Awesome List Updates on Jul 25 - Jul 31, 2022
55 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome Osint
Other Tools / Steam
- LinkScope - LinkScope is an open source intelligence (OSINT) graphical link analysis tool and automation platform for gathering and connecting information for investigative tasks.
- SpiderFoot - SpiderFoot is an open source intelligence (OSINT) automation platform with over 200 modules for threat intelligence, attack surface monitoring, security assessments and asset discovery.
2. Awesome Scientific Writing
Converters and Filters
- Quarto - Compile R Markdown, and Jupyter Notebooks to PDFs, Slides and Websites. Supports R, Python, and Julia 🔖 🔗.
3. Awesome Ironsworn
Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn
- MÖRKSWORN - Conversion rules for MÖRK BORG magic, weapons and enemies to Ironsworn
- Supersworn - Superhero hack for Starforged
4. Awesome Vulkan
- Vulkan Lecture Series - University lectures by Johannes Unterguggenberger from the Research Unit of Computer Graphics, TU Wien. Covers basic and advanced topics like: Vulkan essentials, the swap chain, resources and descriptors, commands and command buffers, pipelines and stages, real-time ray tracing, and synchronization.
- Specification
- Vulkan 1.0 Core API (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.0 Core API + Khronos-defined Extensions (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.0 Core API + all registered Extensions (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.1 Core API (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.1 Core API + Khronos-defined Extensions (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.1 Core API + all registered Extensions (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.2 Core API (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.2 Core API + Khronos-defined Extensions (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.2 Core API + all registered Extensions (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.3 Core API (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.3 Core API + Khronos-defined Extensions (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
- Vulkan 1.3 Core API + all registered Extensions (Chunked HTML) (PDF) (Single-file HTML)
5. Awesome Eosio
Wallets and Toolkits / Desktop
Testnets / Mobile
- Wax Testnet - Wax's official Testnet.
- Account Creation and Faucet - Wax Sweden's testnet page.
Libraries and Frameworks / Authentication and Wallet Signing libraries
- eosdac/ual-wax (⭐17) - UAL authenticator for Wax Cloud Wallet.
6. Awesome Arch
Inactive projects / Other
- Arch XFerience - A modern OS based on Arch Linux, built for day-to-day operations with tons of packages & features. (inactive)
- Chakra GNU/Linux - A user-friendly and powerful distribution and live CD originally forked from Arch Linux. (discontinued)
- Archphile - (Raspberry Pi/ARM/Audio) - Yet another linux audio distribution for embedded boards. (inactive)
7. Awesome Rust
Applications / Image processing
- shssoichiro/oxipng (⭐3.1k) [oxipng] - Multithreaded PNG optimizer written in Rust.
Development tools / Testing
- Mutation Testing
- cargo-mutants (⭐677) [cargo-mutants] - Finds inadequately tested code by injecting mutations, no source changes required.
- mutagen (⭐630) [mutagen] - A source-level mutation testing framework (nightly only)
- cargo-mutants (⭐677) [cargo-mutants] - Finds inadequately tested code by injecting mutations, no source changes required.
Libraries / Concurrency
- zonyitoo/coio-rs (⭐459) - Coroutine I/O
- crossbeam-rs/crossbeam (⭐7.7k) - Support for parallelism and low-level concurrency
- orium/archery (⭐150) [archery] - Library to abstract from
pointer types.
- Rayon (⭐12k) - A data parallelism library
- rustcc/coroutine-rs (⭐416) - Coroutine Library
Libraries / Data processing
- amv-dev/yata (⭐351) - high performance technical analysis library
- bluss/ndarray (⭐3.8k) - N-dimensional array with array views, multidimensional slicing, and efficient operations
- kernelmachine/utah (⭐144) - Dataframe structure and operations
- pola-rs/polars (⭐32k) - Fast feature complete DataFrame library
- weld-project/weld (⭐3k) - High-performance runtime for data analytics applications
Libraries / Data streaming
- infinyon/fluvio (⭐4.3k) - Programmable data streaming platform
Libraries / Data structures
- billyevans/tst (⭐24) [tst] - Ternary search tree collection
- contain-rs - Extension of Rust's std::collections
- danielpclark/array_tool (⭐76) - Array helpers. Some of the most common methods you would use on Arrays made available on Vectors. Polymorphic implementations for handling most of your use cases.
