Awesome List Updates on Sep 26 - Oct 02, 2022

63 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Go

Game Development


Package Management

Third-party APIs

2. Awesome Ruby

Date and Time Processing

3. Web Development Resources

Remote Jobs:

4. Awesome WSL

Using WSL / The WSL Shell

Supported Distributions / OpenSUSE / SUSE Enterprise Linux

Supported Distributions / Pengwin

Related Projects / Miscellaneous Tools

Thanks / Miscellaneous Tools

Intellectual Property Notices / Miscellaneous Tools

5. Awesome Translations

Platforms / Localization and translation platforms

Tools / Libraries and tools for developers

Articles / For developers

6. Awesome Github Wiki


Useful links with tips & tricks

7. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)


C# / Non-X86

Delphi / Pascal / Non-X86

JavaScript / Wicket

JavaScript / Nuxt.js

.NET Framework / PicoLisp

Pascal / PicoLisp

Python / Django

Python / Pandas

8. Awesome Board Games



Ayoayo (Yoruba: Ayò Ọlọ́pọ́n) is a traditional mancala played by the Yoruba people in Nigeria. It is very close to the Oware game that spread to the Americas with the atlantic slave trade. Among modern mancalas, which are most often derived from Warri, the Kalah is a notable one that has essentially the same rules as Ayoayo. There are games with identical rules also in other areas of Africa. One such game is the Endodoi, played by the Maasai people of Kenya and Tanzania.

Ayoayo image

Players Min. Age Time
2 8 15-30m


The object of Condottiere is to acquire four connected provinces in renaissance Italy. To do this players auction off different provinces on the board and bid on these provinces with a hand of cards representing mercenaries,seasons, scarecrows, and political figures. However, unlike standard auctions, in Condottiere every player loses their bid. Players are, in effect, bidding the number of troops they are willing to lose in order to win a province.

Condottiere image

Players Min. Age Time
2 - 6 14 around 45m

9. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Inbox: Stable Diffusion / Multi-agents

10. Awesome Firebase


11. Awesome Cli Apps

Development / Devops

Development / Release

Productivity / Calendars

Utilities / Calendars

Utilities / Network Utilities

Utilities / Theming and Customization

Utilities / Shell Utilities

Utilities / System Interaction Utilities

Utilities / Markdown

Utilities / Security

Utilities / Browser Replacement

Utilities / Internet Speedtest

Files and Directories / Directory Navigation

Version Control / Git

Version Control / Emoji

Images / Emoji

12. Papers We Love

Info / How To Read a Paper

13. Awesome Transit

GTFS Courses

14. Awesome Sysadmin

Software / Monitoring

15. Awesome K6


16. Awesome Iot

Software / Frameworks

Software / Middlewares

17. Awesome Crystal


Data Formats

GUI Development

18. Awesome Terraform

Providers / Vendor supported providers

19. Awesome Gatling

Distributed Testing

20. Awesome Wardley Maps

Maps in the Wild

21. Awesome Tmux


22. Awesome Incident Response

IR Tools Collection / All-In-One Tools

IR Tools Collection / Books

23. Awesome Kotlin

Links / Courses

Libraries/Frameworks / Misc

Libraries/Frameworks / Data Science

Libraries/Frameworks / API Clients

Libraries/Frameworks / Logging

Libraries/Frameworks / Jetpack-Compose

Projects / Idea Plugins

24. Awesome Algorand

Other Development Tools / Smart Contracts

25. Awesome Scriptable


26. Awesome Plotters

Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Ephemera

27. Awesome Micropython

Scheduling / Touch Resistive

Frameworks / SRAM

28. Awesome Fonts

Free fonts / Fonts

29. Awesome Osint

General Search

People Investigations / Steam

30. Awesome Arcgis Developers

APIs and SDKs

Code samples and snippets

31. Awesome Godot

Projects / Godot 3

Modules / Godot 3

32. Awesome Web Monetization

Resources / Community

33. Awesome Ipfs


34. Awesome Tailwindcss


35. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam

Transport-layer defenses / Overlay and Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

36. Static Analysis

Programming Languages / Other

37. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Automation

Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems

Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums

Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming

Software / Recipe Management

Software / Software Development - API Management

Software / Software Development - Project Management

38. Awesome Coq

Resources / Course Material

39. Awesome Crypto Papers

Introducing people to data security and cryptography / Brief introductions

Specific topics / Secret key cryptography

Specific topics / Cryptanalysis

Specific topics / Post-quantum cryptography

Books / Post-quantum cryptography

40. Awesome Pcaptools

Related Projects / Analysis

41. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Frameworks and Stacks

42. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Science Logology / Science of Science

43. Awesome Docker


44. Awesome Yew


Crates / Javascript Library Ports

45. Awesome Embedded Rust

Driver crates / WIP

46. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

CI and CD

Security and PKI

Issue Tracking and Project Management

Design and UI

47. Awesome Browser Extensions for Github

Hacker Tab (⭐352)

Replace browser new tab screen with GitHub trending projects.

Installs: 2000 | Stars: 352 | Last update: n/a

48. Awesome Testing

Software / Screen Recording & Session Replays

49. Awesome Zsh Plugins


Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Completions / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

50. Awesome Web Archiving

Community Resources / Blogs and Scholarship

51. Awesome Privacy

Android Launcher

Cloud Storage

File Management and Sharing


PC / MacOS


Other OS:


Web Browser / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:

Useful Tools / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:

52. Awesome Electronics

Other Lists / Help

53. Awesome Machine Learning

Tools / Misc

54. Awesome List


55. Awesome for Beginners


56. Awesome Rust

Applications / Blockchain

Development tools / Web Servers

Libraries / Audio and Music

Libraries / Network programming

57. Awesome Prisma

🏆 Tutorials / ⚙️ Schema Visualization Tools

👾 Projects Using Prisma / Tutorials with NestJS

58. Awesome Neovim

(requires Neovim 0.5)

(requires Neovim 0.5) / Diagnostics

Programming Languages Support / Diagnostics

Golang / Diagnostics

YAML / Diagnostics

Web Development / Diagnostics

PHP / Diagnostics

Language / Diagnostics

Search / Diagnostics

File Explorer / Diagnostics

Project / Diagnostics

Colorscheme Creation / Diagnostics

Bars and Lines / Diagnostics

Statusline / Diagnostics

Tabline / Diagnostics

Cursorline / Diagnostics

Startup / Diagnostics

Icon / Diagnostics

Media / Diagnostics

Note Taking / Diagnostics

Utility / Diagnostics

Terminal Integration / Diagnostics

Quickfix / Diagnostics

Test / Diagnostics

Code Runner / Diagnostics

GitHub / Diagnostics

Keybinding / Diagnostics

Mouse / Diagnostics

Scrollbar / Diagnostics

Comment / Diagnostics

Indent / Diagnostics

Remote Development / Diagnostics

Split and Window / Diagnostics

Tmux / Diagnostics

Game / Diagnostics

Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics

Boilerplate / Diagnostics

59. Awesome Digital History

Archives and primary sources / Global

Archives and primary sources / Netherlands

Archives and primary sources / North America

60. Awesome Blazor

Articles / Others

61. Awesome Nix

Development / Discovery

NixOS Configuration Editors / Desktop apps

NixOS Configuration Editors / Webinterface

62. Awesome Flame

Non-English Content / Simulation

63. Awesome Svelte



Routers / Form Components