Awesome List Updates on Jul 04 - Jul 10, 2022
45 awesome lists updated this week.
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1. Awesome AutoIt
Media / OpenOffice
- OCR (by KabueMurage) - OCRSpace API Client UDF.
2. Guides
Programming Languages / Haskell
3. Awesome Nix
Resources / Learning
- Nix Pills - The best way to learn, with examples.
Deployment Tools / Discovery
- Nixery (⭐1.9k) - A Docker-compatible container registry which builds images ad-hoc via Nix.
Command-Line Tools / Discovery
- comma (⭐1.2k) - Quickly run any binary; wraps together
nix run
- nix-diff (⭐382) - A tool to explain why two Nix derivations differ.
Development / Discovery
- lorri (⭐747) - A much better
for development that augments direnv.
Programming Languages / Elm
- elm2nix (⭐114) - Convert
into Nix expressions.
Programming Languages / Node.js
- Napalm (⭐109) - Support for building npm packages in Nix with a lightweight npm registry.
- npmlock2nix - Generate Nix expressions from a
(in-memory), primarily for web projects.
Programming Languages / Rust
- cargo2nix (⭐400) - Granular caching, development shell, Nix & Rust integration.
4. Awesome Go
- harvester (⭐132) - Harvester, a easy to use static and dynamic configuration package supporting seeding, env vars and Consul integration.
- kong (⭐2.4k) - Command-line parser with support for arbitrarily complex command-line structures and additional sources of configuration such as YAML, JSON, TOML, etc (successor to
- go-cache (⭐146) - A flexible multi-layer Go caching library to deal with in-memory and shared cache by adopting Cache-Aside pattern.
- gocache (⭐2.6k) - A complete Go cache library with multiple stores (memory, memcache, redis, ...), chainable, loadable, metrics cache and more.
Database Schema Migration
- gorm-seeder (⭐14) - Simple database seeder for Gorm ORM.
- libschema (⭐15) - Define your migrations separately in each library. Migrations for open source libraries. MySQL & PostgreSQL.
- ach (⭐474) - A reader, writer, and validator for Automated Clearing House (ACH) files.
- go-log (⭐10) - A logging library with stack traces, object dumping and optional timestamps.
- fullproxy (⭐81) - A fully featured scriptable and daemon configurable proxy and pivoting toolkit with SOCKS5, HTTP, raw ports and reverse proxy protocols.
HTTP Clients
- go-zoox/fetch (⭐74) - A Powerful, Lightweight, Easy Http Client, inspired by Web Fetch API.
Regular Expressions
- rex (⭐201) - Regular expressions builder.
Third-party APIs
- goami2 (⭐16) - AMI v2 library for Asterisk PBX.
- countries (⭐427) - Full implementation of ISO-3166-1, ISO-4217, ITU-T E.164, Unicode CLDR and IANA ccTLD standards.
- evaluator (⭐41) - Evaluate an expression dynamically based on s-expression. It's simple and easy to extend.
- jsend (⭐22) - JSend's implementation written in Go.
- lancet (⭐4.9k) - A comprehensive, efficient, and reusable util function library of go.
DevOps Tools / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- abbreviate (⭐221) - abbreviate is a tool turning long strings in to shorter ones with configurable separators, for example to embed branch names in to deployment stack IDs.
Websites / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares
- Golang Developer Jobs - Developer Jobs exclusively for Golang related Roles.
5. Awesome Flutter
Backend / Redux / ELM / Dependency Injection
- Serverpod (⭐2.7k) - Write your server-side code and API in Dart.
- Parse for Flutter (⭐581) Open source backend framework by ParsePlatform.
6. Awesome Fastapi
Open Source Projects / Other Tools
- Astrobase (⭐65) - Simple, fast, and secure deployments anywhere.
7. Awesome Openstreetmap
Tasking Managers / Web Services
- OSM Streak - OSM Streak makes you do small tasks for OSM every day. Tasks are small and about five minutes each, but the point is to map every day, not map as much as you can. (Source Code (⭐24))
8. Awesome Productivity
Tools and Apps / Knowledge Management
- Logseq - Logseq is a privacy-first, open-source knowledge base that works on top of local plain-text Markdown and Org-mode files. Use it to write, organize and share your thoughts, keep your to-do list, and build your own digital garden.