- fizyk20/generic-array (⭐406) - a hack to allow for arrays sized by typenums
- garro95/priority-queue (⭐184)[priority-queue] - A priority queue that implements priority changes.
- mrhooray/kdtree-rs (⭐244) - K-dimensional tree for fast geospatial indexing and nearest neighbors lookup
- orium/rpds (⭐1.4k) [rpds] - Persistent data structures.
- RoaringBitmap/roaring-rs (⭐786) - Roaring Bitmaps
- rust-itertools/itertools (⭐2.9k) - Extra iterator adaptors, functions and macros
- tnballo/scapegoat (⭐258) [scapegoat] - Safe, fallible, stack-only alternative to
- yamafaktory/hypergraph (⭐299) [hypergraph] - Hypergraph is a data structure library to generate directed hypergraphs.
Libraries / Data visualization
- djduque/pgfplots (⭐119) [pgfplots] - Library to generate publication-quality figures.
- milliams/plotlib (⭐466) - Data plotting library for Rust
- saresend/gust (⭐131) - A small charting/visualization tool and partial vega implementation
8. Awesome Flutter
UI / Effect
- Parallax (⭐874) - ViewPager by Iiro Krankka
Game / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Bonfire (⭐1.3k) - Flame engine based game engine for 2D RPG games
- Zerker (⭐696) - Lightweight and powerful graphic animation library by drawcall.
9. Awesome Cl
Websockets / Isomorphic web frameworks
- clws (⭐73) - websockets server in CL, built on IOlib and libfixposix. No licence specified.
- Hunchensocket (⭐113) - RFC6455 compliant WebSockets for Common Lisp, as an extension to Hunchentoot. MIT.
- websocket-driver (⭐105) - based on Clack.
10. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Planning Coding Resources / Python
- Geemap (⭐3.6k) - A Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine, ipyleaflet, and ipywidgets.
- Geoplot - Geoplot is a high-level Python geospatial plotting library. It is an extension to cartopy and matplotlib which makes mapping easy: like seaborn for geospatial.
- Urbansprawl (⭐85) - The urbansprawl project provides an open source framework for assessing urban sprawl using open data. It uses OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to calculate its sprawling indices, divided in Accessibility, Land use mix, and Dispersion.
- Xarray-spatial - Xarray-Spatial implements common raster analysis functions using Numba and provides an easy-to-install, easy-to-extend codebase for raster analysis.
- Momepy - Momepy is a library for quantitative analysis of urban form - urban morphometrics. It is part of PySAL (Python Spatial Analysis Library) and is built on top of GeoPandas, other PySAL modules and networkX.
- rasterio (⭐2.3k) - Geographic information systems use GeoTIFF and other formats to organize and store gridded raster datasets such as satellite imagery and terrain models.
Planning Coding Resources / R
- Motif - Describes spatial patterns of categorical raster data for any defined regular and irregular areas. It enables spatial analysis such as search, change detection, and clustering to be performed on spatial patterns.
- Raster - Reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of spatial data. The package implements basic and high-level functions for raster data and for vector data operations such as intersections.
- Rgee (⭐713) - Is an R binding package for calling Google Earth Engine API from within R. Various functions are implemented to simplify the connection with the R spatial ecosystem.
- Sfnetworks - Provides a tidy approach to spatial network analysis.
- Stars - Reading, manipulating, writing and plotting spatiotemporal arrays (raster and vector data cubes) in 'R'.
- stplanr - Tools for transport planning with an emphasis on spatial transport data and non-motorized modes including OD data processing and other functions.
- Tmap - Thematic maps are geographical maps in which spatial data distributions are visualized. This package offers a flexible, layer-based, and easy to use approach to create thematic maps, such as choropleths and bubble maps.
11. Awesome Terraform
Tools / Community providers
- Styra Declarative Authorization Service (DAS) - Provides a managed Open Policy Agent (OPA) platform for Application and Infrastructure use cases, including Terraform, Terraform Cloud, and Kubernetes. Enforce policy guardrails during development, in CI/CD pipelines, and at deploy time. Styra DAS Free provides multiple systems and users, policy impact analysis, decision logging and replay, and access to Styra's Terraform policy library.
12. Awesome Wagtail
Resources / Books
- Wagtail CMS in Action - Book about creating powerful, simple web applications using the Wagtail content management system.
13. Engineering Blogs
Companies / G companies
Companies / S companies
- Shopify
14. Awesome Python Data Science
Deep Learning / PyTorch
- ChemicalX (⭐727) - A PyTorch-based deep learning library for drug pair scoring.
