Awesome List Updates on Feb 21 - Feb 27, 2022
57 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Wpo
Metrics Monitor - EMAIL / Meetups
- WebPerformance Report - Web performance report every week in your inbox. Get a Personalized Report on the Status of the E-commerce or Website that you want to monitor in terms of Web performance and Web optimization, Core Web Vitals are included.
2. Awesome Jupyter
JupyterLab Extensions
- stickyland (⭐506) - Break the linear presentation of notebooks with sticky cells.
Hosted Notebook Solutions
- DataBlogs - DataBlogs is an open-source data journalism platform that converts Jupyter notebooks into published articles on the web.
- DataCamp Workspace - Jupyter-backed data science notebooks with built-in collaboration and publishing functionality.
3. Awesome Osint
Other Tools / Steam
- DuckDuckGo URL scraper (⭐24) - A simple DuckDuckGo URL scraper.
4. Awesome List
Back-End Development
- Slim (⭐35) - PHP framework.
5. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Balancer (⭐192) - A Decentralized Finance app that runs on Ethereum.
Components & Libraries / Scaffold
- electron-vite-template (⭐444) - A modern desktop application project template with Vue 3, Vite & Electron. It's fast!
6. Awesome Yew
- Rust algorithms (⭐115) - A website with interactive implementations of various algorithms.
Alternatives / Frameworks
- Dioxus (⭐24k) - Elegant React-like library for building user interfaces for desktop, web, mobile, SSR, liveview, and more.
- Sycamore (⭐2.9k) - A reactive library for creating web apps in Rust and WebAssembly.
7. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam
Security monitoring / Post-engagement analysis and reporting
- Starbase (⭐333) - Collects assets and relationships from services and systems into an intuitive graph view to offer graph-based security analysis for everyone.
8. Awesome Fastapi
- SQLAlchemy Admin (⭐2k) - Admin Panel for FastAPI/Starlette that works with SQLAlchemy models.
Utils / Other Tools
- FastAPI Opentracing (⭐24) - Opentracing middleware and database tracing support for FastAPI.
Official Resources / Other Tools
- Discord - Chat with other FastAPI users.
Docker Images / Other Tools
- inboard (⭐196) - Docker images to power your FastAPI apps and help you ship faster.
- uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi-docker (⭐2.7k) - Docker image with Uvicorn managed by Gunicorn for high-performance FastAPI web applications in Python 3.7 and 3.6 with performance auto-tuning.
- uvicorn-gunicorn-poetry (⭐45) - Docker image with Gunicorn using Uvicorn workers for running Python web applications. Uses Poetry for managing dependencies and setting up a virtual environment. Supports AMD64 and ARM64 CPU architectures.
- uvicorn-poetry (⭐52) - Docker image with Uvicorn ASGI server for running Python web applications on Kubernetes. Uses Poetry for managing dependencies and setting up a virtual environment. Supports AMD64 and ARM64 CPU architectures.
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- FastAPI Websocket Broadcast (⭐135) - Websocket 'broadcast' demo.
9. Magictools
Engines and Frameworks / Voxel Editors
- 🎉 Pyxel (⭐16k) - a retro game engine for Python.
10. Awesome Micropython
Communications / Modbus
- micropython-modbus (⭐119) - ModBus TCP and RTU library supporting client and host mode. Based on pycom-modbus from Pycom.
Communications / Serial
- I2C Slave (⭐771) - Uses the Pyboard's I2C slave mode to implement a full duplex asynchronous link. Principal use case is for ESP8266 which has only one UART.
Communications / WiFi
- Micropython-ESP-WiFi-Manager (⭐35) - WiFi Manager to configure and connect to networks.
Display / GUI
- TFT-GUI (⭐94) - A fast touch GUI for large displays based on SSD1963 controller with XPT2046 touch controller.
Storage / Flash
- micropython-winbond (⭐12) - Interact with Winbond W25Q Flash chips via SPI.
11. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- ziggy42/kolor (⭐78) - A library to print colored strings, with Kotlin.
12. Awesome Svelte
UI Libraries
- AgnosticUI (⭐732) - Accessible Svelte Component Primitives (that also work with React, Vue 3, and Angular).
13. Awesome Dotfiles
Articles / Introductions
Tools / Ansible
- comtrya (⭐494) - Configuration management for localhost, written in Rust, for Linux, BSD, macOS, and Windows.
14. Awesome Icons
- Icons8 Line Awesome (⭐1.3k) - Swap Font Awesome for modern line icons in one line of code.
