Awesome List Updates on Dec 26 - Jan 01, 2022
45 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Geek Podcasts
In English
- Software Engineering Unlocked - Interviews about how to build reliable, maintainable and scaleable software people love.
2. Awesome Neuroscience
Programming / Python
- NiMARE - NiMARE is a Python package for neuroimaging meta-analyses
Resources / Ebooks
- Andy's Brain Book - Book companion to Andy's Brain Blog. Provides an introduction to working in a Unix environment, fMRI analysis, and commonplace neuroimaging tools and topics.
- NiPraxis - Textbook for the NiPraxis course, covers fundamental concepts in neuroimaging analysis and how they relate to the wider world of statistics, engineering and computer science. Learn how to work with data and code to get a deeper understanding of how fMRI methods work, how they can fail, how to fix them, and how to develop new methods.
Resources / Blogs
- Andy's Brain Blog - A large collection of articles, tutorials, and videos, covering many of the popular neuroimaging tools and methods.
Resources / Communities
- [email protected] - A list for discussion of neuroimaging analysis in Python. Among other things, this list is home to discussions concerning NiPy projects (including NiBabel, Nilearn, dipy, MNE-Python, and more).
Resources / Miscellaneous
- NeuroHackademy - Summer school in neuroimaging and data science, held at the University of Washington eScience Institute. Lectures are available through the institute's YouTube channel.
- SORTED (⭐13) - SORTED: a list of interesting science ideas and links (cognitive/neuro & data science)
3. Awesome Game Remakes
- MineClone2 - Stable, moddable & free/libre clone of Minecraft based on the Minetest engine. 🎴
4. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot version unknown
- Godot Recipes - A large collection of tutorials and techniques, both big and small.
5. Awesome Executable Packing
📚 Literature / Documentation
📚 Literature / Scientific Research
- 📰 Anti-emulation trends in modern packers: A survey on the evolution of anti-emulation techniques in UPA packers (May 2018)
- 📰 The application research of virtual machine in packers (August 2011)
- 📓 Classifying packed malware represented as control flow graphs using deep graph convolutional neural network (March 2020) ⭐
- 📰 A comparative analysis of software protection schemes (June 2014)
- 📓 Detecting traditional packers, decisively (October 2013)
- 📓 Evading machine learning malware detection (July 2017)
- 📰 Hashing-based encryption and anti-debugger support for packing multiple files into single executable (February 2018)
- 📰 Research and implementation of packing technology for PE files (January 2013)
- 📰 Static malware detection & subterfuge: Quantifying the robustness of machine learning and current anti-virus (June 2018)
- 📓 A unpacking and reconstruction system-agunpacker (January 2009)
📑 Datasets / Scientific Research
- MalwareTips - MalwareTips is a community-driven platform providing the latest information and resources on malware and cyber threats.
📦 Packers / After 2010
- SimpleDPack (⭐110) - A very simple windows EXE packing tool for learning or investigating PE structure.
🔧 Tools / Before 2000
- DSFF (⭐2) - DataSet File Format for exchanging datasets and converting to ARFF (for use with Weka), CSV or Packing-Box's dataset structure.
- ImpREC - This can be used to repair the import table for packed programs.
6. Awesome Ada
Sound / Apache License
- coreland-openal-ada (⭐3) - Ada binding to OpenAL.
Simulation / Apache License
- mars-mpl (⭐4) - Mars Polar Lander (Crash) Simulator (gtkada (⭐91), aicwl).
- doppler-effect-sample2 (⭐2) - Moving airplane causes Stereo Sound Doppler effect (gtkada (⭐91)).
7. Awesome Crystal
Image processing
- ffmpeg (⭐20) - FFmpeg bindings that works with StumpyPNG to extract frames
Third-party APIs
- amazonite (⭐1) - An unofficial SDK supporting popular AWS APIs
8. Awesome Swift
- BetterCodable (⭐1.7k) - Level up your
structs through property wrappers. The goal of these property wrappers is to avoid implementing a custominit(from decoder: Decoder)
throws and suffer through boilerplate.
