Awesome List Updates on Nov 14 - Nov 20, 2022
69 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Music
Music Notation
- Unison - Proprietary software for creating music score with words.
Music Programming
- Unilang - Domain specific language used in Unison.
2. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Password Manager
- NordPass - A freemium password manager created by the team from NordVPN. Store unlimited passwords and access them from anywhere with apps on all platforms.
3. Awesome List
Programming Languages
- Move (⭐1.4k) - Domain-specific programming language for writing safe smart contracts.
Front-End Development
- Hydrogen (⭐167) - Edge-first framework for building Shopify storefronts with React.
- Scapy (⭐272) - Python-based interactive packet manipulation.
- Computational Geometry (⭐81) - Computational approaches for problems in geometry.
4. Learn to Program
Free online platform that teaches programming through interactive lessons
(JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, p5.js, Backend Web Development)
5. Awesome Github Wiki
Useful links with tips & tricks
6. Awesome Capacitorjs
Plugins / Community Plugins
- @cartona/capacitor-google-play-availability (⭐2) - Capacitor plugin to verify that Google Play services is installed and enabled, and request enabling Google Play services on device.
7. Awesome Plotters
Community / Patents
- #PenPlotter - Mastodon/ActivityPub hashtag that plotter folks are mostly congregating under.
8. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- Ninja-Squad/springmockk (⭐493) - SpringMockK: MockBean and SpyBean, but for MockK instead of Mockito
Projects / Web
- Ahoo-Wang/CoSky (⭐81) - High-performance, low-cost microservice governance platform. Service Discovery and Configuration Service
9. Awesome Parasite
Reporting Systems
- NORS - A web platform that provides human foodborne, waterborne, and other enteric infectious disease outbreaks for the United States. Available from 1971.
10. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- cycle-fav-dirs (⭐2) - A plugin to cycle through your favourite directories.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- fnm (⭐1) - Adds tab completions for Fast Node Manager fnm (⭐20k).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- easytocloud (⭐0) - Based on agnoster (⭐4.1k). Includes decorators for AWS environment,
status, username and the current directory.
- malev (⭐0) - Has minimalist and normal variants. Includes decorators for hostname, directory,
status and the last command's exit status.
11. Awesome Algorand
Crash Courses
- Dissecting Algorand - Introduction Algorand and an analysis on Algorand's inner workings.
12. Awesome Webxr
Standout Projects
- Above Par-adowski WebXR Mini Golf - A WebXR minigolf game designed by Paradowski Creative, featuring 9 holes spread across a unique and varied environment.
13. Awesome Nextjs
- Next-Sitemap (⭐3.5k) - Sitemap generator for Next.js
14. Awesome Terraform
Self-hosted Terraform Platforms / IDE
- OTF (⭐521) - Open Terraforming Framework, an open source alternative to Terraform Enterprise with full Terraform CLI integration. 💀
15. Awesome Privacy
Find My Device
- GPSlogger (⭐2.1k) - Lightweight GPS Logging Application For Android. No servers, no internet. Saved to a simple file to local storage.
16. Awesome Circuitpython
17. Alternative Internet
- Berty Messenger is a distributed peer-to-peer messenger app build on IPFS. Apps are available on iOS and Android, desktop applications are currently under development.
- Jami is a free, DHT based peer-to-peer skype-like app, available on most platforms. It's part of the GNU project.
18. Awesome Docker
CI/CD / Other
- Depot 💲 - Build Docker images fast, in the cloud. Blazing fast compute, automatic intelligent caching, and zero configuration. Done in seconds.
19. Awesome Cl
- Cloture (⭐377) - Clojure in Common Lisp.
- cl-oju (⭐19) - a few idioms, mostly relating to sequences, that I miss when writing Common Lisp. MIT.
- clj-con (⭐38) - Clojure-style concurrency operations in Common Lisp. MIT.
- clj-re (⭐10) - Clojure-style regular expression functions.