Time Series / Others
- darts (⭐8.3k) - A python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
- statsforecast (⭐4.1k) - Lightning fast forecasting with statistical and econometric models.
- mlforecast (⭐961) - Scalable machine learning-based time series forecasting.
- neuralforecast (⭐3.3k) - Scalable machine learning-based time series forecasting.
- greykite (⭐1.8k) - A flexible, intuitive, and fast forecasting library next.
- Chaos Genius (⭐749) - ML powered analytics engine for outlier/anomaly detection and root cause analysis
Experimentation / Synthetic Data
- envd (⭐2.1k) - 🏕️ machine learning development environment for data science and AI/ML engineering teams.
15. Awesome Datascience
- Recommender Systems Specialization from University of Minnesota is an intermediate/advanced level specialization focused on Recommender System on the Coursera platform.
16. Awesome Django
Third-Party Packages / Configuration
- dynaconf - Dynaconf loads django settings from multiple sources (multiple file formats, env vars, redis, vault, etcd), manages secrets, and allows for different merging strategies all following the twelve-factor app.
Third-Party Packages / Task Queues
- django-dramatiq (⭐358) - Task processing library with a focus on simplicity, reliability, and performance.
Projects / Open Source Projects
- Flagsmith (⭐5.4k) - Open-source Feature Flagging, Remote Config, and AB testing.
17. Open Source Flutter Apps
Contents / Tools
- Airdash (⭐581) - Share files to any device by Simon Bengtsson
18. Awesome Privacy
VPNs / Alternative clients/modifications of Discord:
- Closed source VPN apps such as Surfshark or NordVPN may be less trustworthy as nobody can be sure how they handle your data. Also, paying with Credit Card will get you identified on the payment. Furthermore, if you need to give your email it will also identify you if this same email has been used in other services.
19. Awesome Blazor
- BlazorViz interop wrapper for Viz.js (⭐6) -
A sample of generating Graphviz DOT language files and visualising tree data structures. Demo.
Articles / Others
- ClassFly UI - XAML vs Blazor - Part 1 - XAML - July 23, 2022 - This serie of article compares the approaches of XAML vs Blazor. The same application will be create using XAML and Blazor to discover the pros and cons. The part 1 focuses on XAML.
- Dependency Injection Scopes in Blazor - May 31, 2022 - The dependency injection system is a big part of how modern ASP.NET Core works internally: It provides a flexible solution for developers to structure their projects, decouple their dependencies, and control the lifetimes of the components within an application. In Blazor - a new part of ASP.NET Core - however, the DI system feels a bit odd, and things seem to work a bit differently than expected. This article will explain why this is not only a feeling but indeed the case in the first place and how to handle the differences in order to not run into problems later on.
20. Awesome Zig
Editor plugins
- MarioAriasC/zig-support (⭐79) - Language support for JetBrains IDEs (IntelliJ, CLion and others)
21. Awesome Micropython
- MicroPython-NeuralNetwork - Neural Network for MicroPython.
Communications / Authentication
- micropython-firebase-auth (⭐8) - Firebase Auth implementation for MicroPython.
Mathematics / Waveform Generator
- MicroPython-Matrix - MicroPython basic matrix operations.
Sensors / Gaseous
- MICS6814-Micropython-driver - ESP32 MicroPython driver for the Pimoroni MICS6814 breakout board.
Storage / Databases
- micropython-firebase-firestore (⭐8) - Firebase Firestore implementation for MicroPython.
Tutorials / SRAM
- Asynchronous drivers (⭐771) - Tutorial and code for asynchronous interfaces to switches, pushbuttons, encoders and ADCs.
- Pyboard micropower (⭐45) - Tutorial and code for low power applications on Pyboard 1.x and Pyboard D.
- 3D rotation with quaternions (⭐489) - Tutorial and code for the easy way to do 3D rotation.
- Miguel Grinberg - MicroPython and the Internet of Things.
- Bhavesh Kakwani - MicroPython videos + written tutorials.
Books / SRAM
- MicroPython for the Internet of Things: A Beginner's Guide to Programming with Python on Microcontrollers - By Charles Bell. ISBN 9781484231227.
- Beginning MicroPython with the Raspberry Pi Pico: Build Electronics and IoT Projects - By Charles Bell. ISBN 9781484281345.
Shells / On Host
- mpremote (⭐20k) - Powerful official shell that supports mounting the host's current directory on the target. Run code without changing the target's filesystem.