Utility / Barcode
- Periphery (⭐5.3k) - A tool to identify unused code in Swift projects.
9. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Database
- ctripcorp/SQLlin (⭐230) - A DSL SQLite library for Kotlin Multiplatform
Libraries/Frameworks / Multiplatform
- ctripcorp/mmkv-kotlin (⭐137) - The Kotlin Multiplatform wrapper for MMKV
10. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Finance
- MMAS: Money Tracker (⭐509) - An optimized application for daily expense tracking and finance management by Flora.
Contents / Personalization
- Spooky (⭐267) - First diary with Material 3 design by Juniorise.
11. Awesome Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics on GitHub / Tools
- Awesome AI-based Protein Design (⭐234) - A collection of research papers for AI-based protein design.
12. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- Run a Blazor component inside React -
December 21, 2022 - Are you tired of slow and clunky web applications? Look no further than Blazor running in React! Blazor is a powerful framework for building interactive client-side web apps with C#, and when combined with the speed and flexibility of React, you get a winning combination for stunning, high-performance web experiences. In this video, we will use the new Custom Elements feature to run Blazor in React, and demonstrate some of the other exciting features and benefits of this dynamic duo. Don't miss out on the future of web development.
Articles / Others
- Blazor Custom Elements in HTML or React - December 22, 2022 - Since version 7.0 of .NET, Microsoft has enhanced and integrated the ability to create HTML Custom Elements. These custom elements offer developers a way to create their own full-featured DOM elements. In Blazor, this allows publishing these components to other SPA Frameworks, such as Angular or React. More info in the Microsoft documentation.
13. Awesome Tmux
- tokyo-night-tmux (⭐362) tokyo-night theme for tmux
14. Awesome Pinned Gists
External Services
- mal-box (⭐4) - Update a pinned gist to contain your latest activity from MyAnimeList.
- shodan-exposure-box (⭐4) - Update a pinned gist containing the top used ports as observed by Shodan.
- stackoverflow-stats-box (⭐1) - Update a pinned gist to show stack overflow stats.
- trivia-box (⭐0) - Update a pinned gist with a daily trivia question from Open Trivia DB.
15. Awesome Ci
Name: mvoCI
Description: Self-Hosted, Open Source CI
Features: CI Building, Release Upload to Gitea, REST-API
Supported repositories: Gitlab, Bitbucket, Gitbucket, Gitea, Gogs, Forgejo, Github
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Open Source
16. Awesome Blockchain Ai
Blockchains for AI algorithms / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning
- Oraichain - Oraichain is the world's first intelligent and secure solution for emerging Web3, scalable Dapps, and decentralized AI.
Blockchains for computation / Blockchain projects for AI algorithms
- Nunet - A globally decentralized computing framework that combines latent computing power of independently owned compute devices across the globe into a dynamic marketplace of compute resources.
17. Awesome Shell
Command-Line Productivity
- arttime (⭐757) - Beauty of text art meets functionality of clock, timer, pomodoro++ time manager
- await (⭐108) - single binary that run list of commands in parallel and waits for their termination
- lf (⭐6.9k) - Terminal file manager written in Go, inspired by ranger
Customization / Directory Navigation
- aphrodite-terminal-theme (⭐113) — Minimalistic Aphrodite theme (prompt) for sexy terminals that works in bash, fish and zsh
For Developers / Directory Navigation
- 1Password SSH Agent - Authenticate Git and SSH workflows with biometric unlock using 1Password
- nve (⭐688) - Run any command on specific Node.js versions.
- trunk - Blazingly fast meta code checker and formatter
- vmn (⭐58) - git-based automatic versioning and state recovery solution agnostic to language or architecture
Multimedia and File Formats / Directory Navigation
- dzr (⭐161) - Cross-platform audio player.
