservices
Frameworks / Runtimes
- Deno - JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly runtime with secure defaults and a great developer experience.
15. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- Takahē - Federated microblogging server. Mastodon, & ActivityPub compatible. (Source Code (⭐1.2k))
16. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3
- XSM - A fully-featured hierarchical State Machine with parallel states, easy animation, random states and more.
17. Awesome Nextjs
18. Awesome Typescript
Awesome TypeScript Essential Resources
- 💻 Learn how to unleash the full potential of the Turing Complete type system of TypeScript!, 💵 online course with free first 5 chapters by Gabriel Vergnaud
19. Awesome H2o
Research Papers
- Water-Quality Prediction Based on H2O AutoML and Explainable AI Techniques Hamza Ahmad Madni, Muhammad Umer, Abid Ishaq, Nihal Abuzinadah, Oumaima Saidani, Shtwai Alsubai, Monia Hamdi, Imran Ashraf. (2023)
20. Awesome Developer First
- Plausible - Simple, privacy-friendly, and open-source web analytics tool.
- Prev: Feb 01, 2023
- Next: Jan 30, 2023