22. Awesome Cross Platform Nodejs
Libraries / Filesystem
- global-cache-dir (⭐4) - Get the global OS-specific cache directory.
23. Awesome Devsecops
Supply Chain Security / Ruby
- Harden Runner GitHub Action (⭐550) - StepSecurity - installs a security agent on the GitHub-hosted runner (Ubuntu VM) to prevent exfiltration of credentials, detect compromised dependencies and build tools, and detect tampering of source code during the build.
24. Awesome Dotnet
Code Analysis and Metrics
- WebBen (⭐11) - Is a tool for benchmarking your Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server.
- SlimMessageBus (⭐491) - Lightweight message bus with transports for popular messaging systems (Kafka, Redis, Azure Service Bus, and others) and in-memory communication.
25. Awesome Mdbootstrap
- MDB Angular Free - Bootstrap 5 & Angular 11 Free UI KIT with Material Design.
- MDB React Free - Bootstrap 5 & React 17 Free UI KIT with Material Design.
- MDB Vue Free - Bootstrap 5 & Vue 3 Free UI KIT with Material Design.
- MDB Angular Pro - Material Design for Bootstrap 5 with Angular.
- MDB React Pro - Material Design for Bootstrap 5 with React.
- MDB Vue Pro - Material Design for Bootstrap 5 with Vue.
- Technology comparision - What will be the best JavaScript framework in 2022?
- UI Kits & Themes - Bootstrap, Angular, React, Vue UI Kits.
- Free Bootstrap Templates & Themes - Stunning, Responsive Material Design Themes.
- Premium Bootstrap Templates & Themes - Blog, Portfolio, eCommerce, Magazine, Admin Angular & React & Vue Templates.
- Backend Bootstrap Templates & Themes - Jamstack, PHP, MySQL, Python, NodeJS, Tailwind, Laravel Backend Integrations UI Kits.
26. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / Silicon Labs
27. Awesome Wardley Maps
- Draw your company strategy: A practical workbook for mapping business strategy - Visual cards reviewing concepts as user needs, climatic patterns, doctrines, gameplays. Revision of concepts, examples and other strategy topics.
28. Awesome Rest
SaaS Tools / Symfony2
- Nango (⭐5k) - Native integrations framework to consume REST APIs (open-source).
29. Awesome Stock Resources
Icons / Icons Packages and Collections
- Humbleicons - ©️ A pack of 227 simple, neutral, carefully crafted icons that you can use in your personal and commercial projects for free.
30. Awesome Lit
General resources
- Lean and simple global State management for Lit 2.
Design Systems
- AXA Pattern Library (⭐125) - AXA CH UI components library built with LitElement.
- Carbon Web Components (⭐476) - Carbon Design System variant on top of Web Components.
- Clarity Core Web Components (⭐163) - Suite of web components for Clarity Design System.
- Momentum UI Web Components (⭐195) - Set of UI components based on Momentum Design.
- Red Hat Design System (⭐92) - Web components for building uniform experiences with the Red Hat brand.
31. Typedb Awesome
Open source projects using TypeDB
TypeDB Studio - IDE for TypeDB
- TypeDB Studio is an Integrated Development Environment for TypeDB for performing knowledge engineering.
TypeDB Loader
- An open-source data migrator for loading data into TypeDB at scale.
TypeDB OSI - Cyber Threat Intelligence
- TypeDB CTI is an open source threat intelligence platform enabling threat intel professionals to bring together their disparate CTI information into one database and find new insights about cyber threats.
TypeDB OSI - Biomedical Knowledge Graph
- TypeDB Bio is an open source biomedical knowledge graph providing biomedical researchers an intuitive way to query interconnected and heterogeneous biomedical data in one single place.
32. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2020
- Black-Box Ripper: Copying black-box models using generative evolutionary algorithms - (NeurIPS) Replicates the functionality of a black-box neural model, yet with no limit on the amount of queries (via a teacher/student scheme and an evolutionary search).
33. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)
Pascal / PicoLisp
- Pascal Programming Reference Manual - Unisys (PDF)
- Turbo Pascal Reference Guide (1989) - Borland International (PDF)
- Vector Pascal, an Array Language - Paul Cockshott, Greg Michaelson
- VSI Pascal for OpenVMS Reference Manual - VMS Software (PDF)
34. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Causality / AI Assisted Research
- Reasoning with cause and effect - 1998. Judea Pearl's tutorials on causal reasoning with operations on Bayesian networks.
