Awesome List Updates on Sep 05 - Sep 11, 2022
49 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Accessibility (A11y) / Ruby
- Chromelens - See how your web app will look to people with different types of vision and the path users will travel when tabbing through your page.
2. Awesome Flutter
Premium / Game Engine resources
- RustDesk (⭐83k) - Open source virtual/remote desktop and TeamViewer alternative. Built with Flutter and Rust by RustDesk team.
- AppFlowy (⭐61k) - Open Source Notion Alternative. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust by AppFlowy team
Utilities / Game Engine resources
- Melos (⭐1.3k) - Manage projects with multiple packages, automated versioning, changelogs & publishing via Conventional Commits by Invertase
3. Awesome Docker
Terminal / CLI tools
- dcp (⭐110) - A simple tool for copying files from container filesystems. By @exdx
4. Awesome Yew
- surfer (⭐53) - A blog built on yew + graphql, with live demo site. Backend for graphql services, and frontend for web application.
5. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science
Books / Monograph
- Demaine, Gasarch & Hajiaghayi. Computers and Intractability: A Guide to Algorithmic Lower Bounds - A sequel to Garey and Johnson's Computers and Intractability: A Guide to NP-Completeness. New topics include Parameterized Complexity, Lower bounds on approximation, Other hardness assumptions (ETH, 3SUM-conjecture, APSP-conjecture, UGC, Others), Online Algorithms, Streaming Algorithms, Polynomial Parity Arguments, and Parallelism.
Lecture Notes / Monograph
- Madhu Sudan. Essential Coding Theory - Some elements of Algorithmic tasks of encoding and decoding and its connections with error-correction; These codes are now tools in the design and analysis of algorithms, and also in many aspects of computational complexity. The focus is on constructions of algorithmic and asymptotic importance. Requires only basic mathematical maturity.
- Scott Aaronson. Quantum Information Science. Part I & Part II - Part I: Presuppose only linear algebra and a bit of classical algorithms. Topics include quantum circuits, density matrices, entanglement entropy, Wiesner’s quantum money, QKD, quantum teleportation, the Bell inequality, interpretations of QM, the Shor 9-qubit code, and the algorithms of Deutsch-Jozsa, Bernstein-Vazirani, Simon, Shor, and Grover. Part II: Perspectives on quantum computing that go beyond the bare quantum circuit model, like Hamiltonians, Stabilizer formalism, Bosons and Fermions, Cluster states, and Matrix product states.
Aggregators / Lecture Videos Playlist
- Theory of Computing Blog Aggregator - A blog Aggregator for all blogs related to TCS.
6. Awesome Appimage
AppImage developer tools / Tools to convert from other package formats
- appimage-bash (⭐1) - GitHub Action for creating AppImage releases from binaries inside
7. Awesome Directus
Extensions / Community
- Sanitize HTML (⭐7) - Sanitize HTML inputs to Directus.
8. Awesome Zig
Zig development tools / Messaging
- korandoru/setup-zig (⭐20) - Set up a specific version of Zig environment on GitHub Actions.
9. Awesome Osint
Code Search
- - Searches code from the entire github public repositories for a given specific string or using regular expression.
Username Check / Steam
- Name Checkup - is a search tool that allows you to check the avilability of a givrn username from all over the social media. Inaddition it also sllows you to check the avilability of a given domain name.
Domain and IP Research / Steam
- BuiltWith - is a website that will help you find out all the technologies used to build a particular websites.
- DNSDumpster - is a website that will help you discover hosts related to a specific domain.
Browsers / Steam
- Brave - is an open-source web browser that allows you to completely block ads and website trackers.
Infographics and Data Visualization / Steam
- Chart.js - a javascript library that allows you to create charts easly
- D3js - is a powerful data visualization javascript library.
Social Network Analysis / Steam
- Gephi - is an open-source graph and network visualization software.
10. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2018
- Auditing the Personalization and Composition of Politically-Related Search Engine Results Pages - (WWW) A Chrome extension to survey participants and collect the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) and autocomplete suggestions, for studying personalization and composition.
Papers / 2016
- An Empirical Analysis of Algorithmic Pricing on Amazon Marketplace - (WWW) (Code) Develops a methodology for detecting algorithmic pricing, and use it empirically to analyze their prevalence and behavior on Amazon Marketplace.