9. Julia.jl
Package Status
: Which software license do you use? If you don't have a license, please stateNone
10. Awesome Css Frameworks
Stalled Development
- CSS Remedy - Start your project with a remedy for the technical debt of CSS.
| #CSS
11. Awesome Cl
C, C++
12. Awesome Graphql
Tools - Editors & IDEs & Explorers / React
- Escape GraphMan (⭐245) - Generate a complete Postman collection from a GraphQL endpoint.
13. Awesome Electronics
Project Sharing Platforms / Altium
- Eyrie - For viewing Eagle and KiCad designs online.
Miscellaneous Software Projects / Altium
- Language PCB (⭐20) - Syntax highlighting for various PCB formats.
14. Awesome Typescript
Types / Playground
- jsonup (⭐61) - Compile-time JSON parser
15. Awesome Security
Network / Docker Images for Penetration Testing & Security
docker run -dit --name trd -p 8081:80 cylabs/cy-threat-response
- Cyware Threat Response Docker
Threat Intelligence / Forensics
- Cyware Threat Intelligence Feeds - Cyware’s Threat Intelligence feeds brings to you the valuable threat data from a wide range of open and trusted sources to deliver a consolidated stream of valuable and actionable threat intelligence. Our threat intel feeds are fully compatible with STIX 1.x and 2.0, giving you the latest information on malicious malware hashes, IPs and domains uncovered across the globe in real-time.
16. Citizen Science
Software / Graphs and Visualization
- GraphViz - tool for creating scientific graphs
17. Awesome Lowcode
- Stackby - Automate workflows, build custom tools, collaborate with your team.
18. Web Development Resources
Remote Jobs:
- Website:
19. Awesome Fonts
Free fonts / Collections
- Crella - Fonts offered for free for commercial use.
Iconic fonts / Fonts
- Simple Icons - 2287+ free SVG icons for popular brands
20. Awesome Db Tools
Application platforms / Samples
- Nhost (⭐8.1k) - The Open Source Firebase Alternative with GraphQL.
21. Awesome Embedded Rust
Peripheral Access Crates / GigaDevice
Peripheral access API for GD32E23x Cortex-M23 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust) -
Peripheral access API for GD32F20x Cortex-M3 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust) -
22. Awesome Capacitor
Other plugins
- Apple Pay (⭐16) - Get Apple Pay payments in your app.
23. Free for Dev
Artifact Repos
- Gemfury — Private and public artifact repos for Maven, PyPi, NPM, Go Module, Nuget, APT, and RPM repositories. Free for public projects.
- YepCode - All-in-one platform to connect APIs and services in a serverless environment. It brings all the agility and benefits of NoCode tools but with all the power of using programming languages. The free tier includes 1.000 yeps.
24. Awesome Algorand
Other Development Tools / Smart Contracts
- beaker (⭐99) - A tool for smart contract development on the Algorand blockchain. Inspired by
Projects / Wallets
- AgorHash (⭐3) - Public, permissionless, decentralized and uncensorable free speech protocol.
25. Awesome Agi Cocosci
Problem Solving / Planning
- Learning to act by integrating mental simulations and physical experiments - CogSci'21, 2018. [All Versions].
Meta-Level Considerations / Marr's Levels of Analysis
- From understanding computation to understanding neural circuitry - Neuroscience Research Program Bulletin, 1979. [All Versions].
Meta-Level Considerations / Rationality
- Rational Use of Cognitive Resources: Levels of Analysis Between the Computational and the Algorithmic - Topics in Cognitive Science, 2015. [All Versions]. An earlier version of the paper above.
Commonsense / AI Commonsense Reasoning
- Human-like property induction is a challenge for large language models - CogSci'22, 2022.
Courses / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Introduction to Program Synthesis - MIT. Armando Solar-Lezama's elementary course on program synthesis.
