Awesome List Updates on Oct 03 - Oct 09, 2022

66 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Flame

Articles by Happy Makadiya at Simform Solutions

Tutorials by

Articles by

2. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP)

Software / Media Streaming - Video Streaming

Software / Software Development - Project Management

3. Awesome Pleb Projects

3D Printing


Displays, LED, Tickers


Learning Material

Lightning / Tools

Lightning / Hardware

Lightning / Wallets

Telegram Bots / Wallets

Companies & Organizations / Wallets

Podcasts / Community

Podcasts / Creators

4. Awesome React Components

CSS / Style / Mouse Events

5. Awesome Svelte


6. Awesome Yew

Courses / Frameworks

7. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking

8. Awesome Incident Response

IR Tools Collection / Books

IR Tools Collection / Sandboxing/Reversing Tools

9. Awesome Github Wiki

Useful links with tips & tricks

Useful Stack Overflow questions & answers

10. Awesome Terraform


11. Awesome Datascience

Books / Visualization Tools

12. Awesome Browser Extensions for Github

Octohint (⭐961)

The missing IntelliSense hint for GitHub and GitLab

Installs: 4000 | Stars: 961 | Last update: n/a

13. Awesome Db Tools

Schema / Diagrams

SQL / Analyzers

14. Awesome Ocaml

Developer Tools

15. Awesome Ada

Build and Package / Apache License

Components / Apache License

16. Awesome Cpp

Web Application Framework

17. Awesome Decentralized


18. Awesome Webxr

Web3XR / Realms

19. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / Utilities

20. Awesome Ai in Finance

Others / Other Resource

21. Awesome Zig

Misc libraries

22. Awesome Typescript

Tools / Playground

23. Awesome Go

Version Control

24. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

Tools for Teams and Collaboration

Security and PKI



Storage and Media Processing

Design and UI

25. Awesome Courses

Courses / Algorithms

Courses / CS Theory

Courses / Security

Courses / Statistics

26. Awesome Opensource Documents

Programming Languages / Assembly

27. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Image Synthesis / Multi-agents

Hypertechniques / Deforum

28. Awesome Amazon Seller

Software and Tools

29. Awesome Board Games


Dungeon Mayhem

In this action-packed Dungeons & Dragons card game, you win by being the last adventurer standing.

Play as one of four brave, quirky characters—Barbarian, Paladin, Rogue, or Wizard—battling it out in a dungeon full of treasure! With magic missiles flinging, dual daggers slinging, and spiked shields dinging, it's up to you to prove your adventurer has the guts to bring home the glory!

Dungeon Mayhem

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 4 8 10m



In Decypto, two teams composed of 2 to 4 players compete. Your goal is to transmit codes to your teammates without letting the opposing team intercept them. Therefore, your communication should be clear enough for your team to understand, but vague enough to confound your opponents. You are also attempting to intercept your opponents' codes.

Decrypto image

Players Min. Age Time
3 - 8 12 15-45m

Hidden Leaders

The island of Oshra is in turmoil. Following the death of the Emperor, the conflict between the Hill Tribes and the Imperial Army escalated. While the Water People try to maintain balance between the old rivals, the Undead aim to escalate the war. All hope rests on the six children of the Emperor: Who of them will claim the throne? In Hidden Leaders, you take the role of one of six secret leaders, each of them is allied with two of the four factions/colors. By playing heroes into your tableau, either openly or secretly, you influence the outcome of the conflict. At the end of the game, one of the four factions will win:Red leading > Red victory Green leading > Green victory Tie between Red & Green > Blue victory Red & Green in War Zone > Black victory Each player who is aligned with the winning faction can claim the victory. However, they must have more heroes of this color than any competitor. Hidden Leaders is a quick, light strategy card game with direct player interaction. It combines tableau building and deduction elements with its unique winning mechanism. This is a game of great tension with no-down time, that’s fast to learn. Its distinctive artwork and character names will make you smile.