11. Awesome Cpp
- bzip3 (⭐976) - A better and stronger spiritual successor to BZip2. [LGPL]
12. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Vendor Data Resources / Resilience and Natural Hazards
- Climate Engine - Provides data and insights to support financial and operational resilience for a changing planet across a variety of climate related hazards.
- Jupiter Intelligence - Provides global high resolution climate projections out to 2100 for a variety of hazards (flood, precipitation, wind, heat/cold, wildfire, thunderstorms, drought) as well as asset-level estimates of damage and financial loss.
13. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- Zusam (⭐198) - Free and open-source way to self-host private forums for groups of friends or family. (Demo)
Software / Document Management - Institutional Repository and Digital Library Software
- Fedora Commons Repository - Robust and modular repository system for the management and dissemination of digital content especially suited for digital libraries and archives, both for access and preservation. (Source Code (⭐218))
- Islandora - Drupal module for browsing and managing Fedora-based digital repositories. (Demo, Source Code (⭐153))
Software / File Transfer & Synchronization
- Nextcloud - Access and share your files, calendars, contacts, mail and more from any device, on your terms. (Demo, Source Code (⭐29k))
Software / File Transfer - Object Storage & File Servers
- Minio - Minio is an open source object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs. (Source Code (⭐51k))
Software / Groupware
- Cozy Cloud - Personal cloud where you can manage and sync your contact, files and calendars, and manage your budget with an app store full of community contributions. (Source Code)
Software / Learning and Courses
- Canvas LMS - Canvas is the trusted, open-source learning management system (LMS) that is revolutionizing the way we educate. (Demo, Source Code (⭐5.9k))
Software / URL Shorteners
- liteshort - User-friendly, actually lightweight, and configurable URL shortener.
Software / Wikis
- Tiki - Wiki CMS Groupware with the most built-in features. (Demo, Source Code)
14. Awesome Lidar
- Boreas Dataset - The Boreas dataset was collected by driving a repeated route over the course of 1 year resulting in stark seasonal variations. In total, Boreas contains over 350km of driving data including several sequences with adverse weather conditions such as rain and heavy snow. The Boreas data-taking platform features a unique high-quality sensor suite with a 128-channel Velodyne Alpha Prime lidar, a 360-degree Navtech radar, and accurate ground truth poses obtained from an Applanix POSLV GPS/IMU.
15. Awesome Nix
Command-Line Tools / Discovery
- nixpkgs-hammering (⭐263) - An opinionated linter for Nixpkgs package expressions.
16. Awesome Streaming
Table of Contents / Streaming Library
- Streamiz (⭐487) [C#] - a .Net Stream Processing Library for Apache Kafka
17. Awesome Elixir
Command Line Applications
- owl (⭐453) - Owl is a toolkit for writing command-line user interfaces in Elixir.
- matcha (⭐91) - First-class match specifications for Elixir
querying and function call tracing.
18. Awesome Svelte
Routers / Form Components
- @danielsharkov/svelte-router (⭐13) - A simple & easy to use SPA router, developed with page transitions in mind.
19. Awesome Pcaptools
Traffic Capture
- PCAPdroid (⭐1.9k): PCAPdroid is an Android app which lets you monitor and export the network traffic of your device without root. Traffic can be dumped in the PCAP format to be analyzed with popular tools like Wireshark, even in real time. The built-in traffic monitor lets you detect suspicious connections made by user and system apps.
20. Awesome Rails
Articles / Other external resources
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
- alonetone (⭐360) - A music hosting, management & distribution app (using Rails 7.0). - 🌍
Gems / Other external resources
- react_on_rails (⭐5.1k) - A gem to integrate React.js with Rails app with SSR. 🔴
- shakapacker (⭐438) - A gem to use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails. 🔴
21. Awesome Broadcasting
Animation, Graphics & Video Playout
- ffplayout (⭐503) - Rust and FFmpeg based playout from folder or playlists.
22. Magictools
Engines and Frameworks / Voxel Editors
- 🎉 JNGL (⭐273) - a 2D open-source game engine. Develop on Linux, Windows, OS X. Deploy to Nintendo Switch, Xbox, Linux, Windows, OS X, Web, Android, iOS and more.
- 🆓 SceneKit - Apple proprietary 3D game engine (available on macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and watchOS).
- 🆓 SpriteKit - Apple proprietary 2D game engine (available on macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and watchOS).
23. Awesome Wardley Maps
Maps in the Wild
- How will cars be refueled by 2032? - By Joaquín Peña Fernández. August 29, 2022.