18. Awesome Go
- H3 (⭐326) - Go bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system.
19. Awesome Snmp
Tools / CLIs
- OIDrage (⭐3) - A lightweight standalone SNMPd mimic server based on any snmpwalk output. Easily scales to mock thousands of servers.
20. ALL About RSS
RSSHub / Outline Processor Markup Language
21. Awesome Cpp
- pspsdk (⭐904) - An open-source SDK for PSP homebrew development. [BSD/GNU GPL3]
22. Awesome Computational Biology
Databases / Interaction
- Drug (-Cell line) Response
- NCI60 A database which focus on 60 cancer cell lines with many drugs.
- Genomics of Drug Sensitivity in Cancer (GDSC) - A database of drug sensitibity which has 1000 human cancer cell lines and 100s compounds.
- Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia - A database of cancer cell lines. This has 1000 cell lines.
- CellMiner Cross Database (CellMinerCDB) - Integration of multiple cancer cell line databases.
23. Awesome Directus
Integration / Community
- Nuxt Directus (⭐269) - First-Class Nuxt 3 Module for connecting with an Directus instance.
Extensions / Community
- Directus LogSnag (⭐24) - Sending your events from Directus directly to your phone using LogSnag.
Articles / Educational
24. Static Analysis
Multiple languages / Other
- autocorrect — A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
- CodeQue — Ecosystem for structural matching JavaScript and TypeScript code. Offers search tool that understands code structure. Available as CLI tool and Visual Studio Code extension. It helps to search code faster and more accurately making you workflow more effective. Soon it will offer ESLint plugin to create your own rules in minutes to help with assuring codebase quality.
25. Awesome Cl
Community / Interfaces to other package managers
- alien-works-delivery (⭐33) - WIP system for delivering Common Lisp applications as executable bundles. For now it only supports AppImage format for Linux and MSIX for Windows, but .APK for Android and later MacOSX and iOS bundle formats are planned too.
Actors pattern / Third-party APIs
- lisp-actors (⭐94), an "ongoing investigation into the use of the Actor model in Common Lisp, which has had the benefit of real-world application".
- it was part of the Emotiq blockchain (⭐96) (a discontinued project)
- does remoting, includes a threading abstraction layer library similar to Bordeaux-Threads.
- ! it lacks unit tests.
Online editors / Third-party APIs
- Riju, a "fast online playground for every programming language", supports Common Lisp (SBCL).
26. Awesome Qubes OS
- Kicksecure - The following list of actionable items can help to improve security on the Qubes platform, and by extension Kicksecure ™ for Qubes users.
- Qubes-VM-hardening (⭐74) - Leverage Qubes template non-persistence to fend off malware at VM startup: Lock-down, quarantine and check contents of /rw private storage that affect the execution environment.
Clearnet & Anonymous Networking / Anonymity
- Whonix - Qubes-Whonix ™ is the seamless combination of Qubes OS and Whonix™ for advanced security and anonymity.
Social media / Extra Info
- Matrix Discord Bridge - Qubes OS Discord General Room Bridge
27. Awesome Dos
Memory managers
- 386MAX (⭐118) - Memory manager for DOS PCs with 386 or higher CPUs, released by Qualitas company in 1992. Source code was released in June 2022 on GitHub with GPL-3.0 license.
Open source DOS libraries / Sound Blaster/OPL3
- DIGPAK sound drivers source code (⭐34) - Original source code for the DIGPAK sound drivers uploaded to GitHub by John W. Ratcliff.
28. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- SnowForged - A stripped-down ruleset for playing short, fun, Christmas-themed adventures
29. Awesome Love2d
- YAS (⭐2) - Yet Another Screen manager.
30. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Transition To Pure Rigour Math / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Velleman. How to Prove it: A Structured Approach. - It transitions from solving problems to proving theorems by teaching them the techniques needed to read and write proofs.