- typo (⭐39) - A portable type inference library for Common Lisp. MIT.
Others / OpenAPI, OData, OpenRPC
- OpenRPC (⭐28) - OpenRPC implementation for Common Lisp. BSD.
- Automatic OpenRPC spec generation
- Automatic JSON-RPC client building by OpenRPC spec. This includes creation of Common Lisp classes and methods for making RPC requests and returning native CL objects.
- all JSON marshalling is done under the hood.
Apps / Third-party APIs
- trivial-sanitize - clean html strings:
- testieren - a testing utility where tests are included at the top of a
form. They are run when you recompile your functions interactively. With mocking and stubbing support. GPL3.
Macro helpers / Third-party APIs
- easy-macros (⭐21) - an easy way to write 90% of your macros. Apache2.0.
20. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Dynamsoft
- Barcode Reader (⭐11) - Scan barcodes and QR codes using Dynamsoft Barcode Reader.
- Camera Preview (⭐4) - Access camera using Dynamsoft Camera Enhancer.
- Document Normalizer (⭐1) - Scan documents using Dynamsoft Document Normalizer.
- Label Recognizer (⭐2) - Recognize text on labels like MRZ on passports using Dynamsoft Label Recognizer.
21. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-ludanta (⭐2) - What's playing on an MPD local server.
22. Awesome Crystal
Game Development
- SDL-Crystal-Bindings (⭐13) - Direct (unsafe) bindings to SDL2, intended for writing own game libraries
23. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / RSS
- Reeder 5 - News reader for Feedbin, Feedly, Feed Wrangler and so on.
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- He3 - Free and Modern Developer Utilities Toolbox.
Utilities / General Tools
- DevToysMac (⭐9.2k) - Offline toolbox that helps developers in daily tasks.
24. Awesome Lowcode
Visual programming
- SAP Build - Create apps, automate processes, and design business sites with drag-and-drop simplicity.
25. Awesome Naming
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Backtracking - When you explore a search space and you reach a dead end, you follow your tracks back to the last crossroad and try the other way.
- camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case - Different case styles where the name illustrates its appearance.
- Yoda condition - When you write
if ("red" === color) {
instead ofif (color === "red") {
because it reads as, “if red equals the color”, similar to the way the Star Wars character Yoda speaks.
26. Awesome Magento2
- Magento 2 Database Synchronizer (⭐69) - Database synchronizer for Magento 2 (and Wordpress), based on Magerun2. Keeping development, staging and production in sync easily.
- Subodha Magento2 Gulp Integration (⭐76) - Magento 2 Gulp Integration
27. Awesome Flame
App Releases / Casual
- Hyper Hexagon - Android, Web - Hexagonal board game challenge - A classical and futuristic. Inspired by the old classic Hexxagon '90s game. By TheCocce
App Releases / Roguelike
- Geometry Survival Beta - Android - An roguelike game to survival and upgrade weapons to destroy powerful enemies. By HarrisonQI
28. Awesome Love2d
- LÖVE Actions - Build & deploy cross-platform game packages on ALL popular platforms. Supports Android, iOS, Linux, maxOS, Windows.
29. Awesome Svelte
- Layer Cake (⭐1.5k) - A framework for mostly-reusable graphics with svelte
30. Web Development Resources
Learning Platforms:
- Website:
31. Awesome Stacks Chain
Apps / Stacks Web Applications
- Send Many - An application to send STX and other tokens to many recipients in one transaction.
Apps / Blockchain Name System
- - An application for .btc names.
- BNS search - An application to search registered BNS names.
- - An application to create linking page for BNS names.
Apps / DeFi
- Alex Lab - A service platform for DeFi.
- Arkadiko Protocol (⭐62) - Stable coin (USDA) based on self-repaying loans.
- Lydian - A decentralised treasury management protocol (discontinued).
Clarity Resources / Example Contracts
- Source of Clarity - Listing of all deployed Clarity contracts on mainnet with some comments.
