Awesome List Updates on Aug 22 - Aug 28, 2022
50 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Capacitor
Official plugins
- Preferences (⭐546) - Provides a simple key/value persistent store for lightweight data, ex Storage.
Community plugins
- Electron (⭐351) - Support for the Electron platform.
2. Awesome Typescript
Reference Lists
- TypeScript Reference for JS developers - Glossary of keywords, operators, statements and directives
3. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Image Synthesis / Multi-agents
- apple/ml-no-token-left-behind (⭐140): PyTorch Implementation of No Token Left Behind: Explainability-Aided Image Classification and Generation
4. Awesome Esports
Applications & Tools / Tournaments management
- Foldy Sheet (⭐1) - A Python script to determine whether teams can make playoffs or not.
5. Awesome Executable Packing
📚 Literature / Scientific Research
- 🎓 Experimental toolkit for studying executable packing - Analysis of the state-of-the-art packing detection techniques (June 2022) ⭐
- 📓 Obfuscation-resilient executable payload extraction from packed malware (August 2021) ⭐
- 📓 PolyUnpack: Automating the hidden-code extraction of unpack-executing malware (December 2006) 🌟 🌟 🌟
- 📓 SoK: Deep packer inspection: A longitudinal study of the complexity of run-time packers (May 2015) ⭐ ⭐
- 📓 When malware is packin' heat; limits of machine learning classifiers based on static analysis features (January 2020) ⭐ ⭐
6. Awesome Osint
Specialty Search Engines
- BeVigil - Search for assets like Subdomains, URLs, Parameters in mobile applications
Other Tools / Steam
- BeVigil-CLI (⭐122) - A unified command line interface and python library for using BeVigil OSINT API to search for assets such as subdomains, URLs, applications indexed from mobile applications.
7. Nlp with Ruby
Multipurpose Engines
- ruby-spacy (⭐34) — Wrapper module for spaCy NLP library via PyCall (⭐866).
8. Awesome Coq
Projects / Frameworks
- VCFloat (⭐26) - Framework for verifying C programs with floating-point computations.
Resources / Community
9. Awesome Crystal
Network Protocols
- (⭐4) - A fast and lightweight MQTT client
10. Awesome Honeypots
Database Honeypots
- Delilah (⭐20) - Elasticsearch Honeypot written in Python (originally from Novetta).
- ESPot (⭐25) - Elasticsearch honeypot written in NodeJS, to capture every attempts to exploit CVE-2014-3120.
- ElasticPot - An Elasticsearch Honeypot.
- Elastic honey (⭐182) - Simple Elasticsearch Honeypot.
- MongoDB-HoneyProxy (⭐88) - MongoDB honeypot proxy.
- NoSQLpot (⭐102) - Honeypot framework built on a NoSQL-style database.
- mysql-honeypotd (⭐29) - Low interaction MySQL honeypot written in C.
- MysqlPot (⭐20) - MySQL honeypot, still very early stage.
- pghoney (⭐17) - Low-interaction Postgres Honeypot.
- sticky_elephant (⭐9) - Medium interaction postgresql honeypot.
- RedisHoneyPot (⭐16) - High Interaction Honeypot Solution for Redis protocol.
- SentryPeer (⭐153) - Protect your SIP Servers from bad actors.
11. Awesome Hacking
Awesome Repositories
Repository: Capsulecorp Pentest (⭐856)
Description: Vagrant+Ansible virtual network penetration testing lab. Companion to "The Art of Network Penetration Testing" by Royce Davis
Repository: Real-time Communications hacking & pentesting resources (⭐428)
Description: Covers VoIP, WebRTC and VoLTE security related topics
Repository: Reinforcement Learning for Cyber Security (⭐798)
Description: List of awesome reinforcement learning for security resources
12. Awesome Rust
- fend (⭐770) - Arbitrary-precision unit-aware calculator
Development tools / Formatters
- rustfmt (⭐6.2k) - Rust code formatter maintained by the Rust team and included in cargo
13. Awesome Mac
Utilities / Window Management
- Dissolv - Hide and close inactive apps.