31. Awesome Jax
- Fortuna - AWS library for Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning.
32. Awesome Chip 8
Emulator/interpreter development / Testing
- CHIP-8 test suite (⭐66) - Timendus' collection of tests, including an improved version of corax89's test rom, a test for the behaviour of the flags and a CHIP-8 / Super-CHIP / XO-CHIP quirks test.
33. Web Development Resources
UI Inspiration:
- Website:
34. Awesome Neovim
Plugin Manager
- folke/lazy.nvim (⭐16k) - A modern plugin manager, featuring a graphical interface, async execution, a lockfile and more.
Completion / Diagnostics
- zbirenbaum/copilot.lua (⭐3k) - Fully featured Lua replacement for GitHub/copilot.vim (⭐9.1k).
Project / Diagnostics
- pluffie/neoproj (⭐68) - Small yet powerful project (and session) manager.
- natecraddock/workspaces.nvim (⭐333) - Manage workspace directories.
Keybinding / Diagnostics
- Nexmean/caskey.nvim (⭐67) - Utility to keymappings configuration using declarative cascading trees, optionally integrates with
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- chrisgrieser/nvim-various-textobjs (⭐642) - Bundle of more than 30 new text objects.
35. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- fzf-tab-widgets (⭐9) - Adds widgets for fzf-tab (⭐3.5k).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- minimal-terminal (⭐55) - Includes decorators for username@host, current directory,
information and the last command's exit code.
- softblobby (⭐4) - A theme for people who love unicorns, pink and purple. Includes decorators for
information, current directory, time and username.
36. Awesome Algorand
- Defly Wallet - Defly is an Algorand wallet with great suit of integrated DeFi features.
- Exodus - Exodus is a multi-cryptocurrency wallet that supports Algorand.
Blockchain Explorers
- Bitquery - Actionable, insightful blockchain GraphQL APIs for more than 30 blockchains. One of the highlighted features is the ability to query a list of Algorand block proposers.
Languages / JavaScript & TypeScript
- defly-connect (⭐7) - JavaScript SDK for integrating Defly Wallet to web applications.
37. Awesome Privacy
- Shufflecake - Free open source, plausible deniability for multiple hidden filesystems on Linux
38. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- MiaoYan - Lightweight Markdown app to help you write great sentences.
39. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Papers Collection
- AI Reading List - Google Docs: reading list organized by Jack Soslow (@JackSoslow)
ChatGPT / Multi-agents
- ("Publicly announced ChatGPT variants and competitors: a thread" / Twitter: a Twitter thread by @goodside with alternatives to ChatGPT
40. Awesome Falsehood
Software Engineering
- Falsehoods about Quantum Technology (⭐9) - Common misconceptions about quantum technology and computers.
41. Free for Dev
Tools for Teams and Collaboration
- Teamplify - improve team development processes with Team Analytics and Smart Daily Standup. Includes full-featured Time Off management for remote-first teams. Free for small groups of up to 5 users.
Data Visualization on Maps
- — Geocoding, Maps, and Routing APIs. Five thousand requests/day for free.
Other Free Resources
- Free Code Tools — Effective code tools which are 100% free. Markdown editor, Code minifier/beautifier, QR code generator, Open Graph Generator, Twitter card Generator, and more.
42. Awesome List
- Password Cracking (⭐654) - The process of recovering passwords from data that has been stored in or transmitted by a system in scrambled form.
43. Awesome Chatgpt
44. Awesome Flutter
Device / Augmented Reality
- Device Calendar (⭐270) - Plugin for modifying calendars on the user's device by Built to Roam
45. Awesome Tailwindcss
- 🎨💼 Accent (⭐16) - Adds
colors for more dynamic and flexible color utilization.
- 💼 react-with-class (⭐9) - Utility function for creating primitive React components with a set of classes, props or variants.
- Prev: Jan 16 - Jan 22, 2023
- Next: Dec 19 - Dec 25, 2022