App Development / Client Libraries
- Stacks.js (⭐937) - Monorepo for JavaScript libraries for interacting with the Stacks blockchain.
App Development / CLI
- @stacks/cli (⭐937) - Command line interface for interacting with auth, storage, and transactions.
Learning Resources / Documentation
- Hiro documentation - Documentation focused on developers.
Learning Resources / Books
- Clarity of Mind - Writing productive smart contracts that are predictable. CC BY-SA 4.0
32. Awesome Fiber
📖 Articles / 🌱 Third Party
33. Awesome Cakephp
File Manipulation
- FileStorage plugin (⭐4) - Flexible file storage and upload plugin.
34. Awesome Math
Analysis / Measure Theory
- 📝 An Introduction to Measure Theory - Terence Tao (UCLA)
35. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- econpizza (⭐85) - Solve macroeconomic models with hetereogeneous agents using JAX.
36. Awesome Engineering Team Management
Agile / Delivery
- The SAFe Delusion - Curated review of facts, evidence, and opinions from relevant sources without vested interests, to help decision-makers make informed choices and get better results.
37. Awesome Iam
Authorization / ABAC frameworks
- Open Policy Agent (⭐10k) - An open-source general-purpose decision engine to create and enforce ABAC policies.
Authorization / ReBAC frameworks
- SpiceDB (⭐5.4k) - An open source database system for managing security-critical application permissions inspired by Zanzibar.
- Topaz (⭐1.2k) - An open-source project which combines the policy-as-code and decision logging of OPA with a Zanzibar-modeled directory.
Authorization / AWS policy tools
- AWS IAM Roles, a tale of unnecessary complexity - The history of fast-growing AWS explains how the current scheme came to be, and how it compares to GCP's resource hierarchy.
Trust & Safety / User Identity
- Ballerine (⭐2.1k) - An open-source infrastructure for user identity and risk management.
38. Awesome Pascal
- ImageQuality (⭐13).
A library for objectively measuring image/video quality. It implements many popular algorithms, such as MS-SSIM, MS-SSIM*, SIMM, MSE, and PSNR. It is designed to be fast, accurate, and reliable. It can be compiled directly and requires no additional libraries.
- DelphiX
A good wrapper to DirectX. It can be used to create games or any kind of graphical interface.
Game dev
- ZenGL (⭐32).
OpenGL Cross-platform game development library written in Pascal, designed to provide necessary functionality for rendering 2D-graphics, handling input, sound output, etc.
Control packs
- liblcl (⭐98).
A common cross-platform GUI library, the core uses Lazarus LCL. // Pascal-based lib with GUI bindings for use in languages like C++, Go, Rust.
Other GUI
- GUI AutoSave (⭐7) Save the state of all GUI controls on application shutdown and then restore them loaded on application startup: It can load/save: form's position, checkboxes, radiobuttons, etc, etc
- Trysil (⭐51) [Delphi] ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for Delphi. Supports for SQLServer, FirebirdSQL and SQLite.
- Storage Access Framework SAF (⭐23)
Android Scoped Storage : Storage Access Framework SAF API
- LogLib (⭐5).
A simple but effective visual log control/library. The programmer can send messages to a log window from anywhere in his code. The Log window can be set to automatically pop up when an error message is sent to it. Depending on the chosen verbosity level of the log (see the Verbosity property) low-level messages (like verbose/debug messages) are shown or not. Contains: Non-visual log (TRamLog) Visual log (TRichLog)
Other non-visual
- Delphi LightSaber-CoreLib (⭐35).
Lightweight alternative to Jedi library. Simple, crystal clear, non-obfuscated, fully commented code. No external dependencies. Hundreds of super useful functions for file/folder/disk manipulation, fast (buffered) binary file access, string conversions, OS version detection, etc.
- DCContainers (⭐10).