UCLA / Commonsense Knowledgebase
- Tao Gao - Department of Statistics, Department of Psychology, UCLA, Visual Intelligence Lab - UCLA.
- Hongjing Lu - Department of Psychology, Department of Statistics, UCLA, Computational Vision and Learning Lab (CVL) - UCLA.
26. Awesome Sre
Monitoring & Observability & Alerting
Service Level Agreement
27. Awesome Zsh Plugins
Zinit (né zplugin)
- BlaCk-Void-Zsh (⭐346) - 🔮 Awesome, customizable Zsh Starter Kit 🌠🌠. Includes powerline, fzf (⭐68k) integration, Weather and image viewing in some terminals.
Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only
- fuzzy-wd (⭐2) - Adds fuzzy search for directories warped with the WD (⭐177k) plugin.
- git-fuzzy (⭐2.4k) - A CLI interface to
that relies heavily on fzf (⭐68k).
- git-worktree (⭐24) - Wraps some
git worktree
operations for simplicity and productivity. Includes fzf (⭐68k) tooling.
- last-working-directory (⭐8) - Broken out copy of the version in oh-my-zsh. Keeps track of the last used working directory and automatically jumps into it for new shells.
- media-sync (⭐0) - A plugin to facilitate copying media between two
- mysql-colorize (⭐106) - Adds color for
- mysql (⭐17) - Adds some functions for dealing with
- node-path (⭐5) - Automatically adds the
bin of your current directory to your$PATH
- nodenv (c-uo) (⭐0) - Looks for
in your working directory and loads it when found.
- npms (⭐8) - Utility powered by fzf (⭐68k) for using npm scripts interactively. Requires fzf (⭐68k) and jq.
- peco-history (⭐123) - Search shell history with Peco when pressing
- pip-env (⭐4) - Automatic pipenv activation upon entry into a
- project (gko) (⭐20) - Create node/python/ruby projects both locally and on GitHub (private or public repository).
- rbenv (meroje) (⭐2) - Inspired by (⭐2.3k), makes it easier to work with ruby
- session-sauce (⭐29) - An fzf (⭐68k) interface for tmux session creation and management for all your projects.
- zpy (⭐88) - Manage Python environments, dependencies, and isolated app installations, with a ZSH frontend for uv (⭐42k) or pip-tools (⭐7.8k).
Completions / superconsole - Windows-only
- aws_manager completions (⭐2) - Add completions for the
- brew-services (⭐19) - Completion plugin for homebrew services.
- cabal (d12frosted) (⭐0) - Adds autocompletion for cabal.
- carapace (⭐531) - Completion generator for Bash, Elvish, Fish, Oil, Powershell, Xonsh and ZSH. Note - this does not automatically generate completions as needed, you have to explicitly run it to generate completions for a command.
- cargo (⭐30) - All the functionality of the original oh-my-zsh cargo completion, with additional support for remote crates via
cargo search
incargo add
- kubectl-fzf (⭐450) - Fast and powerful fzf (⭐68k)-powered autocompletion for
- kubectl-plugin (⭐12) - Generates
completion scripts to extend thekubectl
auto complete functionality to accomodate for plugin sub-commands.
- rancher (⭐9) - Add completions for the Rancher CLI.
- test-kitchen (⭐7) - Add completions for Test Kitchen (⭐1.9k)).
Themes / superconsole - Windows-only
- codemachine (⭐6) - Displays decorators for
info, whether you're logged in viassh
, and the return code of last command.
- tarcadia (⭐3) - Based on jonathan (⭐177k). Includes decorators for current directory and
28. Awesome Connectivity Info
Global Connectivity Indexes
- GSMA Mobile Connectivity Index - (2023) Measures countries against four enablers of mobile internet adoption: Infrastructure, Affordability, Consumer Readiness and Content.
- Inclusive Internet Index - (2022) Index sponsored by Meta measuring internet connectivity against Availability, Affordability, Relevance and Readiness.
Connectivity Maps
- GSMA Mobile Network Coverage Maps - Taken offline in April 2024.
