Awesome List Updates on Jan 03, 2023
13 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Nextjs
- Kaminari Template - Power packed Next.js and Tailwind CSS template. Built with developer experience in mind. Contains Husky, CommitLint, Prettier, Eslint etc. configs. ✨
2. Tools
3. Awesome Jupyter
- JupyterLab Desktop (⭐3.5k) - A desktop application for JupyterLab, based on Electron.
4. Awesome Qubes OS
System Information & Requirements
- Architecture - Qubes implements a security-by-compartmentalization approach.
- Audio virtualization - VMs on Qubes OS have access to virtualized audio through the PulseAudio module.
- Certified Hardware - We aim for these vendors to be as diverse as possible in terms of geography, cost, and availability.
- Community-recommended hardware - Community-recommended computers.
- Hardware compatibility list (HCL) - The HCL is a compilation of reports generated and submitted by users across various Qubes versions about their hardware’s compatibility with Qubes.
- System Requirements - User documentation / Choyhe attacker doesn’t have access to all the software running in the other domains.
- Security-critical code - A list of security-critical (i.e., trusted) code components in Qubes OS.
- Storage pools - Qubes OS implements a security-by-isolation (or security-by-compartmentalization) approach by providing the ability to easily create many security domains.
- Secondary storage - hese steps assume you have already created a separate volume group and thin pool (not thin volume) for your HDD.
- Networking - In Qubes, the standard Xen networking is used, based on backend driver in the driver domain and frontend drivers in VMs.
- Config files - These files are placed in /rw, which survives a VM restart. That way, they can be used to customize a single VM instead of all VMs based on the same template. The scripts here all run as root.
- Disposable customization - A disposable can be based on any app qube.
- How to install software in dom0 - How to install a specific package
- How to make any file persistent (bind-dirs) - With bind-dirs any arbitrary files or folders can be made persistent in app qubes.
- How to mount a Qubes partition from another OS - When a Qubes OS install is unbootable or booting it is otherwise undesirable, this process allows for the recovery of files stored within the system.
- Installing contributed packages - This page is for users who wish to install contributed packages.
- Managing qube kernels - By default, VMs kernels are provided by dom0.
- Qubes service - Usage documentation is in the qvm-service man page.
- RPC policies - This document explains the basics of RPC policies in Qubes.
- Resize disk image - By default Qubes uses thin volumes for the disk images.
- Standalones and HVMs - A standalone is a type of qube that is created by cloning a template. Unlike templates, however, standalones do not supply their root filesystems to other qubes.
- Volume backup and revert - With Qubes, it is possible to revert one of a VM’s storage volumes to a previous state using the automatic snapshot that is normally saved every time a VM is shutdown.
Downloading, Installing, Upgrading, and Building
- Upgrading - These guides are for upgrading from one version of Qubes to another.
How-to guides
- How to back up, restore, and migrate - With Qubes, it’s easy and secure to back up and restore your whole system, as well as to migrate between two physical machines.
- How to copy and move files - This page is about copying and moving files.
- How to copy and paste text - This page is about copying and pasting plain text.
- How to copy from dom0 - This page covers copying files and clipboard text between dom0 and domUs.
- How to enter fullscreen mode - Normally, the Qubes GUI virtualization daemon restricts the VM from “owning” the full screen.
- How to install software - When you wish to install software in Qubes OS, you should generally install it in a template.
- How to update - This page is about updating your system while staying on the same supported version of Qubes OS.
- How to use PCI devices - Unlike other devices (USB, block, mic), PCI devices need to be attached on VM-bootup.
- How to use USB devices - Attaching USB devices to VMs requires a USB Qube.
- How to use block storage devices - This page is part of device handling in Qubes.
- How to use devices - This is an overview of device handling in Qubes OS.
- How to use disposables - A disposable is a lightweight Qube that can be created quickly and will self-destruct when closed.
- How to use optical discs - Passthrough reading and recording (a.k.a., “burning”) are not supported by Qubes OS.
- Debian templates - The Debian template is an officially supported template in Qubes OS.
- Fedora templates - The Fedora template is the default template in Qubes OS.
- Minimal templates - The minimal templates are lightweight versions of their standard template counterparts.
- Templates - In Getting Started, we covered the distinction in Qubes OS between where you install your software and where you run your software.
- Template implementation - Describes template implementation.
- Template manager - A template manager application.
- Xfce templates - If you would like to use Xfce (more lightweight compared to GNOME desktop environment) Linux distribution in your Qubes, you can install one of the available Xfce templates for Fedora, CentOS or Gentoo.
- Anonymizing your MAC Address (⭐258) - Although the MAC address is not the only metadata broadcast by network hardware, changing your hardware's default MAC Address could be an important step in protecting privacy.
- Data leaks - Firewalling in Qubes is not intended to be a leak-prevention mechanism.
- Device handling security - Any additional ability a VM gains is additional attack surface.
- Firewall - Every Qube in Qubes is connected to the network via a FirewallVM, which is used to enforce network-level policies.
- Reducing the fingerprint of the text-based web browser w3m (⭐258) - You can reduce the amount of information w3m gives about itself and the environment it is running in (and, by extension, you).
- Running Tails in Qubes (⭐258) - Tails stands for The Amnesic Incognito Live System.