Containers library with maps and sets based on red-black tree
- DOSCommand (⭐80).
Component lets you execute a dos program (exe, com or batch file) and catch the ouput in order to put it in a memo or in a listbox, ... You can also send inputs.
Unit Testing
- DelphiCodeCoverageWizardPlus (⭐21).
GUI wizard for creating a batch file to call the commandline code coverage tool. Includes a project format for easier change of settings later on. Includes binaries of the code coverage tool itssel.
RAD Studio IDE plugins/wizards
- Multi-RAD Studio IDE Expert Manager (⭐6). Application allows you to manage the experts and packages loadsed into multiple versions of RAD Studio
- Browse and Doc It (⭐4). RAD Studio IDE plug-in to allow you to browse your code and provide support for documentation, coding checks and metrics.
- Integrated Testing Helper (⭐7). Plugin for Delphi and RAD Studio that allows you to run command-line application before and after the compilation of you projects. It also provides the ability to zip you projects files into an archive on each compile/build and manage the application's version information.
- IDE-Notifiers (⭐13). RAD Studio IDE plug-in to display notifications of various operations in the IDE as they occur.
Code check/review, debug
- ProfileViewer (⭐2).
Application to view profiler information generated by the Profiler.pas code.
- Delphi Unit Tests (⭐1). Set of unit tests for Delphi's libraries. Delphi community members are encouraged to fork the repository, add tests, and create a pull request. Embarcadero employees are particularly encouraged to add tests from the internal tests that are run with official Delphi builds.
39. Awesome Cpp
- HEhub (⭐92) - A library for homomorphic encryption and its applications. [Apache2]
- Lithium - Build high performance C++ HTTP servers without being a C++ expert. [MIT]
Integrated Development Environment
- Embarcadero Dev-CPP (⭐2.7k) - A fork of Dev-C++ that comes preinstalled with new themes and modern compilers. [GPLv2] website
40. Awesome Python Data Science
Automated Machine Learning / Others
- AutoGluon (⭐8.4k) - AutoML for Image, Text, Tabular, Time-Series, and MultiModal Data.
Data Manipulation / Data-centric AI
- cleanlab (⭐10k) - The standard data-centric AI package for data quality and machine learning with messy, real-world data and labels.
- snorkel (⭐5.8k) - A system for quickly generating training data with weak supervision.
- dataprep (⭐2.1k) - Collect, clean, and visualize your data in Python with a few lines of code.
41. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Docs / React
- graphql-markdown - Flexible documentation for GraphQL powered with Docusaurus.
42. Free for Dev
- - Reactive backend as a service, hosting your data (documents with relationships & serializable ACID transactions), serverless functions, and WebSockets to stream updates to various clients. Free for small projects - up to 1M records, 5M monthly function calls.
43. Awesome Gbdev
Hardware / Opcodes
- dmg-schematics (⭐15) - Schematics and annotated overlay for the DMG-CPU B chip, extracted from die photos, made with KiCad. Also contains Electric VLSI library with layouts for some of the cells and memories.
44. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- What's new for Blazor in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022 -
November 10, 2022 - Blazor in .NET 7 is loaded with many new improvements to make building beautiful interactive web UI easier and more productive. In this session we'll take a look at the new support for custom elements, improved data binding, handling location changing events, showing loading progress, dynamic authentication requests, and more.
- Build an Audio Browser app with Blazor | .NET Conf 2022 -
November 10, 2022 - So you’ve heard about new features in .NET 7, but how does it all fit together when you build an app? Join Steve as he quickly builds an end-to-end audio manager app with Blazor WebAssembly using features old and new. This is a moderately advanced talk (it assumes existing Blazor knowledge) full of hints and tips including: cleaner ways to organize JS interop, directly accessing files on an end user’s filesystem, dynamically generating SVGs, creating an elegant “loading” experience, and the performance impact of AOT compilation. Full source code is provided!