Periodic Global Connectivity Reports
- Ericsson Mobility Report - (Q2 2024) (2024) (Jun 2023) (Nov 2022) (Jun 2022) (Nov 2021) (Q2 2020 Update) (Jun 2020) (Nov 2019) (Nov 2018) (June 2018).
29. Awesome Blazor
Component bundles
- FAST (⭐9.4k) -
FAST is a collection of technologies built on Web Components and modern Web Standards, designed to help you efficiently tackle some of the most common challenges in website and application design and development. FAST & Blazor documentation.
- Nevron Open Vision Components for Blazor -
Diagram, Chart, Text Editor, Gauge, Barcode, and User Interface components for Blazor. Demo.
Videos / Others
- Test the new Blazor experimental tutorial INSIDE Visual Studio -
June 29, 2022 - Grace Taylor from the Visual Studio team joins James to talk about a new experiment that they are running to improve tutorial inside of Visual Studio! Their first experiment is going to help developers get started learning and building web apps with Blazor. Install Visual Studio, and you may have the opportunity to test out this new experimental feature from the team.
Articles / Others
- Uno Platform Does WebAssembly Threading Months Ahead of .NET 7 - June 29, 2022 - Uno Platform Does WebAssembly Threading Months Ahead of .NET 7, by David Ramel for Visual Studio Magazine.
- Blazor Posts Biggest Gain in WebAssembly Usage: Report - June 24, 2022 - Blazor Posts Biggest Gain in WebAssembly Usage: Report, by David Ramel for Visual Studio Magazine.
30. Awesome Mac
Reading and Writing Tools / Office
- Keynote - Build stunning presentations.
- Microsoft Office - Unmistakably Office, designed for Mac.
- Numbers - Create impressive spreadsheets.
- Pages - Documents that stand apart.
- SoftMaker Office - A complete office suite that aims for full compatibility with Microsoft Office documents.
Reading and Writing Tools / Note-taking
- Notebook - Note-taking app.
- Notion - All-in-one workspace for notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.
Reading and Writing Tools / Others
- UPDF - Free PDF editor for reading, annotating, and editing PDFs.
Developer Tools / Developer Utilities
- PushMate - Solves common push notification problems on macOS.
Developer Tools / Version Control
- Gitbar (⭐361) - Open-source,display GitHub contribution statistics on your menu bar.
Developer Tools / Virtualization
- QEMU - A free and open-source emulator and virtualizer that can perform hardware virtualization.
Developer Tools / Databases
- pgModeler - pgModeler is an open source data modeling tool designed for PostgreSQL.
Design and Product / Design Tools
- ScreenToLayers (⭐155) - Easily export your screen into a layered PSD file.
Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing
- Mp3tag - A powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files.
Audio and Video Tools / Audio Record and Process
- GarageBand - A free Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) from Apple,providing a simple interface and professional level audio production functions.
- Logic Pro X - A professional Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) from Apple,providing complete audio production functions along with high quality native plugins and soundtracks. With native Apple Silicon support.
Input Methods / Audio Record and Process
- Touch Emoji (⭐52) - Emoji picker for MacBook Pro Touch Bar.
Browsers / Audio Record and Process
- Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge, based on Chromium, but built by MS
Translation Tools / Audio Record and Process
- DeepL - Best quality translations
Security Tools / Audio Record and Process
- LuLu - LuLu is the free macOS firewall that aims to block unauthorized (outgoing) network traffic.
Utilities / File Organization Tools
- Keka - File archiver for macOS. Compression: 7Z, ZIP, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ LZIP, DMG, ISO. Extraction: 7Z, ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZIP, BZIP2, XZ, LZIP, DMG, ISO, LZMA, EXE, CAB, WIM, PAX, JAR, APK, APPX, CPGZ, CPIO.
- Marta - File Manager for macOS written entirely in Swift
Utilities / Productivity
- HazeOver - App that dims your background app windows so you can focus more on your main task!
- nnScreenshots - A super easy way to keep a visual record of your productivity to make it easier to fill out timesheets or just to help you review the day. Built in timesheet editor.