15. Dive Into Machine Learning
Getting Help: Questions, Answers, Chats / Some communities to know about!
Deep Learning / Easier sharing of deep learning models and demos
by Jeremy Howard and Sylvain Gugger — "an introduction to deep learning, fastai and PyTorch."
is an interesting library that wraps PyTorch, TensorFlow and MXNet models.- "Concise functional-programming approach to model definition, using composition rather than inheritance."
- "Integrated config system to describe trees of objects and hyperparameters."
Skilling up / Machine Learning and User Experience (UX)
- Some links for finding/following interesting papers/code:
- Papers With Code is a popular site to follow, and it can lead you to other resources.
- MIT: Papers + Code — "Peer-review is the lifeblood of scientific validation and a guardrail against runaway hype in AI. Our commitment to publishing in the top venues reflects our grounding in what is real, reproducible, and truly innovative."
-, monthly
- Pull requests welcome!
More ways to "Dive into Machine Learning" / Aside: Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning
16. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-window-name (⭐227) Names your tmux windows smartly.
17. Awesome Playcanvas
Product Configurators / YouTube Playables
- Cibes Lifts - Elevator configurator.
18. Awesome Esports
Libraries / APIs & Web Services
- SteamID - A library for manipulating Steam IDs.
19. Awesome Bioie
Datasets / Annotated Text Data
- CRAFT (⭐69) - paper - 67 full-text biomedical articles annotated in a variety of ways, including for concepts and coreferences. Now on version 5, including annotations linking concepts to the MONDO disease ontology.
20. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Career / Promotion
- “Most people realize by their 30s that prestige is a sucker's game” (source) - Do not chase promotion for the title only.
Politics / Equity
- “The president of MIT told me that tenure was not about research, productivity, or merit. It was about office politics & being liked by your department.” (source) - Contemplating to switch from the industry? The grass is not greener in academia. Given a significant size, any organization comes with its political game.
21. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Books
- Mastering Functional Programming - If you are from an imperative and OOP background, this book will guide you through the world of functional programming, irrespective of which programming language you use.
22. Awesome Newsletters
Technology in General / Svelte
- Developer trends newsletter, unpacking one trend at a time.
23. Awesome Integration
Projects / Data Mapping Solution
- Altova MapForce - Graphical data mapping solution that enables any-to-any conversion, reducing complexity and accelerating integration projects.
24. Awesome Testing
Software / API Testing
- Keploy (⭐5.3k) - API Testing Platform that automatically generates unit test cases along with dependency mocks.
25. Awesome Gdpr
Rights of the data subject (art. 12 - 23)
26. Awesome Circuitpython
- Adafruit CircuitPython Discord channel #CircuitPython - 24/7 chat and support on CircuitPython including a weekly podcast.
- CircuitPython API Reference - A list of functions and documentation available for CircuitPython.
- CircuitPython Community Libraries (⭐164) - CircuitPython Community Libraries. There are over 45+ libraries available.
- Scott Shawcroft Is Squeezing Python Into Microcontrollers - IEEE Spectrum Magazine article on the Python programming language for makers.
- HackSpace Magazine - Issue 17 - CircuitPython powered Adafruit Grand Central M4 Express review.
- Adafruit Circuit Playground Express review - Raspberry Pi reviews the Circuit Playground Express.
- CircuitPython on Hackaday - Hackaday posts related to CircuitPython.
- Weekly community chat on Adafruit Discord server CircuitPython channel - Audio / Podcast edition - Audio from the Discord chat space for CircuitPython, meetings are usually Mondays at 2pm ET, this is the audio version on iTunes, Pocket Casts, Spotify, and XML feed.
27. Awesome Plotters
Software / Vector Creation
- SVG.js - Dependency-free lightweight library for creating, manipulating, and animating SVG.
- Components AI - Experimental computational design platform for exploring generative space.
- DrawingBotV3 (⭐374) - Cross-platform software for converting images to line drawings.
Software / Vector Utilities
- SVG Cropper - A browser-based tool to crop SVGs using different primitives, custom shapes, or other SVGs.
28. Awesome Robotics
29. Awesome Fiber
📖 Articles / 🌱 Third Party
30. Awesome Privacy
- Beatbump (⭐1.1k) - Alternative frontend for YouTube Music; no ads and custom API wrapper.
Alternative Frontends
- Nitter (⭐10k) - Nitter is a free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy.
- Fritter (⭐1.4k) - A free, open-source Nitter client for Android (feed no longer available).