- .NET ❤️’s WebAssembly in .NET 7 | .NET Conf 2022 -
November 10, 2022 - .NET 7 introduces powerful new capabilities for running .NET code on WebAssembly. In this session we’ll show how you can run .NET from any JavaScript code using the new and improved JavaScript interop support. We’ll look at debugging and hot reload improvements for .NET on WebAssembly and show how the .NET WebAssembly build tools in .NET 7 take advantage of the latest WebAssembly features like SIMD and Exception Handling to improve performance. We’ll also check out some upcoming and experimental .NET WebAssembly capabilities like support for multithreading.
- Testing Blazor Applications with Playwright | .NET Conf 2022 -
November 10, 2022 - Testing is hard, testing takes time to learn and to write, and time is money. As developers we want to test. We know we should but we don't have time. So how can we get more developers to do testing? We can create better tools. Let me introduce you to Playwright - Reliable end-to-end cross browser testing for modern web apps, by Microsoft and fully open source. Playwright's codegen generates tests for you so now you really have no excuses. It's time to play your tests wright.
- Create native desktop & mobile apps using web skills in Blazor Hybrid | .NET Conf 2022 -
November 10, 2022 - Are you a web developer and need to target iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows? Ship directly to the store and build world class apps with native API access with .NET MAUI and Blazor Hybrid.
- Modernize your WPF and Windows Forms application with Blazor | .NET Conf 2022 -
November 10, 2022 - Desktop is not dead and there are a lot of applications written in WPF and Windows Forms that need to be ported to Web, or reuse ready components written by the web team. Blazor can be the answer for both the requirements thanks to Blazor Hybrid. Let’s see how you can use it.
- CSS Techniques for Blazor Developers | .NET Conf 2022 -
November 10, 2022 - Does your CSS code remind you of an episode of Hoarders? In this session we’ll explore a variety of CSS related architecture decisions that Blazor developers face. Attendees will learn how and when to use plain CSS, Sass or CSS Isolation with Blazor. Modern CSS techniques like custom CSS properties will be discussed. We’ll explore techniques to build modular and intelligent CSS by leveraging CSS principals and incorporating helper libraries. This session aims to break the dependency on CSS systems like Bootstrap and Tailwind.
- Azure Static Web Apps with Blazor and .NET | .NET Conf 2022 -
November 10, 2022 - Are you a .NET developer who wants to quickly build and deploy full-stack .NET serverless applications? Then this talk is for you! In this session, we will learn how to use Azure Static Web Apps with Blazor and .NET. First, we will explore Azure Static Web Apps. Then take a look at getting started with Blazor WebAssembly paired with the serverless power of .NET Azure Functions or Azure Container Apps. We will continue on to explore other .NET API options now available. And finally, we will discover how to automatically build and deploy to Azure directly from our code repository.
45. Awesome Vite
Templates / Electron
- Vutron (⭐278) - Electron + Vite + Vue 3 + Pinia (TypeScript) template.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Testing
- cypress-vite (⭐95) - Run Cypress specs using Vite.
46. Awesome Functional Programming
Table of Contents / Blog posts
47. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
C++ / Non-X86
- C++ Tutorial - Alex Allain
JavaScript / Wicket
JavaScript / Node.js
- Node.js Design Patterns - Mario Casciaro (PDF)
SQL (implementation agnostic) / Play Scala
- Oracle8i Concepts: Chapter 15 - SQL and PL/SQL - Lefty Leverenz, Diana Rehfield, Cathy Baird (HTML)
- Use The Index, Luke!: A Guide To SQL Database Performance - Markus Winand (HTML)
TypeScript / Angular
- Angular Material (HTML)
48. Awesome Go
Advanced Console UIs
- bubbletea (⭐30k) - Go framework to build terminal apps, based on The Elm Architecture.
SQL Query Builders
- builq (⭐93) - Easily build SQL queries in Go.