- SensibleSideButtons - Use the side buttons on your mouse to move forward and backward in many apps, like in Windows.
- Strategr - No-fuss time management app. Stategr helps you maximize your productivity, giving you the quickest and most effective way to time-box your day.
31. Awesome Vite
Vue / Helpers
vite-plugin-vue-static-sfc (⭐1) - Serve ".vue" files as static assets.
Open Source / Community
- Ladle (⭐2.7k) - Tool for developing and testing component stories powered by Vite and React.
32. Awesome Zig
- fubark/cosmic (⭐347) - GUI toolkit.
Misc libraries
- natecraddock/ziglua (⭐315) - Bindings for the Lua C API.
Web / Messaging
- karlseguin/websocket.zig (⭐350) - A WebSocket implementation.
Parser / Package managers
- sreehax/zig-ini (⭐6) - .ini parser.
- Nulo/ini-parser - .ini parser.
Other / C++
- All Your Codebase - Development status of Zig and its' ecosystem.
33. Awesome Vue
Resources / Community
34. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Planning Coding Resources / Python
- Pandas - Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more.
- Arcpy - ArcPy is a Python site package that provides a useful and productive way to perform geographic data analysis, data conversion, data management, and map automation with Python.
- ArcGIS Python API - The ArcGIS API for Python is a powerful, modern and easy to use Pythonic library to perform GIS visualization and analysis, spatial data management and GIS system administration tasks that can run both interactively, and using scripts. This library enables easy use of pandas within the ArcGIS platform.
- Partridge - Partridge is a Python 3.6+ library for working with GTFS feeds using pandas DataFrames.
- Pandana - Urban network analysis library intended to help planners compute quick accessibility metrics or shortest paths. Additional Information: License: AGPL-3.0 License: Provider: UrbanSim Inc. (UDST).
- UrbanSim (⭐491) - UrbanSim is a platform for building statistical models of cities and regions. These models help forecast long-range patterns in real estate development, demographics, and related outcomes, under various policy scenarios. Information: License: BSD License: Provider: UrbanSim Inc. (UDST).
- Pybikes (⭐572) - Pybikes provides a set of tools to scrape bike sharing data from different websites and APIs, thus providing a coherent and generalized set of classes and methods to access this sort of information.
- Leafmap (⭐3.3k) - Leafmap is a free and open-source Python package that enables users to analyze and visualize geospatial data with minimal coding in a Jupyter environment. Leafmap's interactive GUI allows no code layer management and analysis including a powerful analytical backend (i.e., WhiteboxTools). Additional Information:, JOSS Article, Medium Article.
- Prettymaps (⭐12k) - A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data.
- HerePy (⭐83) - A library that provides a Python interface to HERE APIs.
- StreetTraffic (⭐28) - StreetTraffic is a Python package that crawls the traffic flow data of your favorite routes, cities by using the API provided by HERE.
- PySAL - The Python Spatial Analysis Library is a collection of algorithms for exploring spatial correlations and other spatial relationships.
- city-seer-api - A package for pedestrian-scale network-based urban analysis: network analysis, urban morphology, land use, accessibility, and statistical aggregations.
Planning Coding Resources / R
- ggplot2 - Resource for plotting a wide range of data (useful for visualizing survey data). Additional Information: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
- leafgl (⭐271) - R package for fast web-gl rendering for leaflet maps.
Platforms and Software Resources / Geospatial Data and Visualization
- QGIS - This open source GIS suite allows users to create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information on Windows, Mac, Linux, BSD and mobile devices.
- - Kepler is a data agnostic, WebGL empowered, high-performance web application for geospatial analytic visualizations. Additional Information: API Reference.
- flowmap-blue - Create geographic flow maps representing your data published in Google Sheets. Visualize numbers of movements between locations (origin-destination data).
- ScapeToad - ScapeToad is a cross-platform, open-source application designed to adjust the size of polygons based on some attribute. Use a shapefile as input and output to generate cartograms, geometries whose sizes are distorted based on data.
- BlenderGIS (⭐8k) - BlenderGIS is a free and open-source add on for Blender which allows users to explore, query, and visualize data directly through Blender's GUI.