Hidden Leaders

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 6 10 20-40m

30. Awesome Coq

Projects / Libraries

31. Awesome Iot


32. Awesome Sysadmin

Software / Editors

Software / Packaging

33. Awesome Cl


34. Awesome WSL

Using WSL / CUDA Development on WSL

Supported Distributions / Ubuntu

35. Awesome Material


36. Awesome Rest



37. Awesome Vite

Templates / React

Templates / Electron

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers

38. Awesome Python Typing

Tools / Helper tools to add annotations to existing code

39. Awesome Vlc


40. Awesome Blazor

Articles / Others

41. Static Analysis

Other / Other

Multiple languages / Other

42. Awesome Ipfs


43. Awesome Wagtail

Apps / Static site generation

Apps / Media

Resources / Articles

Resources / Presentations

Resources / Books

For editors / Lists

Community / Lists

Open-source sites / Lists

44. Awesome Graphql

PHP / React

45. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / General-Purpose Machine Learning

46. Awesome V





Operating systems/Kernels

Project management





Command line interface (CLI) / Terminal / Shell

Database clients



File handling

Game development




Operating system

Scientific computing

Serial Communications


Text processing

User Interface toolkits





Editor plugins / Atom

Editor plugins / Emacs

Editor plugins / Sublime Text 3

Editor plugins / Vim

Forums / Vim

GitHub actions / Vim

Operating Systems & OS Development Examples / Vim

Programming contests / Vim

Syntax highlighting / Vim

Tutorials / Vim

Videos / Vim

47. Awesome Plotters

Inspiration, Instruction, and Research / Fonts

48. Awesome Osint

Social Media Tools / Twitter

49. Awesome Swift

App Store

50. Awesome Neovim

Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics

Note Taking / Diagnostics

Utility / Diagnostics

Code Runner / Diagnostics

51. Awesome Software Architecture


52. Awesome Flutter

Testing / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection

53. Awesome Privacy

File Management and Sharing


Blogging platforms (Medium)

Video and Audio Conferencing / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:

54. Awesome Crypto Papers

Introducing people to data security and cryptography / Brief introductions

Specific topics / Secret key cryptography

Specific topics / Cryptanalysis

Specific topics / Public key cryptography: General and DLP

Specific topics / Public key cryptography: Elliptic-curve crypto

Specific topics / Post-quantum cryptography

55. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Completions / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

56. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)



Bash / Non-X86

C / Non-X86

C# / Non-X86

C++ / Non-X86

Go / Phoenix

HTML and CSS / Spock Framework

iOS / Bootstrap

Java / Bootstrap

JavaScript / Wicket

JavaScript / Next.js

JavaScript / Node.js

JavaScript / React

JavaScript / React Native

Kotlin / Vue.js

MATLAB / PicoLisp

MySQL / PicoLisp

.NET Framework / PicoLisp

Objective-C / PicoLisp

Perl / PicoLisp

PHP / PicoLisp

PostgreSQL / Zend

PowerShell / Zend

Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)

R / Tornado

Raspberry Pi / Tornado

Ruby / Tornado

Ruby / Ruby on Rails

Swift / Play Scala

TypeScript / Vapor

57. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Web

Libraries/Frameworks / Functional Programming

Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics

Android / Boilerplate

58. Awesome Algorand

Crash Courses

General courses

59. Awesome Fantasy

A Series of Unfortunate Events _by Lemony Snicket AKA Daniel Handler 🔥 [4.00] / The Princess Bride by William Goldman [4.2] 🔥

60. Awesome Rust

Applications / Emulators

61. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Science Logology / Science of Science

Science Logology / Science Education

62. Web Development Resources


Learning Platforms:


63. Awesome Appimage

AppImage consumption tools / Desktop integration

AppImage consumption tools / Package managers

AppImage developer tools / Tools to convert from other package formats

AppImage developer tools / Libraries

64. Awesome Cli Apps

Development / Chat

Development / Frontend Development

Development / Devops

Development / HTTP Server

Development / HTTP Client

Utilities / Calendars

Data Manipulation / JSON

Data Manipulation / YAML

Files and Directories / Directory Listing

Images / Emoji

65. Awesome Embedded Rust

Books, blogs, and training materials / Free and public materials

66. Awesome Stacks

MERN: Mongo Express React Node / Resources