49. Awesome Deno
Modules / Testing
- tepi - A .http Test Runner
50. Awesome Acg
Image Processing
- Anime Segmentation (⭐661) - High-accuracy segmentation for anime character. [English]
51. Awesome Video
Video Players & Playback Libraries / Frameworks & UI Components
- elements/packages/mux-player (⭐284) -
is the official Mux-flavored video player web component. The player UI is built on Media Chrome (⭐2.1k) and<mux-video>
drives the core video logic used to play Mux Video content.
Learning, Tutorials & Documentation / Webinars & Conference Talks
- Demuxed 2020 - 2020 Demuxed talks & presentations
- Demuxed 2021 - 2021 Demuxed talks & presentations
52. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Frameworks
- Vue USWDS (⭐9) - A Vue.js implementation of the USWDS (U.S. Web Design System)
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-awesome-sidebar (⭐54) - A modern and fast sidebar menu component for vue(3x) capable with vue-router.
- vue-web-terminal (⭐289) - 💻 A feature-rich and powerful web terminal plugin for vue2 & vue3.(功能强大的网页命令行终端插件)
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- @skirtle/vue-vnode-utils (⭐21) - Helper functions for working with slot VNodes inside render functions in Vue 3
Components & Libraries / Scaffold
- Vue3-SPA-starter-template (⭐69) - A starter kit with Router, Pinia, i18n, Stripe, Event Bus, SEO meta and schema tag handling, and more.
53. Awesome Vscode
Rust / Smarty Template Support
- rust-analyzer - Linting, auto-completion, code formatting, snippets and more
54. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- cargo-breaking (⭐111) — cargo-breaking compares a crate's public API between two different branches, shows what changed, and suggests the next version according to semver.
- cargo-show-asm (⭐784) — cargo subcommand showing the assembly, LLVM-IR and MIR generated for Rust code
55. Awesome Job Boards
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- AI Jobs – Jobs in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
56. Awesome Micropython
Books / SRAM
- MicroPython for the Raspberry Pi Pico W: A gentle introduction to programming digital circuits with Python - By Miguel Grinberg. ISBN 9798361302710.
57. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Hypertechniques / DreamBooth
- Training Stable Diffusion with Dreambooth using Diffusers: experiments to analyze the effect of different settings in Dreambooth
Image Segmentation / Deforum
- MubertAI/Mubert-Text-to-Music (⭐2.7k): a simple notebook demonstrating prompt-based music generation via Mubert API
58. Awesome Newsletters
Kubernetes / Svelte
- Upcoming Kubernetes Events Newsletter. A weekly newsletter on curated meetups, conferences, training and webinars on Kubernetes.
59. Awesome Mongodb
Resources / Documentation
Libraries / PHP
- PHP Driver (⭐895) - Official PHP driver
Libraries / Scala
- driver-scala (⭐2.6k) - Official Scala driver
Tools / Deployment
- Cluster to cluster sync - MongoDB Inc. solution for continuous data sync between separate clusters
Tools / Development
- C# Analyzer (⭐27) - View the MongoDB Query API equivalents of your builder expressions in Visual Studio
- MongoDB Atlas App Services - MongoDB Inc. solution to run code without the operational overhead
Tools / Shell
- MongoDB Atlas CLI (⭐166) - Official Atlas API command-line client
- mongosh (⭐350) - Official command-line client
60. Awesome Deep Learning
Table of Contents / Books
- Deep Learning with R, Second Edition - by François Chollet with Tomasz Kalinowski and J. J. Allaire
- Regularization in Deep Learning - by Liu Peng
- Jax in Action - by Grigory Sapunov
Table of Contents / Videos and Lectures
Researchers / Tools
- DVC - DVC is built to make ML models shareable and reproducible. It is designed to handle large files, data sets, machine learning models, and metrics as well as code.
- CML - CML helps you bring your favorite DevOps tools to machine learning.
- MLEM - MLEM is a tool to easily package, deploy and serve Machine Learning models. It seamlessly supports a variety of scenarios like real-time serving and batch processing.