Platforms and Software Resources / Public Engagement Tools and Platforms
- PollEverywhere - Provides the ability to generate polls and questions for interactive engagement on multiple platforms.
- NJTPA Engage - Database of 300 + public engagement tools, techniques, and software. Searchable on multiple levels.
- Ushahidi - Open-source crowdsourced mapping tool with the aim to empower communities around the world to tackle their own problems by collecting citizen input.
- Social Pinpoint - Social Pinpoint is a proprietary digital public engagement tool that allows users to give feedback and share their inspirations through interactive maps, surveys, participatory budgeting exercises, and idea wall forums.
- Hello Lamp Post - Hello Lamp Post is a proprietary text and SMS-based on-street public engagement tool that uses physical signage and mobile devices to get citizen feedback, improve wayfinding, promote local events and services, or provide creative educational content.
- Maptionnaire - Provides map-based tools for designing questionnaires, collecting survey data, and conveying information.
35. Awesome V
IDEs with V / Vim
36. Awesome Game Engine Dev
Libraries / BASIC
- 🎉 Basics Page - Comprehensive list of BASIC languages.
Libraries / Go
Libraries / Java
- 🌎 Java - General-purpose language, runs on Java virtual machines. [GitHub]
Libraries / Kotlin
- 🌎 Kotlin - General-purpose language, interoperates with Java. [GitHub (⭐48k)]
Specialty Topics / Lighting / Shadows
- Gamma
- 📚 What Every Coder Should Know About Gamma - Light emission vs perceptual brightness.
Specialty Topics / Shaders
- 📚 3D Game Shaders For Beginners 🔥 - Shaders to improve your games. [Source (⭐17k)]
Specialty Topics / Signed Distance Fields
- 📚 2D SDFs - Signed distance functions for basic 2D primitives.
Tools / Software / 2D Game Dev
- 🆓 ShoeBox - Drag & drop tools for sprite sheets, bitmap fonts, texture ripping, tile maps and more.
Tools / Software / Level Editors
- 🆓 Radiant - Cross-platform level editor for idTech games. [Source (⭐580)]
Tools / Software / Voxel
- 💰 Ken Shape - Draw in 2D, set the depth for each pixel and generate 3D models!
Video Game Assets / Audio Assets
- Music
- 🆓 BandLab Sounds - High-quality loops and packs used for music creation.
- 💸 Bensound - Original music tracks, free with attribution. Perfect for games.
- 💸 Incompetech - Nice collection of game tracks. Buy or attribution required.
- 💸 Melody Loops - Nice mix of free and affordable music loops.
- 💸 Soundimage - Looping music tracks for videogames. Buy or attribution required.
37. Awesome Rust
Applications / Productivity
- espanso (⭐11k) - A cross-platform Text Expander.
Applications / Utilities
- mprocs (⭐1.6k) - TUI for running multiple processes
38. Awesome Developer First
Reports Generation
39. Awesome Ebpf
Projects Related to eBPF / Tools
- TripleCross (⭐1.8k) - A Linux eBPF rootkit with a backdoor, C2, library injection, execution hijacking, persistence and stealth capabilities.
40. Awesome Selfhosted
Software / Archiving and Digital Preservation (DP)
- LiveStreamDVR (⭐365)
- An automatic Twitch recorder capable of capturing live streams, chat messages and stream metadata.MIT
Software / Calendar & Contacts
- Xandikos (⭐457) - Open source CardDAV and CalDAV server with minimal administrative overhead, backed by a Git repository.
Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems
- Shhh (⭐396) - Keep secrets out of emails or chat logs, share them using secure links with passphrase and expiration dates.