- Split GPG - Split GPG implements a concept similar to having a smart card with your private GPG keys, except that the role of the “smart card” is played by another Qubes app Qube.
- Split dm-crypt (⭐23) - Instead of directly attaching an encrypted LUKS1 partition from a source VM such as sys-usb to a destination VM and decrypting it there.
- U2F proxy - The Qubes U2F Proxy is a secure proxy intended to make use of U2F two-factor authentication devices with web browsers without exposing the browser to the full USB stack, not unlike the USB keyboard and mouse proxies implemented in Qubes.
- Using Multi-Factor Authentication with Qubes (⭐258) - This page concerns multi-factor authentication for logging into external services, not for logging into Qubes itself.
- Using OnlyKey with Qubes OS - The following setup instructions walk through the process of configuring dom0 and a USB qube so that OnlyKey will function as a keyboard and be able to communicate with the OnlyKey app (required for TOTP).
- Qrexec: secure communication across domains - The qrexec framework is used by core Qubes components to implement communication between domains.
- Qrexec: socket-based services - The qrexec allows implementing services not only as executable files, but also as Unix sockets.
- Qubes memory manager (qmemman) - Provides automatic balancing of memory across participating PV and HVM domains, based on their memory demand
- YubiKey - Most use cases for the YubiKey can be achieved exactly as described by the manufacturer or other instructions found online.
- AwesomeWM (window manager) - This is an rpm package for awesomewm with the patches for Qubes.
- i3 (window manager) - i3 is part of the stable repository (as of Qubes R3.1) and can be installed by using the dom0 update mechanism.
- KDE (desktop environment) - KDE was the default desktop environment in Qubes
Qubes OS Server / Unikernel-like
- Admin API - The goals of the Admin API system is to provide a way for the user to manage the domains without direct access to dom0.
- Qubes core admin client - Qubes core admin client’s documentation!
- Qubes core admin - Qubes core-admin’s documentation!
- Qubes core stack - Introducing the Next Generation Qubes Core Stack.
Social media / Extra Info
- ClubHouse - Qubes OS Clubhouse Room
Qubes OS Legends / Extra Info
- Joanna Rutkowska - Founder of Qubes OS.
- Blog - Personal Blog.
- Subverting the Xen Hypervisor [PDF] - Xen 0wning Trilogy Part One
- Preventing and Detecting Xen Hypervisor Subversions [PDF] - Xen 0wning Trilogy Part Two
- Bluepilling the Xen Hypervisor [PDF] - Xen 0wning Trilogy Part Three
- Marek Marczykowski-Górecki - Lead developer at Qubes OS.
5. Awesome LaTeX
Templates / TikZ
- LaTeX Beamer Theme Overview (⭐28) - Visual overview of beamer themes included in TeXLive
6. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Miscellaneous
- F-Droid - Server tools for maintaining an F-Droid repository system. (Source Code)
7. Awesome Rest
Querying / Symfony2
- RestQA (⭐88) - A REST API testing Framework based on BDD / Gherkin to manage microservice local testing.
8. Awesome Playcanvas
Interactive Experiences
- Childhood on the Move - Virtual art exhibition from charity Family for Every Child.
- MMX Racing - Interactive 3D ad for a popular mobile game.
9. Awesome Godot
3D / Godot 3
- Boom (⭐37) - A very simple, old fashion FPS, work-in-progress but playable.
10. Awesome Blazor
- ididit! (⭐227) -
The procrastination friendly habit tracker. ake notes, manage tasks, track habits. Demo.
Articles / Others
- Build Your Own Podcast App with .NET 7, Blazor, and .NET MAUI - December 19, 2022 - The .NET Podcast app was first introduced at .NET Conf 2021 and recently updated to highlight new features in .NET 7 at the .NET Conf 2022 keynote. The podcast app is ready to use sample application that showcases .NET, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, .NET MAUI, Azure Container Apps, Orleans, Power Platform, Playwright, and more. This post explains all the new features and show how we upgraded the .NET Podcast app to take advantage of them.
11. Webcomponents the Right Way
12. Awesome Neovim
File Explorer / Diagnostics
- stevearc/oil.nvim (⭐4.8k) - Edit your filesystem like a buffer.
13. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- Code::Stats (
- codestats-box (⭐6) - Update a pinned gist to contain your daily Code::Stats.
- codestats-box-python (⭐8) - A Python implementation of codestats-box. Update a pinned gist to contain your Code::Stats stats.
- LeetCode (
- leetcode-box (⭐16) - Update a pinned gist to show your LeetCode stats.
- leetcode-solved-box (⭐0) - Update a pinned gist to show leetcode solved problem.
- leetcode-skills-box (⭐1) - Update a pinned gist to show your top leetcode skills.
- Spotify (
- spotify-box (⭐127) - Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly top tracks on Spotify.
- spotify-box (⭐16) - Update a pinned gist to show your weekly/monthly/all-time top Spotify tracks/artists.
- spotify-gist (⭐7) - Update a pinned gist to contain your monthly top artist on Spotify.
- WakaTime (
- waka-box (⭐1.4k) - Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly WakaTime stats.
- waka-box-go (⭐171) - A Golang implementation of waka-box. Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly WakaTime stats.
- Prev: Jan 04, 2023
- Next: Jan 02, 2023