24. Awesome Acg
Image Processing
- Real-ESRGAN (⭐29k) - Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration. [English/中文]
- Hime Display (⭐190) - Universal desktop model displayer for Live2D, Spine, MMD and VRoid. [English/中文/日本語]
25. Awesome Cl
Files and directories / Third-party APIs
- file-notify (⭐28) - a cross-platform library for file change detection. zlib.
26. Awesome Flask
Data Validation and Serialization / OAuth
- Flask-Pydantic (⭐372) - Pydantic (⭐22k) support.
Developer Tools / Monitoring
- Airbrake - Airbrake Flask integration.
Conferences / Testing
- FlaskCon - Community driven Flask event intended for speakers and attendees all over the world to participate in technical and evangelical sessions related to Flask.
27. Awesome Fastapi
Best Practices / Other Tools
- FastAPI Best Practices (⭐10k) - Collection of best practices in a GitHub repo.
PaaS / Other Tools
28. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Analogy / AI Assisted Research
- Visual Analogy: Deep Learning Versus Compositional Models - CogSci'21, 2021. [All Versions]. A human-deep-learning comparison on similarity judgement.
- Similarity involving attributes and relations: Judgments of similarity and difference are not inverses - Psychological Science, 1990. [All Versions].
29. Awesome Raspberry Pi
Useful Apps / iOS
- RaspController - Allows you to easily manage your Raspberry Pi remotely, control the GPIO ports, send commands directly through the terminal and so much more. iOS
30. Awesome Firebase
- 🔧 FireSageJS (⭐8) - Extreme Type Safe For Realtime Database Web.
31. Awesome Magento2
Company Blogs / Progressive Web Application
32. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
- [🔥🔥🔥] Ai generative art tools: a massive list of shared Google Colab notebooks and tools organized by @pharampsychotic
Artists and Artworks / Deforum
- Computer Vision Art Gallery : CVPR 2021: artworks dealing with computer vision technologies
Related Awesome Lists / Deforum
- [🔥] altryne/awesome-ai-art-image-synthesis (⭐1.7k): A list of awesome tools, ideas, prompt engineering tools, colabs, models, and helpers for the prompt designer playing with aiArt and image synthesis. Covers Dalle2, MidJourney, StableDiffusion, and open source tools.
33. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- command-not-found (freed-wu) (⭐7) - Uses the
package for ZSH to provide suggested packages to be installed if a command cannot be found.
- command-not-found (tarrasch) (⭐22) - A mirror of the oh-my-zsh command-not-found (⭐177k) plugin so you don't have to include all of oh-my-zsh.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- complete-mac (⭐6) - Add completions for macOS
- pagerduty (⭐0) - Adds completions for the pagerduty cli (⭐94)
- prettier (⭐0) - Tab completion for prettier
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- thyme (chenhao-ye) (⭐22) - Seasoning for shells. Based on bira (⭐177k), gnzh (⭐177k), and bullet-train (⭐2.8k).
34. Free for Dev
CI and CD
- - Startup environments with ready-made infrastructure components, deploy apps on AWS for free, and support your production workloads. The free tier includes 1 Environment (on your AWS account), 2 Kubernetes Services, 100 build minutes per month, and 20 monthly deployments.
Storage and Media Processing
- – Internxt Drive is a zero-knowledge file storage service based on absolute privacy and uncompromising security. Sign up and get 10 GB for free, forever!
Design and UI
- - Minimalistic online drawing app. Allows to create fast sketches and visual notes. Exports sketches to PNG, JPG, SVG, and WEBP. Also installable as PWA. Free to use for everyone (no registration is needed).
35. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- vue-share-modal (⭐12) - A pure, lightweight, and beautiful share modal for Vue 3.
36. Awesome Datascience
Bloggers / Book Deals (Affiliated)
- Aditi Rastogi - ML,DL,Data Science blog
37. Awesome Steam
Standalone Tools / Misc
- steam-desktop-authenticator-multiplatform (⭐10) - Steam desktop authenticator.
38. Awesome Algorand
Security Auditing Services / Wallets
- Certik - CertiK provides the gold standard in web3 security tools, from its industry-leading smart contract audits, to its blockchain analytics tools such as Skynet and SkyTrace, making it the ideal partner in ensuring the end-to-end security of Algorand projects.
- AlgoBuilder Audits - The team behind AlgoBuilder offering to consult your project, have smart contracts done by professionals, write automated tests or audit your existing project.