14. Awesome Ios Books
15. Awesome Jax
Books / NumPyro
- Jax in Action - A hands-on guide to using JAX for deep learning and other mathematically-intensive applications.
16. Awesome Deno
Modules / Logging
- dlog (⭐3) - A ussefull logger for the prompt with icons or simple version!
Modules / String utils
- deno-json-colorizer (⭐5) - A library for colorizing JSON strings in Deno
Modules / Utils
- beno (⭐3) - A configuration manager typed and faster for Deno Inspired in Viper of Golang
- draco (⭐3) - File and folder multiplatform utils for Deno!
Tools / XML
- dpm
- BoltDoggy/deno#dpm (⭐11) - Deno Package Manager, install global command for deno. like denoget.
- dpmland/dpm (⭐41) - Deno Package Manager, a NPM | Yarn Experience for Deno
17. Awesome Pentest
Web Exploitation / Web path discovery and bruteforcing tools
- DotDotPwn - Directory traversal fuzzer.
18. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 🧬 Core
- EnvVar (⭐35k) - Expose environment variables with providing an optional config.
⚙️ Middlewares / 🌱 Third Party
- joffref/opa-middleware (⭐19) - Provides an OPA middleware integration for fiber.
19. Awesome Tailwindcss
Starters & Themes
- 🚀 AstroWind (⭐3.9k) - Production ready and SEO-friendly template to start a website using Astro and Tailwind CSS.
20. Awesome Privacy
No email verification, accepting monero
- Crypton - Secure SMS Sim Card in the cloud. (Based in Iceland)
- Virtualsim - Virtualsim provides physical SIM cards leasing for SMS verifications. (Based in Ukraine)
Email verification required, accepting monero
- Onlinesim - Receive SMS online to virtual phone number. (Based in Russia)
Email verification required, accepting crypto
- SmsPVA - SmsPVA is a service providing a phone number you can send any SMS on and get a text of it. (Based in France)
21. Awesome Seed Rs
Projects Using Seed
- CalcuPi - A beautiful Monte Carlo simulation for approximating the value of pi.
22. Awesome Substrate
- Polkadot Treasury - The Treasury funds are allocated through the voting on spending proposal.
Client Libraries
- .NET Substrate API (⭐21) - Used in nuget, and Unity Example (⭐3); Maintained by Ajuna Network.
- .NET Toolchain/SDK (⭐2) - Toolchain for Substrate .NET. Pre-generated SubstrateNET (⭐3); Maintained by Ajuna Network.
- Generate Go (de)serialization/client code from Substrate metadata.
- Nova Substrate SDK Android (⭐7) - Substrate SDK and tools for Android.
- Nova Substrate SDK iOS (⭐15) - Substrate SDK and tools for iOS.
- Tool to predict nominated proof-of-stake elections.
- An all-in-one Substrate development toolbox.
- Analogous toserde_json
but for SCALE; Library to decode arbitrary SCALE encoded bytes into a dynamicValue
given type info fromscale-info
- Decode SCALE bytes into arbitrary custom types by implementing a visitor trait.
- Nova Polkadot Utils (⭐15) - Contains static info & metadata to support client apps in Polkadot ecosystem to map it to various netowrks.
- SubQuery - A GraphQL indexer and query service that allows users to easily create indexed data sources and host them online for free.
- Nova SubQuery API (⭐12) - A SubQuery API implementation for operation history and staking analytics.
- Typechain-Polkadot (⭐12) - Hepls users to generate typescript types from contract ABIs (ink!) and generate runtime code to interact with contracts and deploy them.
- - Multi-chain block explorer with API and DeFi support across 40+ parachains.
23. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
CoffeeScript / Non-X86
- CoffeeScript Ristretto - Reginald Braithwaite
JavaScript / AngularJS
- AngularJS vs EmberJs - Brendan Graetz (HTML)
JavaScript / Ember.js
- AngularJs vs EmberJs - Brendan Graetz (HTML)
Lisp / TeX
- Loving Common Lisp, or the Savvy Programmer's Secret Weapon - Mark Watson (HTML)
NewSQL / PicoLisp
- TiDB Introduction - PingCAP (PDF)
Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)
- Inside The Python Virtual Machine - Obi Ike-Nwosu (HTML)
QML / Tornado
- Qt6 Book - Johan Thelin, Jürgen Bocklage-Ryannel, Cyril Lorquet (HTML, PDF) (🚧 in process)
24. Awesome Lowcode
Flow-based programming
- Kissflow - The full spectrum of work on one platform.