61. Awesome Swift
Auto Layout / Barcode
- HypeUI (⭐134) - 🌺 HypeUI is a implementation of Apple's SwiftUI DSL style based on UIKit
Testing / Barcode
- SBTUITestTunnel (⭐348) - UI testing library for interact with network requests, stub CLLocationManager and UNUserNotificationCenter, and fine grain scrolling in table/collection/scroll views
62. Awesome Rest
Miscellaneous / Symfony2
- Linx - Low-code API platform. Build, debug and host REST APIs
63. Awesome Neovim
Markdown and LaTeX / Diagnostics
- toppair/peek.nvim (⭐732) - Preview markdown in a webview window.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- Wansmer/sibling-swap.nvim (⭐169) - Different way to swapping arguments and other siblings with Tree-sitter.
- Wansmer/binary-swap.nvim (⭐18) - Swapping operands and operators in binary expressions: comparison and mathematical operations.
64. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Concepts / Theory of Concepts
- The Theory Theory - Mapping the mind: Domain specificity in cognition and culture, Cambridge University Press, 1994. [All Versions]. Alison Gopnik's original paper on the theory theory.
Meta-Level Considerations / The Aha! Moment
- A computational model of scientific insight - The nature of creativity: Contemporary psychological perspectives, 1988. [All Versions]. A computational account on insights for scientific discovery.
- What Makes an Insight Problem? The Roles of Heuristics, Goal Conception, and Solution Recoding in Knowledge-Lean Problems - Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2004. [All Versions]. [APA].
Science Logology / Philosophy of Science
- The Meaning of "Theory" - Sociological Theory, 2008. [All Versions]. A philosophical account on the definition of "theory" in social science (also can be generalized to natural science).
65. Awesome Coq
Projects / Verified Software
- Functional Algorithms Verified in SSReflect (⭐45) - Purely functional verified implementations of algorithms for searching, sorting, and other fundamental problems.
Resources / Community
Resources / Course Material
- Proofs and Reliable Programming using Coq - Introduction to developing and verifying programs with Coq.
66. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Public Data Resources / Resilience and Natural Hazards
- Adaptation Clearinghouse - Maintained by Georgetown's Climate Center, this is an extensive online database and networking site that serves policymakers and others who are working to help communities adapt to climate change.
Vendor Data Resources / Resilience and Natural Hazards
- RiskFactor - Provided by the First Street Foundation, this tool enables users to understand properties' environmental risks from flooding, wildfire and extreme heat. The tool communicates historic events, current risks, and future projections for properties based on peer-reviewed research. Additional Information: Access Census Tract Risk Data, First Street Foundation Website
Planning Coding Resources / R
- tidytransit - A tidy approach to accessing and manipulating GTFS data, including transit routes, schedules, and stops.
- tidycensus - A tidy approach to accessing data from the US Census Bureau API for manipulation or spatial analysis.
67. Awesome Iot
Software / Operating systems
- Toit - The Toit platform combines the functionality of serving your devices in a robust, resilient way, and letting you have control over your devices and your data, as well as ready-to-use over-the-air firmware and application updates on your network-connected embedded devices.
Software / Programming languages
- Toitlang - is a high-level language that’s made to have a syntax very close to Python. As it’s built from first principles for microcontrollers, it’s at least 20x faster than MicroPython. They’ve also built a slick IDE integration.
68. Awesome Alfred Workflows
- Tailwind CSS Docs (⭐52) - Search the Tailwind CSS documentation.
69. Awesome Billing
- Pricing, my only growth hack at Qonto - Most businesses don't know how to iterate over pricing: sales teams dictates them without involvement of the people in charge of implementation, which ends up in frustration for all. That's why you need to recognize billing as a critical function of your organization.
- Prev: Nov 21 - Nov 27, 2022
- Next: Nov 07 - Nov 13, 2022