Awesome List Updates on Jan 04, 2023
12 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Coq
Projects / Puzzles and Games
- Coqoban (⭐21) - Coq implementation of Sokoban, the Japanese warehouse keepers' game.
- Hanoi (⭐24) - The Tower of Hanoi puzzle in Coq, including generalizations and theorems about configurations.
- Mini-Rubik (⭐4) - Coq formalization and solver of the 2x2x2 version of the Rubik's Cube puzzle.
- Name the Biggest Number (⭐63) - Repository for submitting proven contenders for the title of biggest number in Coq.
- Natural Number Game (⭐6) - Coq version of the natural number game developed for the Lean prover.
- Sudoku (⭐20) - Formalization and solver of the Sudoku number-placement puzzle in Coq.
- T2048 (⭐22) - Coq version of the 2048 sliding tile game.
2. Awesome Docker
Security / Other
3. Awesome Chatgpt
4. Awesome Pentest
Vulnerability Databases / Social Engineering Tools
- VulDB - Independent vulnerability database with user community, exploit details, and additional meta data (e.g. CPE, CVSS, CWE)
5. Awesome V
Editor plugins / VS Code
- vscode-vlang (⭐391) - V Language extension for Visual Studio Code.
Online IDEs with V / Vim
Programming contests / Vim
- Advent of Code 2022 (⭐44) - Solution of Advent of Code 2022 in V.
6. Awesome Micropython
Communications / Ethernet
- Official WIZnet5k (⭐2) - Driver for the WIZnet5x00 series of Ethernet controllers.
Community / SRAM
- MicroPython Discussions on GitHub - GitHub discussions for all things related to MicroPython.
- MicroPython Forum (archive) - Archived community conversations on all things related to MicroPython.
- MicroPython IDE for VSCode - MicroPython IDE for Visual Studio Code.
- MicroPython-REPLink for VSCode - Handy shortcuts for interacting with a MicroPython REPL terminal.
Shells / On Host
- mpbridge (⭐53) - A file system bridge to synchronize and manage files on a device running MicroPython.
7. Awesome Dotnet
- ZeroQL (⭐283) - high-performance C#-friendly GraphQL client. It supports Linq-like syntax. It doesn't require Reflection.Emit or expressions. As a result, the runtime provides performance very close to a raw HTTP call.
8. Awesome Plotters
Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts
- An Introduction to Pen Plotting - Another getting started article with modern pen plotters.
9. Webcomponents the Right Way
Class Based
- element-js (⭐18) - Simple and lightweight base classes for web components with a beautiful API.
Meta Frameworks
- Enhance - Web standards-based HTML framework for building lightweight web applications.
- luna-js (⭐5) - SSR framework that makes working with the WebComponents standard a breeze.
- Rocket - Modern web setup for static sites with a sprinkle of JavaScript.
- Web Components Compiler (⭐66) - Compiler to make server-side rendering of native web components easier.
- WebC (⭐1.3k) - Framework-independent standalone HTML serializer for generating markup for web components.
10. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- idanarye/nvim-buffls (⭐9) - Add LSP functionality to specific Neovim buffers.
Note Taking / Diagnostics
- RutaTang/quicknote.nvim (⭐132) - Quickly take notes, in-place.
Terminal Integration / Diagnostics
- idanarye/nvim-channelot (⭐7) - Operate Neovim jobs from Lua coroutines.
Code Runner / Diagnostics
- idanarye/nvim-moonicipal (⭐19) - Task runner with focus on rapidly changing personal tasks.
11. Awesome Machine Learning
C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Speedster (⭐8.4k) -Automatically apply SOTA optimization techniques to achieve the maximum inference speed-up on your hardware. [DEEP LEARNING]
12. Awesome Developer First
- Depot - Drop-in replacement to build Docker images faster in CI.
- Prev: Jan 05, 2023
- Next: Jan 03, 2023