Awesome List Updates on Aug 15 - Aug 21, 2022
40 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Appimage
AppImage discovery / App stores
- Manjaro Software Discover - Web-based app store that contains applications in multiple formats, including AppImage.
2. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Tools
- NetworkArch (⭐29) - Network-oriented app that allows you to diagnose your wireless connections by ivirtex
3. Awesome Newsletters
General Section / Svelte
- Embedsys Weekly. A weekly selection of embedded software and hardware articles.
4. Awesome Research
Investigate Papers / HTML+CSS+JS
- Connected Papers: Visualise connected papers with support for node colours, size and distance from origin to distinguish whether a paper is useful and how related it is.
5. Awesome Privacy
VPNs / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
- Free VPNs from Google Play or any appstore. These services are not free as they will suck your connections' data, keep logs and profile you to sell your data to advertisers. If a government wants to track someone, such apps will be the first ones to fall.
6. Awesome Graphql
Haskell / React
- morpheus-graphql (⭐414) - Haskell GraphQL Api, Client and Tools.
7. Awesome Fiber
⚙️ Middlewares / 💻 Contrib
- casbin (⭐242) - Casbin middleware for Fiber.
- fibernewrelic (⭐242) - NewRelic middleware for Fiber. The middleware handles NewRelic insturmentation.
- opafiber (⭐242) - Open Policy Agent middleware for Fiber. The middleware handles running Rego policies.
8. Awesome Javascript
Animations / Other
- AutoAnimate - Add motion to your apps with a single line of code.
9. Awesome Deno
Modules / Utils
- bettermap (⭐15) - A TypeScript extension of the JavaScript Map with Array-like features.
- durationjs (⭐21) - Get formatted time duration from a timestamp or a human-readable string.
- fortuna (⭐20) - Weighted gacha system.
Showcases / XML
- Saleor Deno Merch (⭐32) - A fork of the original Deno Merch e-commerce website, rebuilt with Saleor (⭐21k).
10. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Related Awesome Lists / Deforum
- [🔥] amrzv/awesome-colab-notebooks (⭐1.4k): Collection of google colaboratory notebooks for fast and easy experiments
11. Awesome Dotnet Core
Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / CMS
- Awesome-CMS-Core (⭐414) - Awesome CMS Core is an open source CMS built using ASP.Net Core & ReactJS with module separation concern in mind and provide lastest trend of technology
12. Awesome Zig
- dantecatalfamo/OpenCSE (⭐1) - Free implementation of the Can't Stop Express dice game.
13. Awesome Datascience
Books / Book Deals (Affiliated)
14. Awesome Terraform
Providers / Vendor supported providers
- terraform-provider-sigsci (⭐26) - Provider for Signal Sciences.
15. Awesome Cyber Security University
Extremely Hard Rooms to do / Level 5 - Malware and Reverse Engineering
- Year of the Owl - Owl-themed boot to root machine.
16. Awesome Healthcare
Contents / Imaging
- Kheops - Open source platform for sharing medical images
17. Awesome Android Ui
Jetpack Compose
Name: SSComposeCookBook (⭐346)
License: MIT
18. Awesome Rest
PowerShell / Symfony2
- Pode (⭐899) - Pode is an cross-platform, open-source, community-supported web server and REST API framework for PowerShell developers
19. Game Datasets
- Xbox LIVE API - Games, apps, users stats and messages. Website, paper.
Dataset / Web
- Chess Game Dataset (Lichess) - Chess games, including moves, victor, rating, opening details and more.
- Fortnite: Battle Royale - Weapon Attributes - Stats of the weapons.
- GamingVideoSET - A Dataset for Gaming Video Streaming Applications. Paper
- NBA Players - Biometric, biographic and basic box score features from 1996 to 2019 season.
- Overwatch - Heros characteristics.
- Pokémon for Data Mining and Machine Learning - Stats of 721 Pokémon of the first six generations.
- Pokemon- Weedle's Cave - Battle data of Pokemon.
- Self Driving Car - Behavioural Cloning Complete Guide.
- Starcraft: Scouting The Enemy - Player reconnaissance in professional-level.
Dataset / Related
- Daily Game Companies Historical Stock Price - Game Companies Historical Stock Price 08.2022.
- Steam Store Games - Information about 27,000 games scraped from Steam and SteamSpy APIs.
20. Awesome Rails
Jobs / Other external resources
21. Awesome Microservices
Workflow Orchestration / Scala
- Zeebe - Define, orchestrate, and monitor business processes across microservices.
22. Awesome Swift
UI / Barcode
- Popovers (⭐2k) - A library to present popovers. Simple, modern, and highly customizable. Not boring!
23. Awesome Cpp
Static Code Analysis
- Trunk - Toolkit to check, test, merge, and monitor code.
24. Awesome Plotters
Manuals, Ephemera, Papers, and Patents / Manuals
25. Awesome Osint
Other Resources / Steam
- Bellingcat Online Researcher Survey: Tool Wishes — Wishlist of OSINT tools from a February Bellingcat survey.
- These Are the Tools Open Source Researchers Say They Need — Results of a survey Bellingcat conducted in February 2022.
26. Awesome Raspberry Pi
OS Images
- Ubuntu Core - Official (minimal) Ubuntu distribution for IoT. Supports Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
- Ubuntu Desktop - Ubuntu Desktop distribution for the Raspberry Pi. Supports Raspberry Pi 4 and 5.