- Squawker (⭐1.1k) - An active fork of Fritter that fixes the feed.
- Fritter (⭐1.4k) - A free, open-source Nitter client for Android (feed no longer available).
31. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome SOAR (⭐731) - A curated Cyber "Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR)" resources list.
- Awesome Security Hardening (⭐5k) - A collection of awesome security hardening guides, best practices, checklists, benchmarks, tools and other resources.
Other Awesome Lists / Other Common Awesome Lists
32. Awesome Json
Binary Serialization
- JSON BinPack - Space-efficient binary JSON serialization format based on JSON Schema.
33. Awesome Transit
GTFS Realtime Utilities / Rust
- Concentrate (⭐28) - Combines realtime transit information from multiple sources into single output files. Maintained by Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA).
GTFS Based Visualizations / Rust
- fastest-bus-analysis-in-the-west (⭐23) - A python Pandas script that combines Ridership/APC, Swiftly speed and dwell data, bus stop inventory, GTFS, and geospatial shapes to create a stop by stop, route by route, time grouping filterable dataset for cross-analyses. The dataset is then visualized in Tableau to help VTA Planners find places to make bus and rail network faster and more reliable through speedups methods like stop consolidation and dedicated lanes.
- gtfs-visualizations (⭐129) - Open-source NodeJS application for visualizing the routes of GTFS datasets.
- MIT COAXS - Co-creative Planning of Transit Corridors using Accessibility-Based Stakeholder Engagement (shows route scenarios using OpenTripPlanner Analyst).
- MOTIS - Intermodal Mobility Information System including visualization
- MTA Frequency - Frequency visualization of subways and buses in New York City built using Transitland.
- SEPTA Rail OTP Report - An online on-time performance reporing & drill down tool using GTFS.
- Toronto Transit Explorer (⭐36) - A Java application that visualizes transit, biking and walking accessibility across the city of Toronto. Uses a modified version of R5 (⭐302) for routing.
- TransitFlow (⭐281) Animate GTFS data around the world using Processing and Transitland.
- TRAVIC Transit Visualization Client - Visualizes vehicles moving based on static GTFS data (and sometimes realtime data). Supports over 260 cities. Github account for geOps organization is here.
- Traze by Veridict - Visualization of public transport vehicles from all over the world. Collaborate with other users to get real-time updates even when it is not available from the agency. Based on a number of sources, including GTFS and GTFS-RT. (Previously known as Livemap24).
- Visualizing MBTA Data - Interactive graphs that show how people use Boston's subway system.
34. Alternative Front Ends
Overview / YouTube
- yattee (⭐1.5k): Alternative YouTube frontend for iOS, tvOS and macOS built with Invidious and Piped, supports sponsorblock
- ytcast (⭐684): Cast YouTube videos to your smart TV from the command line. This program does roughly the same thing as the "Play on TV" button that appears on the player bar when you visit with Chrome or when you use the YouTube smartphone app
Overview / YouTube Music
- ytmdesktop (⭐2.9k): Cross-platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux) desktop app for YouTube Music. Has a (proprietary?) remote control app for Android
- AudioTube: Client for YouTube Music. Plasma-mobile project with an interface designed for Linux phones
Overview / Twitter
- Fritter (⭐1.3k): A free, open-source Twitter client for Android
Overview / Imgur
- Rimgu: Self-hosted alternative frontend/ proxy for Imgur
Redirection / Other services
- libredirect (⭐2.5k): A web extension that redirects popular sites to alternative privacy-friendly frontends and backends. Actively maintained fork of Privacy Redirect that supports Youtube, Youtube Music, Twitter, TikTok, Imgur, Reddit, Searx, Google Translate, Google Maps, Wikipedia, and Medium
35. Awesome Computational Biology
Databases / Disease
- DrugBank - A database of drug and target maintained by the University of Alberta.
Databases / Interaction
- Drug Gene Interaction
- DGIdb - A database of drug-gene interactions and the druggable genome.
- Comparative Toxicogenomics Database - A database of Chemical-gene interactions, Chemical-disease associations, Gene-disease associations, and Chemical-phenotype associations.
- SNAP - A dataset which contains Drug-gene interactions.
- Therapeutics Data Commons - A database for a lot of tasks such as drug-target, drug-response, drug-drug interaction.
- Chemical Protein Interaction
- STITCH - A database of Chemical Protein Interaction.
- BindingDB - A database of compounds and targes.
- PDBBind - Database of experimentally measured binding affinity data for biomolecular complexes.