Paper Writing / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- LaTex Configuration - LaTex. LaTex template for configuration file with elegant reference style (gray-colored reference, page backward reference).
Knowledge Management / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Zotero - Digital Scholar. For reference management to manage bibliographic data and research related materials.
Stanford / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Li Fei-Fei - Computer Science Department, Human-Centered AI Institute, Stanford, Stanford Vision and Learning Lab - Stanford.
- Noah Goodman - Department of Psychology, Computer Science Department, Stanford, Computation & Cognition Lab (CoCoLab) - Stanford.
- Chelsea Finn - Computer Science Department, Stanford, Intelligence through Robotic Interaction at Scale (IRIS Group) - Stanford.
- Jiajun Wu - Computer Science Department, Stanford.
Princeton / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Thomas Griffiths - Department of Psychology, Department of Computer Science, Princeton, Computational Cognitive Science Lab - Princeton.
Harvard / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Fiery Cushman - Department of Psychology, Harvard, Moral Psychology Research Lab - Harvard.
35. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- 1password (⭐3) - Adds 1Password functionality including a
command that wraps theop
command. It takes a service name as an argument and copies the password for that service to the clipboard.
- jq (⭐323) - Interactively build jq expressions. Also supports gojq (⭐3.4k). Requires fzf (⭐68k).
- pipenv (owenstranathan) (⭐18) - Automatically activates a pipenv when entering a directory if there is Pipfile in that directory. Includes
- pipenv (sudosubin) (⭐0) - Enables
and adds completions.
- prettyping (⭐4) - Adds a wrapper around the standard ping tool with the objective of making the output prettier, more colorful, more compact, and easier to read.
- ranger-autojump (⭐72) - Adds autojump (⭐16k) support to the ranger (⭐16k) console file manager.
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- jnooree (⭐0) - Minimalist theme with colors adapted from the robbyrussell (⭐177k) theme. Includes decorators for
status, whether running as non-default user and current working directory.
- pyhack (⭐1) - Works well with dark terminal themes. Shows Python version, Python package version (pyproject.toml) and
current branch information.
36. Awesome Svelte
- svelte-switch-case (⭐152) - Switch case syntax for Svelte.
- svelte-icomoon (⭐5) - It makes it very simple to use SVG icons in your Svelte projects.
37. Awesome Quantum Computing
Content in Non-English Languages
- Quantum Computing in Portuguese (⭐78) - A repository with curated content on Quantum Computing in Portuguese.
38. Awesome Vite
Templates / React
- React Starter Kit (⭐23k) - Jamstack, React, React Router, Material UI, Firebase Auth, TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier, Jest, GitHub Actions.
Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations
- vite-plugin-browser-sync (⭐75) - BrowserSync.
Shopify / Community
- vite-plugin-shopify (⭐336) - Integration for Shopify themes.
39. Awesome Opensource Apps
Name: PopCritic (⭐76)
Description: Movies Reviewed by people, for people.
40. Awesome Security
Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists
- Awesome Privacy (⭐6k) - A curated list of privacy-respecting software and services.
Endpoint / Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware
- ClamAv - ClamAV® is an open-source antivirus engine for detecting trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats.
Terminal / Development
- shellclear (⭐213) - It helps you to Secure your shell history commands by finding sensitive commands in your all history commands and allowing you to clean them.
41. Awesome Go
- AppIndicator Go (⭐6) - Go bindings for libappindicator3 C library.
- marshmallow (⭐378) - Performant JSON unmarshalling for flexible use cases.
42. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / E-commerce
- s-cart - S-Cart is a free e-commerce website project for individuals and businesses, built on top of Laravel Framework. (Demo, Source Code (⭐693))
- Saleor - Django based open-sourced e-commerce storefront. (Demo, Source Code (⭐21k))
Software / Games - Administrative Utilities & Control Panels
- Lancache
- LAN Party game caching made easy. (Source Code (⭐781))MIT
Software / Miscellaneous
- Habitica - Habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game. Previously called HabitRPG. (Source Code (⭐13k))
Software / Personal Dashboards
- Jump (⭐567) - Yet another self-hosted startpage for your server designed to be simple, stylish, fast and secure.
- Web-Portal (⭐219) - A python web app designed to allow a easy way to manage the links to all of your web services.