- Ubuntu Server - Ubuntu Server distribution for the Raspberry Pi. Supports Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.
27. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Element - Fully-featured Matrix client for Web, iOS & Android. (Source Code (⭐12k))
Software / Communication - Email - Mail Transfer Agents
- Haraka - High-performance, pluginable SMTP server written in Javascript. (Source Code (⭐5.2k))
Software / Communication - IRC
- Glowing Bear (⭐953) - A web frontend for WeeChat. (Demo)
Software / Communication - SIP
- Routr - A lightweight sip proxy, location server, and registrar for a reliable and scalable SIP infrastructure. (Source Code (⭐1.5k))
Software / Communication - Social Networks and Forums
- Enigma 1/2 BBS - Enigma 1/2 is a modern, multi-platform BBS engine with unlimited "callers" and legacy DOS door game support. (Source Code (⭐562))
Software / Software Development - Low Code
- Appsmith - Cloud or self-hosted open-source platform to build admin panels, CRUD apps and workflows. Build everything you need, 10x faster. (Source Code (⭐36k))
- ToolJet - Low-code framework to build & deploy internal tools with minimal engineering effort (alternative to Retool & Mendix). (Source Code (⭐35k))
28. Web Development Resources
- Website:
CSS Generators:
Website: Neumorphism
Description: A free online tool for designing attractive UI with colors, gradients and shadows..
29. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Causality / AI Assisted Research
- Predictive and Diagnostic Learning Within Causal Models: Asymmetries in Cue Competition - Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1992. [All Versions]. Experimental evidences for distincting causality and association.
Courses / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - MIT. [Book: SICP]. [All Versions]. Classic course on applying structural, procedural, and meta-linguistic abstraction to solve computational problems.
30. Awesome Iot
Software / Middlewares
- EMQX - An ultra-scalable open-source MQTT broker. Connect 100M+ IoT devices in one single cluster, move and process real-time IoT data with 1M msg/s throughput at 1ms latency.
Software / Libraries and Tools
- MQTT X - MQTT X is a cross-platform MQTT 5.0 client tool open sourced by EMQ, which supports macOS, Linux, and Windows.
31. Awesome Go
DevOps Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Fleet device management (⭐3.6k) - Lightweight, programmable telemetry for servers and workstations.
Relational Database Drivers
- KSQL (⭐327) - A Simple and Powerful Golang SQL Library
- bbgo (⭐1.3k) - A crypto trading bot framework written in Go. Including common crypto exchange API, standard indicators, back-testing and many built-in strategies.
32. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / Utilities
- pinia-persistedstate-2 (⭐103) - Persist and rehydrate your Pinia state between page reloads.
33. Awesome Dotnet
- GraphQL.NET (⭐5.9k) - Implementation of Facebook's GraphQL (⭐14k) in .Net
- HotChocolate (⭐5.3k) - GraphQL server compatible to all GraphQL compliant clients like Strawberry Shake, Relay, Apollo Client, and various other clients and tools.
- graphql-net (⭐892) - GraphQL to IQueryable for .NET.
- EntityGraphQL (⭐424) - library to build a GraphQL API on top of data model with the extensibility to easily bring multiple data sources together in the single GraphQL schema (EF is not a requirement - any ORM working with LinqProvider or an in-memory object will work).
34. Awesome Chrome Devtools
Libraries for driving the protocol (or a layer above)
- C#/.NET: Puppeteer Sharp (⭐3.5k) - puppeteer port
35. Awesome Regression Testing
Online services (a-z↓)
- - Easily create frontend tests without writing code. Use Meticulous to record workflows on your web app. You can then replay those flows on new frontend code, and create a test by diffing two replays.
36. Awesome Neovim
Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics
- olivercederborg/poimandres.nvim (⭐425) - Neovim port of poimandres VSCode theme (⭐453) with Tree-sitter support, written in Lua.
Debugging / Diagnostics
- ofirgall/goto-breakpoints.nvim (⭐31) - Cycle between breakpoints for nvim-dap.
37. Awesome Rust
Development tools / Formatters
- dprint (⭐3.4k) - A pluggable and configurable code formatting platform
- Prettier Rust (⭐190) - An opinionated Rust code formatter that autofixes bad syntax (Prettier community plugin)
Libraries / Data structures
- becheran/grid (⭐84) [grid] - Provide a two dimensional data structure that is easy to use and fast.
38. Awesome Flame
Open Source / Casual
- New Super Jumper (⭐150) - A doodle jump clone made with Flame and Forge2D. By Yayocode.
39. Free for Dev
- Takeout - A constantly updated email service that makes sending emails easy. Five hundred transactional emails/month free.
Design and UI
- — Convert your AI, CDR, DWG, DXF, EPS, HPGL, PDF, PLT, PS and SVG vector fast and easily.
Payment and Billing Integration
- – One-stop solution with open-source SDK for mobile in-app subscription integration to iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, Unity, or web app. Free up to $10k monthly revenue.
40. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- zredis-cmd (⭐4) - Utilizes variable sharing done by zredis (⭐1) plugin to implement remote command execution.
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- smelly (⭐0) - Minimalist prompt that includes decorators for Python
- zskai (⭐4) - Simple theme based on Monokai. Includes decorators for user@hostname, time,
status and current working directory.
- Prev: Aug 22 - Aug 28, 2022
- Next: Aug 08 - Aug 14, 2022