- CrossDocked2020 - Large-scale dataset for machine learning in structure-based virtual screening.
36. Awesome Algorand
Blockchain Explorers
- Asalytic - Analyze the Algorand NFT space.
Portfolio Trackers
- ASA Stats - One-stop portfolio tracker used to summarize Algorand asset valuations from up to five wallet addresses.
DeFi Platforms / Wallets
- Pact - Decentralised Automated Market Maker (AMM) built on the Algorand protocol.
Projects / Wallets
- QRCode Generator (⭐22) - Uinversal QRCode generator module for Algorand ARC-26 URIs.
37. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- SimpleX Chat (⭐8.1k) - The most private and secure chat and applications platform - now with double ratchet E2E encryption.
Software / Communication - Email - Webmail Clients
- SnappyMail - Simple, modern, lightweight & fast web-based email client (fork of RainLoop). (Demo, Source Code (⭐1.1k))
Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)
- Neos - Neos or TYPO3 Neos (for version 1) is a modern, open source CMS. (Source Code)
38. Awesome Snmp
Libraries / Lua
- luasnmp (⭐11) - Lua binding to net-snmp library.
Libraries / PHP
- - This is an SNMP extension for PHP, which is a wrapper around the net-snmp library.
- FreeDSx/SNMP (⭐58) - A Pure PHP SNMP Library.
- opensolutions/OSS_SNMP (⭐108) - A PHP SNMP library for people who hate SNMP, MIBs and OIDs!
Tools / CLIs
- SNMP Trap Translator - SNMPTT (SNMP Trap Translator) is an SNMP trap handler written in Perl for use with the Net-SNMP / UCD-SNMP snmptrapd program (
- snmptt - SNMPTT (SNMP Trap Translator) is an SNMP trap handler written in Perl for use with the Net-SNMP / UCD-SNMP snmptrapd program ( SNMPTT supports Linux, Unix and Windows.
- snmpttconvert - Some vendors provide a file that can be imported into HP Openview using a HP Openview utility. snmpttconvert is a simple Perl script which will convert one of these files into the format used by snmptt.
- snmpttconvertmib - The snmpttconvertmib is a Perl script which will read a MIB file and convert the TRAP-TYPE (v1) or NOTIFICATION-TYPE (v2) definitions into a configuration file readable by snmptt.
- prometheus/snmp_exporter (⭐1.7k) - This exporter is the recommended way to expose SNMP data in a format which Prometheus can ingest.
- trailofbits/onesixtyone (⭐522) - Fast SNMP Scanner.
- SECFORCE/SNMP-Brute (⭐294) - Fast SNMP brute force, enumeration, CISCO config downloader and password cracking script.
- hatlord/snmpwn (⭐243) - An SNMPv3 User Enumerator and Attack tool.
- zabbix-tools/mib2zabbix (⭐189) - This Perl script will generate a Zabbix v3 Template in XML format from an OID tree in a SNMP MIB file.
Tools / GUIs
- ireasoning/SNMP Agent Simulator - Free SNMP Agent Simulator Java based application that can simulate SNMPv1/v2c/v3 agents.
- muonics/Online MIB validator - Free online MIB/PIB Validator based on MIB Smithy SDK.
- toni-moreno/snmpcollector (⭐288) - SnmpCollector is a full featured Generic SNMP data collector with Web Administration Interface Open Source tool which has as main goal simplify the configuration for getting data from any device which snmp protocol support and send resulting data to an influxdb backend.
Publications / Books
- SNMP MIB Handbook by Larry Walsh - Essential Guide to SNMP MIB Development, Use, and Diagnosis.
- Mauro, D. and Schmidt, K., 2005. Essential SNMP: Help for System and Network Administrators. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.". - Essential SNMP explores both commercial and open source packages, and elements like OIDs, MIBs, community strings, and traps are covered in depth. The book contains five new chapters and various updates throughout.
- Snmp, Snmpv2, Snmpv3, and Rmon 1 and 2 by William Stallings - Presents a concise, focused & practical guide to SNMP-based network & internetwork management for network administrators, managers, & designers.
- Perkins, D. and McGinnis, E., 1997. Understanding SNMP MIBs (p. 528). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall PTR. - The first complete, practical insider's guide to writing SNMP MIBs.
Public servers / Tutorials
- - Free public an SNMP agent for testing purpose.
MIB repositories / Tutorials
- hsnodgrass/snmp_mib_archive (⭐173) - An archive of over 3000 unique SNMP MIBs.