Visual programming
- AppSheet - The fastest way to build apps and automate work.
25. Awesome Algorand
Languages / C/C++
- vertices-algorand-sdk (⭐10) - The Vertices SDK provides developers with easy device access to interact with Blockchains.
Languages / Ruby
- TEALrb (⭐8) - A Ruby DSL for writing Algorand smart contracts. (Archived on Jan 22, 2023)
26. Awesome Mirth
Featured (new releases)
- Release Notes Wiki pages (⭐955) - All Release Notes.
- Mirth Download - Official Mirth Connect Download.
- Source Code (⭐955) - Mirth Connect source code.
Official Docs & Quickstarts
- 📖 Mirth Documentation - Official Mirth Connect Documentation.
- 💡 Mirth Connect examples (⭐100) - Official Mirth Examples.
Mirth Extensions
- 🔧 Version Control Extension for MirthConnect (⭐21) - Version control for Channels and CodeTemplate.
- 🔧 Sync code between environments (⭐77) - Mirth Connect tool for syncing code via source control between environments.
- 📝 Mirth Connect Introduction - Mirth Connect Series Introduction.
- 🔧 HL7 Inspector - The HL7 Inspector is a useful open source tool for integration the HL7 Version 2 in a health care environmental.
Follow / Official
Follow / Community
27. Awesome Directus
Integration / Community
- Nuxtus - Provides a Nuxt boilerplate and set of tools to automatically create Nuxt pages from Directus Collections.
28. Awesome Python Data Science
Feature Engineering / General
- Feature Engine (⭐2k) - Feature engineering package with sklearn-like functionality.
29. Awesome Go
- bun (⭐4k) - SQL-first Golang ORM. Successor of go-pg.
30. Awesome Eslint
Plugins / Frameworks
- Solid (⭐222) - Linting rules for Solid and JSX.
31. Awesome Browser Extensions for Github
Tab Size on GitHub (⭐281) 
Make tab indented code more readable by forcing the tab size to 4 instead of 8.
Installs: 2000 | Stars: 281 | Last update: n/a
32. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- qwy (⭐2) - ZSH fuzzy completion plugin.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- mcfly (⭐7.1k) - Replaces your default ctrl-r shell history search with an intelligent search engine that takes into account your working directory and the context of recently executed commands. McFly's suggestions are prioritized in real time with a small neural network.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- born-in-the-purple (⭐1) - Simple theme with a purple motif. Inspired by Pure (⭐13k).
- kawaii (⭐1) - Has terminal and virtual console modes. Includes decorators for username, directory, last command exit status, timestamp and
- nanika (⭐1) - Optimized variant of robbyrussell (⭐177k). Includes
status decorations.
33. Awesome Web Archiving
- For researchers using web archives:
34. Awesome Db Tools
Schema / Design
- Moon Modeler - Data modeling tool for both noSQL and relational databases. Available for Windows, Linux and macOS.
35. Awesome Security
Big Data / Development
- Matano (⭐1.4k) - Open source serverless security lake platform on AWS that lets you ingest, store, and analyze petabytes of security data into an Apache Iceberg data lake and run realtime Python detections as code.
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome Security Newsletters (⭐787) - A curated list of awesome newsletters to keep up to date on security news via e-mail.
- Awesome Censys Queries (⭐605) - A collection of fascinating and bizarre Censys Search Queries.
36. Awesome Vite
Templates / Vanilla
- vite-tailwind-stimulus-starter (⭐15) - Starter template for Tailwind CSS and Stimulus controllers.