- UlamLabs - A blockchain lab based in Poland, offering auditing services for Algorand smart contracts.
- Runtime Verification - Smart contract analysis and verification by the team who audited platforms like Algofi, FolksFinance, Yieldly and other prominent DeFi platforms in the ecosystem.
- Immunebytes - Secure your Algorand Smart Contract with credible security auditing solutions.
- KudelskiSecurity - Move your blockchain project securely and successfully into production or onto mainnet. Company can help you assess, design, customize, deploy and manage blockchain and digital ledger technology systems so you can confidently leverage security as a powerful differentiator in this dynamic market.
39. Awesome Neovim
Formatting / Diagnostics
- MunifTanjim/prettier.nvim (⭐296) - Prettier integration.
40. Awesome Jax
Libraries / New Libraries
- JAXFit (⭐56) - Accelerated curve fitting library for nonlinear least-squares problems (see arXiv paper).
41. Awesome Go
Databases Implemented in Go
- dolt (⭐18k) - Dolt – It's Git for Data.
Database Schema Migration
- bytebase (⭐12k) - Safe database schema change and version control for DevOps teams.
42. Awesome Ci
Name: Betterscan
Description: Code Scanning/SAST/Static Analysis/Linting using many tools/Scanners with One Report (Code, IaC) - Betterscan Community Edition (CE)
Features: Docker
Supported repositories: Git
Documentation: Documentation
Price: Non-free Community Edition and Paid PRO version
43. Awesome K6
- Distributed Load Testing With K6 - Setting up distributed execution with k6-operator and Argo workflows.
44. Awesome Machine Learning
TensorFlow / General-Purpose Machine Learning
- Awesome Keras (⭐24) - A curated list of awesome Keras projects, libraries and resources.
Tools / Misc
- MLEM (⭐718) - Version and deploy your ML models following GitOps principles
45. Awesome Clojure
Async processing
- re-frame-flow (⭐145) - Graph based visualization tool for re-frame event chains (ClojureScript)
Game Development
- jme-clj (⭐131) - A Clojure 3D Game Engine (Wrapper), Powered by jMonkeyEngine
- play-cljc (⭐519) - A Clojure and ClojureScript game library
46. Awesome Mirth
- 🔧 Mirthix (⭐14) - Zabbix protocol implementation for Mirth Connect integration engine.
Follow / Community
- 📖 Discussion Forum (⭐955) - Official Forum for Mirth Connect.
47. Awesome Blazor
Videos / Others
- .NET MAUI & Blazor - Sharing code between app and web - September 2, 2022 - In this video, Daniel will show you how to create a project for .NET MAUI and Blazor and how to structure the code so it can be shared between the app and the web.
Source code (⭐7).
Articles / Others
- Why can't your Blazor WebAssembly PWA with offline support update even though you reload it? - September 7, 2022 - Please imagine the case that you have a Blazor WebAssembly PWA site that supports offline mode, and you've been opening that PWA by a web browser. If you published a new version of that PWA, you might want to verify it, I guess. In this case, you will reload the page on that web browser. However, you might never see the contents of the new version unexpectedly even though you hard-reload it.
- Troubleshooting .NET Blazor WASM Debugging - August 30, 2022 - Troubleshooting .NET Blazor WASM Debugging.
- Authenticate Blazor WebAssembly with Azure Static Web Apps - July 22, 2022 - Azure Static Web Apps is a great place to host Blazor WebAssembly apps. Among Static Web Apps' many features, it has built-in support for authentication using social logins. In this article, we'll look at how we can take advantage of Static Web Apps Authentication in our Blazor WebAssembly apps. By Anthony Chu, from Microsoft.
48. Awesome Newsletters
Business/Finance / Svelte
- Unvalidated Ideas. Fresh startup and SaaS ideas that you can take out and market validate every week.
49. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Admin
- django-admin-sortable2 (⭐803) - Generic drag-and-drop ordering for objects in the Django admin interface.
Third-Party Packages / Model Fields
- django-streamfield (⭐126) - Simple StreamField for plain Django admin (based on Wagtail CMS StreamField idea).
Third-Party Packages / Task Queues
- flower (⭐6.6k) - Flower is a web-based tool for monitoring and administrating Celery clusters.
- Prev: Sep 12 - Sep 18, 2022
- Next: Aug 29 - Sep 04, 2022