Software / Proxy
- Outline Server - A proxy server that runs a Shadowsocks instance for each access key and a REST API to manage the access keys. (Source Code (⭐5.9k))
43. Awesome Scifi
Expanse (2011-2021) by James S.A. Corey [4.17 (avg)]
- Leviathan Falls [4.5]
44. Awesome Yew
Crates / Hooks
- Bounce (⭐101) - The uncomplicated state management library for Yew, inspired by Redux (⭐61k) and Recoil (⭐20k).
45. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Testing
- sokomishalov/skraper (⭐256) - Kotlin/Java library, cli tool and telegram-bot for scraping posts and media from various sources with neither authorization nor full page rendering (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok, Telegram, Twitch, Reddit, Pinterest, Flickr, Tumblr, etc.)
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- jershell/kbson (⭐41) - Bson support for kotlinx.serialization
- MehdiK/Humanizer.jvm (⭐167) - Humanizer.jvm meets all your jvm needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.
Libraries/Frameworks / Multiplatform
- petertrr/kotlin-multiplatform-diff (⭐91) - Multiplatform kotlin library for calculating text differences. Based on java-diff-utils.
Libraries/Frameworks / DSL
- h0tk3y/regex-dsl (⭐87) - A Kotlin DSL for regular expressions
46. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- AppFlowy - Open-source alternative to Notion.
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- YouTube Music Desktop - Free cross platform Desktop Player for YouTube Music.
Utilities / General Tools
- NextDNS - The new firewall for the modern Internet.
Utilities / Password Management
- Swifty - Free Offline-first Password Manager for MacOS, Windows and Linux.
47. Awesome Javascript
Functional Programming / Runner
- wild-wild-path (⭐723) - Object property paths with wildcards and regexps.
48. Awesome Ada
Math / Apache License
- geo-energy-math (⭐8) - Software libraries for solving models described in Mathematical GeoEnergy (Wiley, 2018).
49. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Toggle
- ui-switch (⭐4) - The most complete Toggle component
50. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5) / LSP Installer
- williamboman/mason.nvim (⭐8.5k) - Portable package manager that runs everywhere Neovim runs. Easily install and manage LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters.
Editing Support / Diagnostics
- keaising/im-select.nvim (⭐221) - Switching and restoring input method automatically depends on Neovim's edit mode.
51. Awesome Ciandcd
- Barklarm Open Source multiplatform alarm munitor and build status of servers that support of CCTray Specification and Github Actions.
- CCMenu OSx build status monitor for servers tha support CCTray Specification.
52. Awesome Rails
Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources
- (⭐2.4k) - A gem hosting platform (using Rails 7.0). - 🌍
53. Awesome Deno
Modules / Cloud APIs
- aws-api - From-scratch Typescript AWS API client built for Deno.
- googleapis - Auto-generated Google API clients for Deno.
Modules / Logging
- sentry_deno (⭐11) - Unofficial port of the Sentry SDK for JavaScript to Deno.
Modules / Social Platform APIs
- grammY (⭐2.3k) - Telegram Bot API framework for Deno.
- grm (⭐46) - Telegram MTProto client for Deno.
- twi (⭐11) - Twitter API v2 client for Deno.
- discordeno - Discord API library for Deno
54. Free for Dev
- - Provides a testing platform that can help teams of all sizes at different levels of testing maturity, including Katalon Studio, TestOps (+ Visual Testing free), TestCloud, and Katalon Recorder.
- Better Stack - Uptime monitoring, incident management, on-call scheduling/alerting, and status pages in a single product. The free plan includes ten monitors with 3-minute check frequency and status pages.
Crash and Exception Handling
- — Cloud device observability and debugging platform. 100 devices free for Nordic, NXP, and Laird devices.
- - Unlimited forms with 50 monthly submissions, spam protection, email notification, and a drag-and-drop designer that can export HTML. Additional features include custom field rules, teams, and integrations to Google Sheets, Slack, ActiveCampaign, and Zapier.
Design and UI
- Superdesigner - A collection of free design tools to create unique backgrounds, patterns, shapes, images, and more with just a few clicks.
Other Free Resources
- WrapPixel — Download High Quality Free and Premium Admin dashboard template created with Angular, React, VueJs, NextJS, and NuxtJS!
55. Awesome Vue
Projects Using Vue.js / Enterprise Usage
- Upwork - Work Marketplace for freelancers and employers
- Prev: Aug 01 - Aug 07, 2022
- Next: Jul 18 - Jul 24, 2022