Templates / React
- react-vite-ts-boilerplate (⭐114) - React 18, TypeScript, SCSS, ESLint, Prettier, Vitest.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling
- vite-plugin-zip-file (⭐18) - Compress files or folders into zip.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers
- vite-plugin-browserslist-useragent (⭐14) - Compile browserslist query to a RegExp to test browser useragent.
37. Awesome Dotnet
- ZoneTree (⭐391) - Persistent, high-performance, transactional, and ACID-compliant ordered key-value database for .NET.
Template Engine
- Morestachio (⭐51) - A full sized {{mustache}} like template engine with focus on extendibility.
- NetArchTest (⭐1.4k) - A fluent API for .Net Standard that can enforce architectural rules in unit tests.
38. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- nguyenvukhang/nvim-toggler (⭐159) - Invert text, such as toggling between
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- m4xshen/autoclose.nvim (⭐551) - A minimalist autoclose plugin written in Lua.
Preconfigured Configuration / Diagnostics
- nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim (⭐22k) - A launch point for your personal Neovim configuration.
39. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source
- Snippets.Ninja (⭐114) - Progressive web application for code snippet management. Offline first. Open Source. App uses IndexedDB for local storage.
40. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: Kopia
Description: Fast and secure open-source backup/restore tool that allows you to create encrypted snapshots of your data and save the snapshots to remote or cloud storage of choice.
41. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Concepts / Theory of Concepts
- Concepts - Plato Stanford. A collection of the computational philosophical debates about the concepts.
- Theory-theory - Wikipedia. Wikipedia for the Theory theory, a perspective that contextualizes concepts in theoretical (or empirical) systems.
- Words, thoughts, and theories - MIT Press, 1997. [All Versions]. Alison Gopnik's book that articulates and defends the "theory theory" of cognitive and semantic development, the idea that infants and young children, like scientists, learn about the world by forming and revising theories-a view of the origins of knowledge and meaning that has broad implications for cognitive science.
Problem Solving / Human-Level Problem Solving
- The successor representation in human reinforcement learning - Nature Human Behavior, 2017. [All Versions].
Methodologies for Experiments / Association Test
- Measuring Individual Differences in Implicit Cognition: The Implicit Association Test - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1998. [All Versions]. The original paper introducing the Implicit Association Test.
- Health of the Implicit Association Test at age 3 - Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 2001. [All Versions]. The 3rd year review for the IAT.
- The Implicit Association Test at Age 7: A Methodological and Conceptual Review - Social psychology and the unconscious: The automaticity of higher mental processes (pp. 265–292), Psychology Press, 2007. [All Versions]. The 7th year review for the IAT.
Paper Writing / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- How to write a superb literature review - Nature, 2020. Nature speaks to old hands and first timers about the work they did to make their reviews sing.
PKU / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Yixin Zhu - School of AI and Institute for AI, Peking University (PKU), Cognitive Reasoning Lab (CoRe Lab) - PKU.
JHU / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Chaz Firestone - Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Hopkins Perception & Mind Lab - JHU.
42. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- Fixinator ©️ — Static security code analysis for ColdFusion or CFML code. Designed to work within a CI pipeline or from the developers terminal.
43. Awesome Newsletters
Swift / Svelte
- iOS Dev Tools Newsletter. The best tools for iOS developers, updated weekly.
Security / Svelte
- Shift Security Left. A free biweekly newsletter for security-aware developers covering application security, secure architecture, DevSecOps, cryptography, incidents, etc. that can be useful for builders and (to a lesser extent) for breakers. Get a deeper understanding of causes for security vulnerabilities, designing defences, inventing and implementing security controls—with Felix, an imaginary mascot and a security engineer at @cossacklabs.
44. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-iterative (⭐293) - Terraform plugin built with machine learning in mind.
45. Awesome Angular
Books / Google Developer Experts
Keyboard Mouse / Google Developer Experts
- ngx-focus-control (⭐2) - Library to provide tools to work with focus and focusable elements to improve user interfaces and accessibility.
46. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Web
- darkredz/zeko-restapi-framework (⭐19) - Asynchronous web framework for Kotlin. Create REST APIs in Kotlin easily with automatic Swagger/OpenAPI doc generation
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- spoptchev/kotlin-preconditions - Precondition error checking in kotlin.