- kcsinclair/mibs (⭐63) - Another collection of MIBS used for SNMP. Make sure to clone the repository to see the full list of MIBs.
- - mibDepot is a free service to the SNMP community and offers a dictionary of MIBs and a unique-in-the-industry Search Engine with over 12,000 SNMP MIBs representing over 1,800,000 MIB object definitions.
- - This OID repository gathers information about Object Identifiers (OIDs), and provides tools to display, update and search for this information.
- - Hand-curated list of MIBs by Michael McNamara.
- - This website shows documentation of a set of MIBs with a built-in MIB viewer.
- OnLineMIB/Standards - Standard: (ATM Forum, IANA, RFC) - RFC1065-5324.
- OnLineMIB/Cisco - Cisco.
- OnLineMIB/Juniper - Juniper.
- OnLineMIB/Extreme - Extreme.
- OnLineMIB/Brocade - Brocade.
- - This repository contains over 7000 unique MIBs from various vendors.
39. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Entertainment
- Doddle- (become an artist in a minute) (⭐210) - 💚Amazing magical doodle drawing app/game provide a creative doodle world for you 🖌💛🌸💚 Naser Elziadna
Contents / News and Magazine
- Hacki (⭐1.3k) - A Hacker News reader by Jiaqi Feng.
40. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- evosax (⭐546) - JAX-Based Evolution Strategies
- SymJAX (⭐119) - Symbolic CPU/GPU/TPU programming.
- mcx (⭐328) - Express & compile probabilistic programs for performant inference.
41. Free for Dev
APIs, Data, and ML
- SaturnCloud - Data science cloud environment that allows running Jupyter notebooks and Dask clusters. Thirty hours of free computation and 3 hours of Dask per month.
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Stickies - Visual collaboration app used for brainstorming, content curation, and notes. Free for up to 3 Walls, unlimited users, and 1 GB storage.
Translation Management
- Lecto - Machine Translation API with Free tier (30 free requests, 1000 translated characters per request). Integrated with the Loco Translate Wordpress plugin.
- - Performance insights and uptime monitoring for cron jobs, websites, APIs and more. A free tier with five monitors.
- — Free domain. The request is usually approved in 14 days.
- — Free subdomains.
Issue Tracking and Project Management
- Shake - In-app bug reporting and feedback tool for mobile apps. Free plan, ten bug reports per app/month.
42. Awesome Agriculture
Data Standardization, Interoperability and APIs
- OpenTeam - Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management
43. Awesome Lowcode
- Make - Make lets you design, build, and automate anything from tasks and workflows to apps and systems.
Visual programming
- Typedream - The new way to make a website.
- Webflow - Build better business websites, faster. Without coding.
44. Awesome Ebpf
eBPF Workflow: Tools and Utilities / User Space eBPF
- wachy - A tracing profiler that aims to make eBPF uprobe-based debugging easier to use. This is done by displaying traces in a UI next to the source code and allowing interactive drilldown analysis.
45. Awesome Neovim
Snippet / Diagnostics
- ellisonleao/carbon-now.nvim (⭐180) - Create beautiful code snippets directly from Neovim.
46. Awesome Sre
Service Level Agreement
47. Awesome Veganism
- Berlin, Germany
- Brammibal's Donuts - The most tasty high quality vegan donuts in Berlin.
48. Awesome Firebase
Featured (new releases)
- 🔧 (Unofficial) Firebase Admin SDK for PHP (⭐2k) - The Firebase Admin PHP SDK enables access to Firebase services from privileged environments (such as servers or cloud) in PHP.
- 📝 App Distribution App Bundles - Support for Android App Bundles (AAB) is officially supported in App Distribution.
CLI & Editor / iOS
- 📖 Storage in Emulator Suite - Emulator suite is now complete!
Other / iOS
- 🔧 FireCMS - FireCMS is an open source headless CMS and admin panel built by developers for developers. It generates CRUD views based on your configuration.
49. Awesome Terraform
Videos / IDE
- Complete Terraform Course - From BEGINNER to PRO! (Learn Infrastructure as Code) - Complete course from beginner to pro, with no cloud provider focus, with a general approach
50. Awesome Dotnet
- CryptoNet (⭐103) - .NET simple crypto library. Native c#.
Image Processing
- PixelViewer (⭐288) - Cross-platform (Windows/macOS/Linux) image viewer which supports reading raw Luminance/YUV/RGB/ARGB/Bayer pixels data from file and rendering it. 10/16-bit YUV and viewing image frame sequence are also supported (v1.99+).
51. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- pyenv (mattberther) (⭐47) - Inspired by zsh-rbenv. Installs, updates or loads
, and adds extra functionality.
- pyenv (xlshiz) (⭐2) - Loads pyenv (⭐41k) into the current shell and provides prompt info via the
function. Also loads pyenv-virtualenv (⭐6.5k) if available.
- pyenv-lazy (⭐47) - Lazy load pyenv (⭐41k). The initial
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
is executed the first timepyenv
is called.
- pyvenv-fast (⭐2) - Launch a Python
with one command. Designed for use with dotpyvenv (⭐6).
- shift-select (⭐133) - Emacs shift-select mode for ZSH - select text in the command line using Shift, as in many text editors, browsers and other GUI programs.
- unwrap (⭐7) - Allows you to remove a directory without removing the contents - it puts them in the directory's parent directory.
- zservice-py3http (⭐4) - Serve a given directory with Python 3's http server from the standard library.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- gardenctl (⭐0) - Tab completions for the Gardener (⭐31) command-line interface, as well as some aliases for common gardenctl commands
- mac (⭐187) - Completions files for macOS specific commands and third party tools.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- bernkastel (⭐1) - Based on ys (⭐177k). Includes decorations for kubernetes context, current directory, last command exit status and
- boxy (⭐0) - Works well with solarized terminal colors. Includes decorators for
, current directory,git
status, return code for last command, and time last command was run.
- devj121 (⭐0) - Includes
decorations with branch glyphs.
52. Awesome Swift
- Sextant (⭐52) 🐧 - High performance JSONPath queries
53. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- bartib (⭐542) - A simple timetracker for the command line. It saves a log of all tracked activities as a plaintext file and allows you to create flexible reports.
- lowcharts (⭐165) - Draw low-resolution graphs in terminal
Customization / Directory Navigation
- oh-my-posh - Prompt theme engine for any shell and platform written in go.
System Utilities / Directory Navigation
- tiptop (⭐1.6k) - Graphical command-line system monitor.
Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation
- bashly - Bash command line framework and CLI generator
- bash-modules (⭐118) - functions for developing with unofficial strict mode enabled.
- composure (⭐318) - Compose, document, version and organize your shell functions
- dispatch (⭐90) - A command line argument parser in 50 lines of portable shell script.
- (⭐215) - CLI parser for fish
54. Awesome Open Source Games
Native / FPS
- Darkest Hour (⭐70) - World War 2 online multiplayer tactical shooter based on Red Orchestra: Ostfront.
- Urban Terror (⭐77) - Free multiplayer first person shooter that will run on any Quake III Arena compatible engine.
55. Awesome Go
- httpin (⭐336) - Decode an HTTP request into a custom struct, including querystring, forms, HTTP headers, etc.
HTTP Clients
- go-cleanhttp (⭐387) - Get easily stdlib HTTP client, which does not share any state with other clients.
Server Applications
- Wish (⭐3.9k) - Make SSH apps, just like that!
56. Awesome Vite
Get Started
- create-vitawind (⭐162) - Scaffolding for TailwindCSS project.
Templates / Vue 3
- Vitawind Creator - Create TailwindCSS project rapidly.
Templates / Vue 2
- vite-vue2-ts-starter (⭐36) - Vue2 TypeScript starter template using vue-property-decorator, vue-router, Vuex.
Templates / Svelte
- SvelteKit (⭐19k) - The fastest way to build Svelte apps.
Tauri / Others
- vit-singlefile-gzip - Starter template for embedded.
- 11st-Starter-Kit - 11ty, powered by Vite with Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- vite-plugin-chunk-split (⭐369) - Automatically code splitting, support unbundle in production.
- vite-plugin-static-copy (⭐319) - Copy files and folders.
WordPress / Community
- wordpress-vite-assets (⭐140) - Integration for WordPress themes.
57. Awesome Agi Cocosci
System 1 & System 2 / Neural-Symbolic AI
- Grounded Language Learning Fast and Slow - ICLR'21, 2021. [All Versions]. [Project (⭐54)].
Causality / AI Assisted Research
- Do six-month-old infants perceive causality? - Cognition, 1987. [All Versions].
Cognitive Development / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Observing the unexpected enhances infants' learning and exploration - Science, 2015. [All Versions].
Learning with Cognitive Plausibility / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Attention over Learned Object Embeddings Enables Complex Visual Reasoning - NeurIPS'21, 2021. [All Versions].
- Prev: Feb 28 - Mar 06, 2022
- Next: Feb 14 - Feb 20, 2022