- Zulip - Zulip is a powerful, open source group chat application. (Source Code (⭐22k))
Software / Communication - IRC
- InspIRCd - Modular IRC server written in C++ for Linux, BSD, Windows, and macOS. (Source Code (⭐1.2k))
Software / Learning and Courses
- Dalton Plan - Dalton Plan is a modern adoption of a free teaching method developed by Helen Parkhurst in the 20th century. (Source Code)
Software / Search Engines
- ZincSearch - Search engine that requires minimal resources (alternative to Elasticsearch). (Demo (⭐17k), Source Code (⭐17k))
41. Awesome Kotlin
Libraries/Frameworks / Coroutines
- soywiz/korio (⭐1) - Korio: Kotlin cORoutines I/O: Streams + Async TCP Client/Server + Virtual File System for JVM, Node.JS and Browser.
Libraries/Frameworks / Validation
- LeoColman/SimpleCpfValidator (⭐25) - Simple Brazilian taxpayer document (CPF) validator
Libraries/Frameworks / Misc
- TicketmasterMobileStudio/actions-on-google-kotlin (⭐119) - Port of official Node.js SDK to Kotlin. Complete with all features and tests and nearly identical API.
Libraries/Frameworks / Graphics
- Jonatino/JOGL2D (⭐28) - Zero-overhead 2D rendering library for JOGL using Kotlin.
Android / Tools
- kiruto/debug-bottle (⭐855) - Debug Bottle is an Android runtime debug / develop tools written using kotlin language.
- didi/booster (⭐4.9k) - Booster is an optimization toolkit for Android applications
42. Awesome Quantum Computing
Development Tools
- Covalent (⭐687) - Framework for distributed computing on heterogeneous infrastructure from CPUs to GPUs to quantum computers.
43. Alternative Internet
Cloud and storage
- Peergos is a peer-to-peer and end-to-end encrypted global filesystem with fine-grained access control. Provides a secure and private space online where you can store, share and view your photos, videos, music and documents. Also includes a calendar, news feed, task lists, chat and email client. Open source licensed. Can be self-hosted.
Collaborative Web Editors
- CodiMD (⭐9.2k) is a collaborative Editor based on Markdown. CodiMD is the free software version of HackMD, pads are shared via URL and provide additional functionality like editing permissions based on login status and a presentation mode (with reaveal.js).
- WikiSuite: While Wikipedia is the broadest unified body of knowledge, WikiSuite is the most comprehensive and integrated Open Source enterprise solution. WikiSuite is especially suited to knowledge-centric organizations and offers most (80%+) of the data and information management features all organizations need. Key components include Virtualmin, Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware (aka TikiWiki), Jitsi Meet, MeshCentral, Syncthing and Manticore Search.
- Skywire (⭐72) is the Skycoin Project's communication primitive (analogous to MPLS, open-flow, TOX, mesh networking, darknet, i2p) that facilitates mesh networking both on traditional internet service provider infrastructure, and on individually owned wifi and radio equipment, allowing for a phased, incentivized approach to decentralization. Skywire Overview |
Social Networks
- Aether Reddit-like communities run on a p2p network that hides your IP.
- GNU social (previously StatusNet) is a continuation of the StatusNet project. It is social communication software for both public and private communications. It is widely supported and has a large userbase. It is already used by the Free Software Foundation.
- Dendrio is a video distribution network that leverages the peer to peer WebRTC protocol to transfer website content between browsers. This allows us to make data downloads faster for users but without any installation requirements. For website owners, we are trivial to set up, and are transparent to existing CDN setups. Our technology is geared towards streaming video and we support a multitude of different video formats and players.
44. Awesome React Components
Form Components / Star Rating
- react-rating (⭐300) - demo - Zero-dependency, highly customizable rating component.
45. Awesome Neovim
Utility / Diagnostics
- xiyaowong/link-visitor.nvim (⭐46) - Let me help you open the links.
- sitiom/nvim-numbertoggle (⭐164) - Neovim plugin to automatically toggle between relative and absolute line numbers.
Neovim Lua Development / Diagnostics
- kkharji/sqlite.lua (⭐509) - SQLite/LuaJIT binding for Lua and Neovim.
Session / Diagnostics
- olimorris/persisted.nvim (⭐475) - Simple session management with Git branching, autosave/autoload and Telescope support.
- Prev: Jul 11 - Jul 17, 2022
- Next: Jun 27 - Jul 03, 2022