- saschpe/log4k (⭐22) - Lightweight logging library for Kotlin/Multiplatform. Supports Android, iOS, JavaScript and plain JVM environments.
- holgerbrandl/kravis (⭐183) - A Kotlin grammar for scientific data visualization
Libraries/Frameworks / Cryptography
- ionspin/kotlin-multiplatform-libsodium (⭐105) - Kotlin multiplatform wrapper for Libsodium cryptographic library.
Projects / Idea Plugins
- dkandalov/activity-tracker (⭐70) - Plugin for IntelliJ IDEs to track and record user activity.
- dkandalov/limited-wip (⭐111) - Plugin to limit your work-in-progress.
- dkandalov/pomodoro-tm (⭐140) - Pomodoro timer.
- emedinaa/kotlin-mvvm (⭐537) - MVVM(Model View ViewModel) sample in Kotlin using the components ViewModel, LiveData and Retrofit library
47. Free for Dev
Security and PKI
- Doppler — Universal Secrets Manager for application secrets and config, with support for syncing to various cloud providers. Free for five users with basic access controls.
- Dotenv — Sync your .env files, quickly & securely. Stop sharing your .env files over insecure channels like Slack and email, and never lose an important .env file again. Free for up to 3 teammates.
CDN and Protection
- Gcore Global content delivery network, 1 TB and 1 million requests per month free and free DNS hosting
- Deno Deploy - Distributed system that runs JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly at the edge worldwide. The free tier includes 100,000 requests per day and 100 GiB data transfers per month.
- – Linux hosting service that provides CI/CD with GitHub, SSH, and MariaDB/Postgres database. The free version has 1 GB storage and 1 GB network/month limit and is limited to a free domain.
Storage and Media Processing
- Imgbot — Imgbot is a friendly robot that optimizes your images and saves you time. Optimized images mean smaller file sizes without sacrificing quality. It's free for open source.
- — Key-value storage service. The free tier allows 100 keys, 1KB/key, 100 calls/hour
- — is a FREE API that provides image optimization. has been implemented on the most common CMS such as WordPress, Drupal, or Magento. is the most used image optimization API with more than seven billion images already treated, and it is still Free of charge.
48. Awesome Cl
Coding platforms
- Codewars - a code training platform, with Common Lisp support (SBCL).
HTML generators and templates / Isomorphic web frameworks
- ⭐ Djula (⭐157) - A port of Django's template engine to Common Lisp. Expat.
- cl-djula-tailwind (⭐9) - use TailwindCSS classe in your Djula templates without any JavaScript or Node.js tooling.
- djula-template-designer (⭐4) - a template designer tool.
Apps / Third-party APIs
- Resolve (⭐37) - A software for AST-based diff calculation, display, and automated resolution. Written in C++ and CL, you'll find Lisp utilities.
49. Awesome Wagtail
Apps / Media
- Wagtail Stock Images (⭐10) - Search stock images (e.g. via Unsplash) and save them to your Wagtail image library.
Apps / Forms
- Wagtail Model Forms (⭐5) - The Wagtail Form Builder functionalities available for your models/snippets.
Apps / Misc
- Wagtail Secret Sharing (⭐5) - Keep sensitive information out of your chat logs and email via a secure sharing protocol
- Wagtail Cache Invalidator (⭐4) - Invalidate and purge (frontend) cache via an user-friendly interface in the Wagtail CMS.
50. Awesome Javascript
- Terser (⭐8.8k) - parser, mangler and compressor toolkit for ES6+
- Uglify (⭐13k) - parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier toolkit
Spreadsheet / Runner
- Frappe Datatable (⭐1.1k) - Frappe DataTable is a simple, modern and interactive datatable library for displaying tabular data.
String / Runner
- url-state-machine (⭐165) - Super fast spec-compliant URL parser state machine for Node.js.
Storage / Runner
- Dexie.js (⭐13k) - Dexie.js is a wrapper library for indexedDB.
- Prev: Aug 29 - Sep 04, 2022
- Next: Aug 15 - Aug 21, 2022